Any updates from just.his.wife?
I've been checking for update on from just.his.wife on what happened after BM instigated the audit at her office. I haven't seen anything in a week or so. I'm hoping everything thing turned out ok, especially since she has the awesome fellow Step Talker boss. I'm also hoping BM ends up in jail again for this fraud!
Nothing new in my life, blissfully no SD and no BM for nearly a year+. SD19 and her boyfriend continue to enjoy a drug fueled existence and we haven't seen or heard from them since Christmas. DH has already stated he has no desire to see them after last year's awful family Christmas scene with SD19 (who was high) and her boyfriend (slightly less high and first time to meet DH's side of family), so a few gift cards will be mailed in advance of Christmas to places for food (so she can't buy drugs with them) and we will visit MIL and FIL early Christmas morning. SD19 doesn't know it yet (and likely won't for a long-time), but we have sold our house and will be moving just before Christmas so she likely won't be able to find us whine about presents and her need for financial support. DH has totally lost his daddy-goggles (dropping out to do drugs, has that effect sometimes) so I'm not really worried that any amount of whining will work at this point anyway.
- brutallyhonest's blog
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The audit determined my
The audit determined my company had overpaid taxes on two different years, far prior to JHW starting work for me.
(JWH is up to her ears right now doing the quarterly close to pay even more taxes, thus why I am answering, or you would be waiting until Friday for her to have time to do it.)
I sicced my company attorney on JHW's BM. That I know of the Department of Revenue will also be pursuing charges of malicious reporting. Their issue is criminal, mine is civil. Perhaps between the two cases this BM will be too busy to cause JHW any angst for a few weeks.
Thanks SASX for the update.
Thanks SASX for the update. That is totally awesome that your company will get a refund and that BM is in serious hot water. So like kharma to find you overpaid taxes when a malicious audit is filed.
I hope JHW's BM continues to get what's coming to her.
I am not holding my breath
I am not holding my breath for that refund LOL. The state is really quick to demand their money not so timely when they owe you!
Thank you for the compliment.
Thank you for the compliment. Honestly though, my initiating litigation against JHW's BM is self serving.
1) Her stupidity is distracting my employee. As as result of the distraction she (BM)is costing my company revenue. No matter how hard JHW attempts to leave her personal life at the door, when the BM has personal problems kick down the front door and enter the work place it does cause a distraction, it has to, I do not see any human way it could not.
2) The woman went after my baby. I built this business from the ground up and her efforts at aggrevating JHW had one outcome I do not believe that BM expected. She pissed off JHW's employer at her (BM) not at JHW.
You do not attack my business and livelyhood with false accusations and walk away unscathed.