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New Advice, Feeling Lost and Stuck

VariDesk2018's picture

I'm not even sure where to start.  This will kind of be all over the place.

I very much love my guy of 3 years.  We have discussed marriage many times, and my son (9) and I now live with him in his home.  He has 2 kids from his previous marriage (11 and 13) and things have gone steadily from bad to worse.

To start, all 4 of them (I'm including the ex wife in this) have serious issues and need to be in therapy.  The kids were seeing a therapist on and off for 2 years, but they refuse to talk because their mother has insisted they aren't crazy and therapy doesn't help. Neither parent wants to take them now because they feel like their kids will outgrow these behaviors. My guy suffers from ADD and depression, and I suspect he is bipolar. His ex wife is just crazy and her entire family has stated on more than 1 occasion that there is something mentally wrong with her and she needs to be on medication, but she feels like she's fine and won't do it. When they divorced, she basically took everything away from him and he still pays her $800 a month in child support (they did the divorce on their own because he thought it would be cheaper, and he wanted out so badly he agreed to almost everything she asked for - including losing all of his savings, pension, etc).

His kids are just....awful.  They live with us every other week from Friday to Friday, and I am now to a point I start feeling anxious and sick the morning before they come over.  They are rude, selfish, lazy, demanding, mean.  Their extended family members (cousins, grandparents, aunts, etc) do not even like the kids and avoid interacting with them at all costs because they are so mean and nasty. Their grandmother on their mother's side recently said she will no longer attempt to have a relationship with them because they are so vile to her.  They won't interact with her and instead hide their faces and refuse to speak to her because their Mom doesn't like her. 

Both kids fight taking showers, and it's disgusting that neither one will take one.  We finally gave up fighting them about this.  The 13 year old has her face in her phone from the moment she wakes up to the moment she goes to bed, and refuses to do even the simplest of tasks without having a major meltdown, screaming how she hates everyone and she's going to kill herself (I'm talking putting a dish in the sink here).  When she goes out with family members, she complains about everything.  I took her and her Dad out for their birthdays to a football game and the tickets for all of us came out to more than $400.  After the tickets, shirts at the game, breakfast/lunch/dinner out, it was close to $700 I spent on the two of them for 1 day.  She told her grandmother that night that she didn't get anything for her birthday, and we owed her presents.  I was in shock.  

The 11 year old boy has a temper that is getting worse, and you can't have a normal conversation with him when he's upset.  He throws literal temper tantrums and will ball himself up and hide his face in pillows, hitting himself in the head sometimes.  He has some weird thing where he has to CONSTANTLY be around his Dad (no idea if he does this with his Mom, too) and either laying on him or holding his hand.  I got pissed off whenever he would try to come and lay down in bed with us in the mornings when he woke up, because he wanted to cuddle with his Dad.  I said there was no way I wanted a pre-teen sleeping in bed next to us, and he's old enough to not do that now.  So now he makes sure he is holding his Dad's hand whenever we go out anywhere, and I can't sit next to his Dad on the couch without the kid trying to lay all over him.

His son has been insanely nasty to his mother, and I have copies of texts from her where she said she was dropping him off with my guy because he was being violent and mean.  He has called her a money grubbing weirdo and thrown things at her because he gets angry, and she won't punish him in any way. He's pulled a knife twice now on his sister (once at each house) and both times, it was just poo-poo'd away and nothing was said or done.

Both kids are good at manipulating and having alligator tears when they don't get their way, so both parents will do nothing in terms of punishments or rules.

My son has rules, chores, set bedtime.  He has some handicapps in life, and is on medications to help with brain issues.  Because he was treated differently by so many when he was younger, he decided that he was going to be nice and friendly to everyone he encountered, feeling like everyone should be nice to each other.  My guy's kids hate this.  They don't understand why he's so happy and bouncy all of the time, think he's weird because he wants to be friends with everyone, and are so insanely jealous of him spending any time with their Dad that they have openly admitted they hate him for that alone. They both get angry and nasty with him if he wants to play with them (more so the 11 year old boy).  They will flat out ignore him if he is standing in front of them and will ask them a question.  They make fun of him for the way he dresses (he likes wearing costumes to run around in sometimes), they make fun of him for smelling sweaty when he comes back inside after riding his bike (while neither one of them move from their beds or their couch, because they are so absorbed into electronics), the way he brushes his teeth, on and on and on.

His kids refuse to follow rules, won't do chores, won't go to bed when told.  EVERYTHING is a fight with them, and they hate each other.  They constantly hit each other, call each other names, are mean to their parents.  Both my guy and their Mom have spoiled them so badly that they expect everything in life to be handed to them versus earning something, and now get angry if they tell me to buy them something and I say no. I've tried to get my guy to understand that he can't just keep going out and buying stuff just because, because it's never appreciated and always expected.

His ex wife still is unfortunately an active part of his life, and she only lives a few miles away.  She calls and texts incessentaly, emails all the time, and is demanding and rude. She will not speak to me about anything in relation to her kids because "I am not their parent" (correct, I am not, nor do I try to be), but I picked up their son from school the last year every day he was with us because he needed a ride home.  She still refused to speak to me about anything, instead she would text my guy who would ask me questions so he could respond back to her.

The kids will constantly text or call their Dad saying how much they hate their Mom, they don't want to live with her, they want to live with him full time, she never has any food in her house.  But the moment they get mad at him, they text and call their Mom saying how much they hate him, they don't want to live with him anymore, they want to live with her full time...on and on and on....neither parent will make a united front on this.  She has been emailing or texting my guy a lot over the last 2 months saying they should change the living arrangements where she has them full time, and he said that they need to go to counseling to work on all of this first.  She won't respond to that. 

This past weekend I took his kids to a family event out of state per his request.  My guy couldn't go due to work, and his parents wanted to see their grandchildren.  The girl was actually pretty decent the entire trip.  The boy, however, was not.  He was told ahead of time that he needed to share his electronics with my son and be nice and listen to me the whole time.  He refused to allow my son to touch anything of his, screamed at him in the back seat several times over different things, on and on.  He barely spoke 2 words to any family members when we got there.  He was angry we weren't in town to run and around and buy him stuff, so he moped and complained about everything.  The morning we were going to head home, we went to the beach for about an hour.  He got so angry with my son about something minor that he held my son's head under the water with both hands, and wouldn't let him come up for air.  It was probably 30 seconds total that he did this, but it was enough that it terrified my son and pissed me off so badly I wanted to smack the crap out of this kid.  He felt he did nothing wrong, saying "it wasn't that deep" and "he can't take a joke".  His Dad had a long talk with him after we got back home, but nothing was done.  His Mom didn't care about what happened.

My guy thinks I am too hard on his kids, and they aren't used to rules or being asked to do chores, and I shouldn't expect so much out of all of them.  But now that we have been living with them for 7 months, I think it's far past time that they are in couseling and be an active part of a working family. 

I do not see this getting any better without these kids and the parents going into therapy, and I am tired of always feeling like I am the bad guy.  I don't know what to do. If we move out, we would have to move back to our home state, and I feel like an all around failure.

VariDesk2018's picture

Wanted to add something, but couldn't edit.  Before we moved in, their house was constantly trashed.  The 3 of them just dropped stuff where they were, the counters were covered in papers and messes, trash overflowing, etc. I am the one who takes care of keeping it all neat and clean now, while the 3 of them barely help on any level.

Merry's picture

All of this is awful. But since he held your son under the water "as a joke" tells me all I need to know. That is abuse. You need to GET OUT OF THERE and protect your son. He is in a terrible environment.

Seriously. Get out NOW.

SteppedOut's picture

This is not going to get better. Leave now. Your #1 job as a parent is to keep your child safe... because you are living with them you are failing. 

Take care of your child mom. No man is worth putting your child through that. You have allowed this for almost a year? Shame on you. 

twoviewpoints's picture

Perhaps you might try some counseling on your own. You might find it helpful to spill all this out to a professional that could give you honest opinion of success or failure of anything ever changing in your household.

At some point you may have to take into consideration as to all this affects your own children. Pulling knives on each other? What kind of home life are you willing to subject your own children to in order to stay with this man you claim to love so much. so far, all the love in the world you have to give to this relationship hasn't been enough to overcome the problems in the home. 

Do you move across country to move in and start this relationship? I ask because you stated if you left you'd have to go back to your home state. Admitting this relationship isn't working is not being a failure. You had no idea when you moved to live with this man and his children that there was all this dysfunction and potentially unsafe living quarters for you and your children. You know now. You've given it time and a chance to improve. It's not. That's not failure on your part. 

There is nothing to be ashamed nor embarrassed about leaving a relationship that is unhealthy and dangerous for you and your children. It doesn't mean you failed. It means you loved yourself and your children enough to get the h*ll out of a very bad situation. That's not a bad thing, It's a good thing. Some counseling for your own sake may help you realize this and give you the strength to do what is right for you and your children. 

tankh21's picture

These kids sound very disturbed. You have a DH problem though. This is total BS! "My guy thinks I am too hard on his kids, and they aren't used to rules or being asked to do chores, and I shouldn't expect so much out of all of them". You should tell your DH that having rules and boundaries and doing chores prepares kids for adulthood and teaches them to be respectful and learn how to be responsible. I thought I had it bad but you seem to have it worst than me. Please talk to your DH or get out while you can.

hereiam's picture

Moving out is the best thing you can do for your son...and yourself. It is not failure. Failure would be knowing what this is doing to your health and to your son and doing nothing about it.

Maxwell09's picture

Firstly, you cannot expect the children to be anything better than what they are based off their parenting. You can't expect them to be walking saints when they've been conditioned from their environment for a decade already. Let's take the rest by paragraphs because you do have a lot to get through:

P2: This goes back to my first statement, your SO does not prioritize his own mental health so obviously his kids don't either. When kids grow up in disfunction for so long they accept it as normal. The only way to make the change their perspective is to SHOW them the difference. Bring them around other stepsiblings who love each other and get along, who display manners and sharing...SHOW them what happens to children who don't share, who hate, and hurt one another (juvie, jail, prison, etc). The most relief I ever got in this role as stepparent was understanding that I cannot care/do more for the kids than their own parents. You have two who refuse to accept their own flaws so how can they see how its affecting their children?

P3:  Have you ever had them describe themselves and their personality traits out loud? Have you tried putting on a movie and pointing out the bratty behavior of the kids on TV or the good behaivor you see from other kids in the store? Kids will reflect accordingly. All humans want to be accepted, thats basic human desire so your SO needs to sit them down and point out that they need some behavior adjustments or people are not going to want them around.

P4: The girl...easy enough. Her currency is her phone. Take the phone (because yall are the adults and she is a child) and give it back to her once she has showered and done a few things around the house like loading the dishwasher and straightening up her room then she can go hog wild on her phone for the rest of the day. Phones are priveleges that entitled children assume as needs. Nope. Be consistent and do this every single morning without giving in or skipping (showers) because if you give in once then you break the habit. 

P5: The boys relationship with his mom is something you can't fix. All you can do is make it crystal clear that it is below standard and not acceptible in your house. Pulling knives? You call the cops for that and make him suffer natrual consequences...something the adults in his life seems to keep him and his sibling from. He will do it again because he hasn't been taught it's not acceptible. Hopefully its not at school or on another student/child so he can go to jail before he hits his twenties. You can teach him now, or someone else who is a lot less forgiving will teach him. 

Skipping paragraphs down to BM: Ignore her. She doesn't need or have to speak to you about anything. And do you really honestly think anything good would come from it? It won't. They will always find conflict, they will always deflect on to you so stay out of it. If your SO wants the constant phone calls and messages to stop then he needs to set up boundaries  and enforce them.  No longer accept calls or text unless its for BM to speak directly to the kids. Any other communication should be strictly about the kids and through Email or some other form of recordable communication (our family wizard is another good one). He needs to "Ignore the whore" when she comes at him with conflict, drama and pointless conversation. When they text him manipulating him about BM and her household he needs to call them out on it each and every time. He needs to say "well you say the same thing about me and my household when you get mad over here so you probably just need to cool down and talk to your mom about whats bothering you instead of trying to run away" This guy and his ex are letting these kids play these games and it won't stop until HE starts giving boundaries and consequesnce to all three fo them. Your liife won't get better until he choses to change as a parent. Most of the time it is easier to separate and cut your loses because most people don't change...


CLove's picture

Are complete deal-breakers. Get out  now, before you get pregnant (or worse, married) with this dysfuntion. It will only get worse, it will definitely not get better. Take your loving, lovely child, and focus your energies and attention on HIM, not those disturbed, cretins,your financial resources on HIM, not those ungrateful brats and parents. SERIOUSLY.

If you have a question on what I consider deal-breakers:

1. Your SO will not back you up on anything at all. Pulling a knife on someone at 11, and its poo pooed. holding someones head under water, and its "mentioned, then ignored". Thats going to get worse.

2. You always being the bad guy, because you require rules, consistency, polite behavior and cleanliness. That gets worse in teenage years too.

3. Mental Illness. You do not need to get pregnant from this dude. And your child does not need to be around this either.

4. Needy Ex. He needs to set boundaries with her and cut her off. That will get wrose unless you set boundaries with HIM.

Honestly, get out while you still can. I think you know this in your heart, you just need to hear it read it see it. You are ot a failure if you leave, you WILL fail if you do not. Let them figure it out for themselves, let them get the therapy they need on their own, just get out.

Rags's picture

Why exactly are you in love with a "man" who is is an abject parental failure and waste of parental skin?  You need to get your child out of this toxic environment ..... NOW!!!

If I were your nearly drowned 9yo I would take a bat to this asshole's shins and give him a life long lesson and limp to never fuck with me again.  The only way to deal with a bully is to beat the bully's ass and  your 9yo needs to apply that resolution methodology in dealing with the children of his mother's poor choice of partner.

I was a very laid back mellow kid.  Once I reached the late Elementary School and Jr. High age bracket the bullies started targeting me.  I hated fighting. I don't care much for pain. So I didn't fight back and I pretty much blew them off... until .... I finally realized that getting hit hurts whether I was fighting back or not. So I started fighting back. Not only fighting back but being exceptionally brutal when I did fight back. I was never a bully but once I had my epiphany I made sure that they hurt as much or more than I did.

One had a crushed hand, one had scars from reconstructive facial surgery where his lower lip had to be repaired from the tip of his chin all the way to his bottom teeth and several likely couldn't father children.  All from three incidents and three incidents only.  It only takes standing up to a bully once (per location) for the local kid and bully community to get the message not to mess with that person.

From K through second grade my son was the target of a bully on his school bus.  This weasle of a bully escalated his targeting of my son to the point that my son had bruises on his neck from this kid choking him from behind on the bus every day.  We reported it to the Principal, the bus company, etc... to no avail. So... I taught my son how to deal with it. The bully was 3 years older than my son though not a large kid. My son, like me was mellow and completely non confrontational. 

On the last evening that my kid was this bully's victim I pulled two chairs to our living room, one in front of the other, and put my son in the back chair while I took the front.  I instructed my son to put his hands around my neck and choke me.   He started crying. The bully had so tramatized my 7yo that just putting  his  hands around my neck had h im sobbing.  So I showed him what to do. We switched places, i planced my hands around his neck and instructed him to grab my ear.  Then I instructed him that when the kid choked him on the bus the next day to grab the bully's ear as hard as he could and rip his ear off of his head. And my son did.  At least about half way off of his head.  We got called to the school the next day, the Principal and police were there, I showed them the several layers of neck bruises from the bully choking my son, the incident went away because there was a record of our complaints.  That evening there was a knock on our door and there stood the father of the bully, the bully with his head wrapped like a mummy was standing behind him, and the father tried to hand me the hospital bill. I called my son to the door and showed the father the bruises, explained that his kid was in 5th grade and mine was in 2nd and he could shove the hospital bill up his ass and closed the door.  He grabbed his 5th grader by the back of the collar and kicked him in the butt every 2nd or 3rd step they took down the street to their house.

No more bullying.

Your son can stop the bullying.  SS-11 should not like how your son teaches that lesson.

Or better yet, you and your son put this shallow and polluted gene pool fading in your rear view mirror as you move on.