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fairyo's picture

...went back to the house today for some stuff. The X had four birthday cards:  one from his sister, one from his niece (who he never sees) one from OSD and one from the grandkids. Nothing from MSD or SS. It is very sad. I know he hasn't retired- he's still working and, it seems, not having much fun. I feel a bit sorry for him... should I be doing that? I think he only brought it on himself...


ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Hang in there Fairyo, I'm sure it's rough to go back and be reminded of what was... You got this! 

He made his own choices, and so did you. He just didn't choose happiness. You can't help those who don't want it. And you can't make someone happy who's chosen against it.

DaizyDuke's picture

 It's completely normal to feel sorry for people who are being mistreated or unhappy whether they are your ex or not.  But like the others said, he made his choices, he chose this path, you can't beat yourself up for having too much love to give.  You can only feel sorry for those who are missing out.

fairyo's picture

You are so right- he's messaged me a few times in the past few days- it's as if the momentum of the house sale is finally  getting to him and he has no one to moan to except me. I have to resist this pressure to feel guilty about something he caused and even desired. Be careful what you wish for, I say.

Also I'm away with my daughter for week of relaxation and sun- I had to tell him it wouldn't be possible to contact me for a week or so, that just rubbed it in!

hereiam's picture

He did ask for this and was not the least bit concerned how it affected you. Let him go, as he so easily let you go.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

He's a big (albeit broken) boy. Let him marinate in his poor choices while you soar.

fairyo's picture

No, exJulie- he has never been a big boy, he's an idiot with no back bone. I love the idea of him marinating though, preferably as a kebab with a stick up his ....! I will keep that image of him in my mind over the next few weeks. Thankyou all you lovely ladies.