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lazy means gifted now?

iamlosingit's picture

 SS had homework yesterday, dh was "helping" him again. (no not a book report again, thank god)

Dh was helping ss with a question, when ss went to write the answer down, dh made him erase it and re-write it saying "come on bud, why are you rushing through this? You can barely read your answer you have to slow down when you write". 

ss "I juss want to get it done so we can pway" (arrrg...again with the 'pway'/play, 'dwink'/drink, 'juss'/just, etc *dash1*)

dh "are you bored? Is that it? regular school is boring you, do you need to go to a harder school?"

Yes, DH....the child that is 10.5 and still "baby-talks", who clearly stated he wanted to hurry and finish to "pway" is "bored with school because he isn't challenged enough"  no, it has nothing to do with him being a normal kid and wanting to rush so he can do something means he must be "gifted".

Then dh went into the ever typical 'other parent' rant about how "ss would be doing SO much better if I was in charge and not bm"

blah, blah, blah.

He's been talking about this more and more lately....I wish they would stop focusing on bashing the other parent and focus on working together as a TEAM.  The likelyhood of him getting more time is slim to none without spending another couple grand and 'lawyering up', plus what dh doesn't seem to realize is even if he DID get more time, that doesn't mean he wouldn't still have to pay BM cs.  He still earns more than she does.

Sometimes I'm glad we don't have kids...but I wouldn't complain if ss was mine and not bm.  Sigh.



ESMOD's picture

Well,  that was a bit grasping at  My YSD rushes on things too.  She is smart and is capable, but sometimes she is just in a rush to get through things and she misses the concept being taught.  That happened in her Accounting II course where it is finally catching up to her that she can't skate by just on her existing knowledge.

TBH, it's unlikely that it is BM's fault he is having issues with schoolwork.  DH needs to work with him on slowing down.

iamlosingit's picture

Exactly.  I don't completely think it's BM fault either.  Then again, letting ss miss school to finish a paper that he had a week to finish isn't the greatest mindset to put him in.  Neither is dh "heping" so much with his homework.  I wish dh and bm could just join forces for ss schoolwork.  I see this becoming an issue the older ss gets.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Seriously? He needs to move foreward when apparently he can't even accomplish what he's already assigned?

SD9 hates homework (with a passion) her teacher stopped giving it this year, and shocker, it shows in her grades, she doesn't hate homework because she's a prodigy, she hates homework because she's a kid and it's getting in the way of her doing what she wants. She gets in a HUGE rush! She tried reading so fast at school they sent home a letter saying they thought she was dyslexic... She didn't even know left from right (literally). Once I fixed that and got her to actually read at her pace, ZERO issues with reading... In fact she's improving. 

Basically I'm just saying, kids are lazy, and them being lazy is DEFINITELY not a sign of brilliance, it's a sign of never having been forced to actually sit there and slow down and learn.

iamlosingit's picture

Exactly.  And there isn't anything wrong with "lazy", I don't like using the term but didn't know what else to use.  They are still kids, let them be kids.  Of course they are impatient to go do something else.  Worksheets are boring.  It's good to teach them they can't always do that, but to say they are "brilliant" is stretching it a little.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

I agree completely. Also I don't think there's much of  abetter word to use besides lazy. It is what it is. I get a bit more lazy when it's something I don't like sometimes too, I'm just an adult so I've learned to suck it up and push through what's necesarry, a kid just hasn't learned that yet.

hereiam's picture

If your SS were to go to a harder school, I sure hope your husband can keep up with the homework!

Maybe get him some speech thereapy, instead.

iamlosingit's picture

SS knows how to speak properly, I'm not sure if the behavior is considered "cute" at bm house? He is her only child and she does refer to him as "MY baby" a lot when talking to dh.  I'm sure he's figured out he can get away with a lot by "acting cute". 

DaizyDuke's picture

BS8 rushes at things that he doesn't like to do.  He hates spelling, so he tends to be sloppy and rush. So I try to make it fun for him and use Spelling City to make different activities and games that he can do to practice his spelling words. We've been doing this for a few weeks and he actually ASKS me to do it every week, so I think it's working. Sometimes you have to think outside of the box and you have to put a little effort into parenting.. instead of blaming the other parent and claiming your kid is too gifted to do the work.... good grief.  How did you hold your tongue woman???

Simpleton21's picture

Ugh, gotta love the excuses they give these precious children of divorce!  My SD (10) was failing math and I asked her why.  She said that she didn't understand it and the teacher kept forgetting to come and help her after she asked for help!  Um, that would not be an answer I would accept from my son who is in the same grade.  Ridiculous!  She also does the baby talk still which is so annoying and BM thinks she is super smart and that is why she is so good at manipulation...WTH!?!? No she is good at manipulation because BM and SO allow it!!!!  

Iamwoman is right, if he thinks SS is gifted he should get him tested, that will settle that!  My son did test gifted but that was after the teacher nominated him to take the test and based on his other state testing not because I decided he was so smart b/c he was bored with homework.  Most kids don't like homework and would rather play!  

queensway's picture

10 year old rushing to get homework done so he can play=gifted child sent from up above.

Only a Disney Dad could come up with something like this.

iamlosingit's picture

I snorted my coffee when I read this! *ROFL*  I know dh means well...but sheesh.  Skids aren't allowed to be "normal kids"...they must be "GIFTED!"

notsobad's picture

Have SS take this test, without DH around to help. 

It wont actually change anything but it might stop DH from making stupid remarks.

My youngest is very, very smart, he is also very lazy. The HS he went to allowed kids to work at their own pace. He finished Chem 30 in under 6 weeks and was in the top of his class. He got into the only University he applied to without his final marks in Chem, Social or Math. 

I never treated him any differently, he still had to do all his chores and if school was boring for him then his job was to help the other students who weren’t as smart as him. He never had any homework, he always finished it in class, even in HS he would do it on his spares or at lunch. That left him lots of time for TV, games and sports.

thinkthrice's picture

There is a Simpsons episode about this

I believe it is entitled "Bart the genius."   2nd episode, 1st season!

Thumper's picture

Sounds like your ss could benefit from a good speech therapist. It would not take too long and the therapist would come to the school.

OMG,,,it is very sad that are not taught to speak correctly.

Especially kids who use the awwww sound when they should use short a or short R sound. OR Wawwd for word. 

We have a good friend who is a professor at a college. Anyway their son TAWLKS like that. I have to excuse myself from the room when he is near by. Cant believe they did not find him proper treatment. 

They are not from the North East where Bostonians may have that common sound in their vowels.

Sorry a little off topic but perhaps it drives you bonkers too. 

notsobad's picture

Both my kids went to speach therapy. I was terrified they wouldn't be understood and people would think they were unitelligent because of a speach impdiment. We spent many hours working on it and it paid off.

For the longest time my youngest sounded like he was from Boston. We laughed about it and still do. He eventually out grew it and speaks beautifully now, not that a boston accent isn't lovely but not for a kid from Canada. For a long time he would help me look for my khakis whenever we were heading out.

iamlosingit's picture

It's SO selective though...I really think it is intentional on ss part.  It isn't all the time.  It's also sometimes just a few words here and there. ex: "can I have something to dwink?"  Kid....if you can say a sentence like that...say "drink" it isn't hard.  Dh just ignores it, he thinks he will grow out of it.  I try so hard to ignore it but it's like nails on a chalkboard...I don't think at any point I would ever find it "cute", even if he was 3.  Maybe it's because I've never witnesses that type of behavior before.

notsobad's picture

I would start to comment on it. Every. Single. Time.

Skid ”Can I have a dwink?” 

SM to DH “I think we should look into speech therapy for skid.”

Skid “I wov you, Daddy.”

SM to DH “I’m going to find a speech therapist. People are going to start to wonder what’s wrong with skids speech.”

Skid “I only wanted a wittle glass of juice.”

SM to DH “I hope skid doesn’t get bullied before we can get him into speech therapy.” 

I know I’m being facetious but you do need to get DH to understand that a kid of this age shouldn’t be talking like this.