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My hypocrisy!

Willow2010's picture

I just realized that yesterday was our 4 year anniversary. DH and I both forgot!!

BUUUT…I am kind of butthurt that DH forgot. I mean really!! How dare he?!! Lol to bring it up and make him feel bad about


stormabruin's picture

Make sure you're the first to mention it & let him know you didn't forget. You were just waiting to see if he'd remember. Make him feel like you were waiting on pins & needles all day yesterday.

If you can manage a few tears, it'll be helpful. If you can't squeeze 'em out, squirt your face with a spray bottle before you approach him. Smile

snoopyinoz's picture

Don't feel bad. DH and I did the same thing. We both swore that our annivassry was yesterday but nope it was Tuesday.