Snot comments from skids
My skids are so spoiled. My skid son who is 9 was talking about how he was going to be a professional athlete when he grows up (ironic since he is overweight, lazy, and below average at best on his teams) He hates running, lifting things and picking up after himself, even his own sports equipment. He said he wont be anything other than a professional athlete and laughed and said "Ill never be a construction worker, I'll never be a cook" and rolled his eyes. Yeah we will see how this goes. lol. He says he might want to run a company and tell people what to do. His grandma(also lazy and snotty) doesnt help. She generally looks down on blue collar workers and makes comments that she doesnt seem to notice are offensive. Anyone else experience these types of snotty attitudes from skids?
From the sounds of it, this
From the sounds of it, this kid would never make it as a construction worker in life either. All that hard labor and physical fitness to perform the work.
Right now he's just being a nine year old jerk running his mouth, but at the rate he's headed flipping burgers at fast food may be all he qualifies for. Would I sit and argue with the kid? Nope. Not my kid, not my problem.
So what does granny do for a living that she considers herself Bertha Better Than Thou?
Maybe if the kid gets really lucky he can find a minium wage desk job?
ss33 had this same attitude
ss33 had this same attitude for about a decade after he was kicked out of the military, he decided that all entry levels jobs were below him. During that time DH and BM completely enabled their little snowflake who was too good to go out and work like the rest of us. ss also got in a fight w/DH a few years ago screaming at Dh saying, "If you had done *such and such* when I was younger I'd be a champion _______ right now." This was a grown 30ish yr old man screaming at daddee that he should have made sure he succeed in a certain sport. DH of course cowered and said nothing but later told me that he had tried to get him involved in sports but ss had no interest. His only interests were girls, partying and skating but somehow this is now all DH's fault.
Just say, "hmmm" and walk away. No need to engage in ridiculous discussions with disallusioned skids.
He sounds like a typical out
He sounds like a typical out-of-touch with reality 9 year old. I like the idea of saying “Hmmmmm.”
Mine is only 6 so his
Mine is only 6 so his snottiness hasn't peaked just yet. I am sure it is coming though. One time coming to mind right now is when SS6 came home from DARE week at school and he was talking about smoking. I remember agreeing that smoking was bad and he corrected me saying "well my mom's doctor told her it was okay for her to smoke, and didi you know dad smoked before too" Insert double eye roll....BM refused to give up smoking while pregnant with either of her kids and told anyone that would listen that her doctor okay it so I am guessing this conversation came up at some point between her and SS and she included the fact that DH used to smoke...nearly seven years ago when he was with BM. It was a habit he picked up from his family at 15 but gave up when I told him I wasn't a fan.
Too many to mention but....
the highlights are:
SS17 (utter snob) ‘I don’t like people who work in trade’. He was reliably informed by me that DH and I’s friend who owns an electrical company earns xxxxxx amount and is extremely well off and that what someone does for a living has no bearing on their character.
SD (then15 now 16) when told I was pregnant which I subsequently lost due to miscarriage: ‘I wouldn’t see it as a sibling. I wouldn’t treat it as a sibling because it wouldn’t be’. She was also reliably informed by me that sometimes I didn’t want to see one of my sisters as a sibling growing up as we didn’t get along but guess what?! She was and there was nothing I could do to change that.
When we took them to New Zealand on holiday at considerable expense might I add, SS17 said ‘what do you mean we aren’t eating out?!!’ With a genuinely shocked look on his face on the first night when we informed him we would be cooking in at the place where we were staying.
Oh yes, sd is very full of
Oh yes, sd is very full of herself. She's going to be an anesthesiologist. She's determined. Also she is an amazing volleyball player. She just is the team's equipment manager, and only after her mother t called the coach and chewed him out for not including her.
My stepson is a bit younger
My stepson is a bit younger than yours, but he thinks he is the best! He does not yet tell us what he wants to be when he grows up, but he tells us many times each day how great he is at all activities. "I am the best video game player in the world! None of you can play video games as well as I do!", "I am the fastest runner ever!", things like this.
I called his bluff one day, challenging him to a race (I enjoy running as a hobby, and do races sometimes on the weekends, so I am ok at running). My kids joined in, too. It was all in fun, but I was also tired of listening to him talk like this to all of us. Of course he was last because he is out of shape since he sits on the sofa all day eating junk. My husband got mad at me and said I was stealing the kid's dreams. I told him that we were all tired of hearing one hundred times each day how he is better than everyone at everything when he does little.
My own kids talk about what they want to do when they grow up. One says she wants to be "a scientist like mum", another wants to be a software developer, and another a veterinarian. When they tell me this, I say, "That is good. You need to study hard and do maths well. I can help you." I think it is wrong to tell children they can do anything without telling them the work it will take. My parents always told me the work it would take to be what I wanted to be, and I made it. I think parents should do this. I think it is strange to make kids think they are best at everything without work.
My SS is the same. He is self
My SS is the same. He is self proclaimed "best at everything" and says he is too good to do certain jobs when he grows up. When he grows up he should shoot to become either a couch warmer, tv watcher, video game player or marathon junk food eater because thats what he excells at. He is overweight and loves nothing more than sitting on the couch for hours watching tv/playing video games and eating snacks. He also loves bossing his mom and sister as well. Mom caters to his every need and doesnt seem concerned that he is is overweight, bossy, entitled and lazy.
We have the same stepson!
We have the same stepson!
At least these are children
At least these are children who are making these outrageous claims. SS was in his late 20s when he declared that he was either going to be a fighter pilot in the air force or maybe a fireman. This is from someone who only got a GED because it was mandatory in the 3 1/2 years he spent in juvie for some horrible crime.
He's also an alcoholic with a long history of drug use and jail for beating up people. His was working under the table at crummy restaurants busing tables. No way he could have gone into the service at any level. Truly delusional.
And when he did have a job he lied about it. Put on FB that he was a chef at McGrill restaurant. He was clearing tables at McDonald's. Another time I heard him say he was a plumber - he had a job for a few weeks once (got fired) working as a plumber's helper.
I know I am crazy late to
I know I am crazy late to this but I had to reply. My SS16 was doing this. He’s going to be an actor. We tried to explain having a back up plan, few people, even talented make it (he isn’t talented). He even yelled that daddy didn’t put him in acting and singing classes (never asked or expressed interest anyway).
Then in we explained how my best friend was in the NFL, as were two other brothers of his and they all now work regular jobs. The shock and horror on his face. I loved having an actual person, he knew, prove our point.