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ATotalOfNine's picture

Back story:

Had my minivan in the shop 3 months ago to have a nail removed from my tire and have it patched. One month later, my tire is losing air again. I take it back to the shop. Same tire has another nail. But get this, I also have a screw in another one and a slash in a third. Awesome. Just give me 4 new tires because I have nothing better to spend my money on and I have to deliver oldest skid and all of her shit to college the next day.

I take my BD16 to dmv to get her permit, because I'm not stressed out enough yet due to dealing with 3 skids and bio-kids. I need a 3rd child to add to our insurance!! On my way there, my tire pressure light comes on. After DMV, I take it to the shop, where lo and behold, ANOTHER EFFIN' NAIL!!!

I have no enemies. Hell, I don't have any friends to turn into enemies. My ex lives 3000 miles away. And BM lives 2000 miles away. I live in the middle of NOWHERE, a quarter mile from the road. And the only person I know of that hates me more than I hate myself is my SD17.

Our other 5 cars NEVER have issues, including princess' truck. I don't drive near construction sites. And I park completely separately from all of our other vehicles. We have outside dogs and goats that bark at anyone and everyone that doesn't live in our house.

I have a hard time believing that it is statistically possible to be that unlucky. Would a skid really be that vindictive?


not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

It is theoretically possible because DH's car got a total of five nails... in the same tire! over a one month period.

I'd put a camera somewhere on it just to see but yes... as unlikely as it is, it's possible.

However, still be safe and nannycam that thing!

Purplemom's picture

Yes, yes they would. Get s nanny cam stuffed animal and leave it on your dash, and do tire inspection every day... see what you find!

Aeron's picture

If it were just repeated nails in a tire, I would tell that it is statistically highly improbable, but technically possible. When you throw in a "slash" on a tire... No, not so much.

Yes, stepkids would be that vindictive. Put up a camera. Do tire inspections when you get home and before you leave. Check the area where you park in case someone "spilled" a 'random' box of hardware.

Remember - you aren't paranoid if they're really out to get you.

Annanymous's picture

One or two, I'd say what bad luck, but at this point, it is obvious someone is doing this to your vehicle. Put up cameras but do not tell anyone you are doing it.

Also, every dollar I spent on fixing or replacing my tires would be mentioned loudly and clearly at dinner as coming out of what the family can afford towards the children. That money has to come from somewhere, and to me, it comes out of potential extras for members of the family. Bu-bye new shoes. Sad aww me so sad not to buy you stuuuuff... but this is life huuuuuh

dontcallmestepmom's picture


My DH's kids are very vindictive and nasty, and I would not put it past them (moreso his daughter) to do something like this. So, I definitely think something is very odd here. If you had said there was construction or a road being fixed, I would think it could be that. BUT, combined with a screw and a slash-something is wrong. You are not being paranoid.

RedWingsFan's picture

You're not paranoid at all. If possible, set up a camera. Might be time to dish SD some of her own medicine and throw some nails her truck's way...