Oh really BM are you that dumb? Is it even possible?
So SS9 went home sick from school yesterday on SO's time, turns out he has strep. He can't go back to school for 48 hours, today is BM's time and she has to work plus an appointment she couldn't miss this morning. SO can't watch him either. I happen to have the option from working from home if needed, which has been relied on heavily for sick child care in the past.
BM assumes I will watch him, SO tells her he will not ask me after the way she yelled at me. So BM texts me to ask if I will watch him. In the text she says there is no one else she trusts to take care of him when he's sick cause she knows I love him. I do not respond to her but I did tell SO I will watch him.
But then today I find out from a coworker of hers (I helped her get a job with a friend of mine) that the appointment was to apply for legal aid to try to go to court because she wants to have the option to keep SS9 away from SO if he allows SS9 to spend any time with me alone during his parenting time or if we should have a child together as she feels that might negatively impact SS9 financially and emotionally.
This is dumb because #1- You are allowing SS9 to spend time alone with me and sent me a text saying there's no one else you trust to take care of him when he's sick, #2 We are not planning to have a child together and #3 If we were planning to have a child together, I seriously doubt you can keep a child from its parent just because there is a sibling, I would think there would have to be some kind of abuse or something to reduce parenting time.
So good luck with that one BM.
- Yosemite's blog
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She sounds like a gem.
She sounds like a gem.
Yep she's a rhinestone all
Yep she's a rhinestone all right. Gawdy and fake as hell, that's her.
I am. I personally wouldn't
I am. I personally wouldn't leave my kid with someone I was planning to go to court to keep my kid away from but that's just me. And then to leave written proof of it, soooooo dumb!
Yeah, she kind of shot
Yeah, she kind of shot herself in the foot with that one!
They have 50/50 so BM took
They have 50/50 so BM took him to school yesterday but it was SO's turn to pick him up from school and keep him overnight. However he was sent home early cause he was sick. SO picked him up and took him to the dr yesterday. BM was notified by the school at the same time SO was but SO went cause it was his day. Of course SO called BM to tell her it was strep and that he can't go to school for 48hrs. If he were not sick today, SO would have dropped him off at school and BM would pick him up. Instead he stayed with me.
One would assume that since
One would assume that since they know its strep... that they went to the doctor. Unless they have magical diagnostic power, or a medical lab in their house...
And since mom asked if OP could keep SS while he was sick and on a 48 hour hold from school.... one would also assume dad told her when they took him to the doctor....
These BM's are really out
These BM's are really out their f'ing minds!!!! Shouldn't she have been tending to her sick kid?????
There is a great app called
There is a great app called SMS backup that backs up all of your texts to your gmail.
Save the texts. If what you were told is true, she's effing nuts.