Better luck next time
Well, after a super long couple of weeks skid is with his mom for a few days (just enough time to throw off the rules and how to treat people talk) twins have bruises from being shoved down by him while he steals their toys (forced dh to see what he does for himself and correct it) yet I know when he comes back it' all going out the window..I'm tired of waking up for skid at five in the morning every morning...i don' know how else to tell dh I just dondont want to do it anymore...once he is your get wakes up my Littles then everyone besides dh is up for the day...any suggestions?
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I hate putting band-aids on
I hate putting band-aids on everything but a trick I used to use for my toddler was this plug in night light called the "goodnight light" - it was on a timer and when it was a blue moon he had to stay in his room and play quietly. Once it was a yellow sun he could come out. --- Don't get me wrong at 6 am my son would come running down the hall saying "IT'S A SUN! IT"S A SUN!!" But it at least got me until 6 (vs 4am that he was waking up).
Whether or not your SS would follow the rules is one thing, but at least it would be there. Also, there is no F'ing way DH would be sleeping if me and all the kids were up- due to his kid.
Why does DH get to sleep
Why does DH get to sleep while the rest of the house gets up? Does he work shift work or something? I dont' recall whether you work or not either.. If you don't, I can see the logic of "kid care" is your "job" (including his when he is there).. but that doesn't mean Dad gets to be absentee all the time either.
It switches days but I work
It switches days but I work part time three days 9pm until 5 am weekends off but no dh is home just doesn't wake easily...a tornado could come through our room and he would sleep through it
So he's sleeping because you let him..
If you don't wake him up to care for his feral child and you do instead, he thinks it's ok.
But, given your poor toddlers are already bruised, it's probably better you do to attempt to mitigate the physical abuse they ARE recieving already.
Yeah it takes me anywhere
Yeah it takes me anywhere between 5 to 6 times just to get him out of bed then if I do manage that it' right to the couch to snooze (mind you this is usually around eleven am and kids have been fed and changed put of pjs) and around this time is when skid is going wild...I've done everything I could think of besides possibly going directly to the park with the two year olds when he wakes up I could bring baby and toddlers to park but none of them want to even be up at four or five they normally don' want to be awake until at least seven so getting them up and ready would be difficult
Here is your solution. You
Here is your solution. You get up... ready your toddlers and leave the house for a walk. Make sure to deposit his son in your bedroom with your DH and tell him. I am leaving.. you need to watch your son.
If you come home to chaos.. hold him accountable for not doing his job as a father.
This "doesn't wake easily" really means.. playing possum to get out of work. I would tell him (when he is alert and awake) that from now on you are going to give him ONE wakeup call nicely. After that you will stand over him screaming like a banshee with an airhorn and he WILL get up and not leave his child to you.
I would not tolerate the
I would not tolerate the bullying of the siblings. That is something that needs to be addressed.
My suggestion for 5AM would be that SS is not allowed out of his room until (insert acceptable time). Put a clock in there with an alarm. Maybe put together a basket of early morning activities for him to do. Coloring (those invisible ink pens and pads are great for this, no mess since he will not be supervised). Maybe a few books to read or a puzzle or two. Anything that is quiet. And add a consequence for breaking the rule. It is not fair that one child wakes up the entire house, and should not be tolerated.
Coming home from BM's is something we all deal with. It usually takes a couple days to get skids back on track and following the rules. Unfortunately not much you can do about that.
Get a separate place for you
Get a separate place for you and the littles? Seriously, I have no suggestions. If your H is going to sleep in after his kid wakes the rest of the household, the situation is grim and I've got nothing.
Please, please double up on
Please, please double up on birth control. You don't need to have any more children with this guy.
Got the implant a while after
Got the implant a while after my last child was born (wanted to get tubes tied but for some reason they said no?) Lol
They normally won't let you
They normally won't let you under a certain age as a "just in case you change your mind." Doctors don't like removing or changing healthy reporductive organs in people if they think there's even a remote possibility they may end up wanting a kid in the future.
I suppose that does make
I suppose that does make sense but after one complicated emergency c section and a breach emergency c section they would be more willing to just tie them...I even made the joke during the last one *hey as long as your in there would ya mind tying the tubes" lol needless to say no one in that or found it funny at all
I found it funny!!! I
I found it funny!!! I literally just laughed a bit.
I'm shocked that they wouldn't do it with all that. But I guess doctors have their own set of ethics.
May have been a hospital with
May have been a hospital with Catholic affiliation and they don't do it for their own moral reasons?
Oh yeah come to think of it,
Oh yeah come to think of it, it was a Catholic hospital... (closest in my area since my planned hospital was too far for emergency ) now that makes complete sense as to why they wouldn' and why they didn' laugh...not trying to upset catholics but they're so uptight! I thought it was a delightful little jest, at least I didn't make an exorcism joke*biggrin*
Honey, I mentioned it in my
Honey, I mentioned it in my email above but I have two words for you. AIR HORN. No way he would get away for pretending to be hard to wake up. Seriously, if the house was on fire I bet he would be out the door (leaving you to gather up the kids).
Tell him that he needs to get up with his son. If you ask him once nicely and he doesn't.. break out the air horn.. He WILL wake up.
I think you may be right I
I think you may be right I should invest in one anyway just based off of the weeks and weekends I've had lately.AIR HORN time to get up and take care of you kid hubby!...I bet the first time doing it he would probably pee his pants lol
Oh.. now you know you get to
Oh.. now you know you get to warn him about it.. in a nice friendly and non-confrontational way. Tell him you got something to help him get up in the AM so he can spend time with his precious little boy. Again.. one warning wake up request then a nice long
There's always
Metal pot meets wooden spoon...CLANG CLANG CLANG went the Step Mom...DING DING DING went Step Hell
ZING ZING ZING went the step brat... From the bed posts DH slipped and fell...