Feel miserable all the time
I think my relationship has run its course but it’s so hard for me to leave. I met my current partner over a year ago. I knew he was a parent to a two year old boy but I thought how bad could it be? And have him a chance. Everything was great for about seven months I hardly had any interaction with his son, but I did get to hear him ranting and raving about his ex partner very often.
I made this mistake in rushing to live with my partner in his dad’s home. My partner took his ex back to court again and that was all he could talk about. He wondered why I didn’t want to engage in conversation about his son and court case with his friends. I have decided that I want a biological family of my own.
so we began to start trying but nothing happened. Every weekend that his son came round or should I say his exes mini me it sets me off depressed knowing I may never have a family of my own.
since my partner already has a child and a still ongoing custody battle I wonder if staying with him will get in the way of my dream of a family. My partner hardly seems bothered about the fertility appointments or getting us both healthy. I recently purchased his and hers pre conception vitamins for us (he complained he couldn’t handle the taste...I bought him a different brand which he could never remember to take. I purchased nicotine replacement lozenges do we both quit smoking to try for the baby and once again he just can’t handle the taste.
his family also talks behind my back about how lazy I am because I refuse to look after another woman’s child (I work full time in a demanding health care position some weeks I do about 52 hours) when I was doing exams for my career the would have his child screaming the house down and coming in and out of our bedroom where I was studying for no good reason. On nights where I think we’ll just relax as a couple he has his child up past 11pm to make him strawberry milkshakes, sweets, cakes you name it.
for the life of me I can’t love his child. He looks so much like his mother and has no boundaries or discipline. Am I wasting my time? I truly want a family of my own just being a step mother won’t cut it.
thanks for reading I’m a newbie poster but long term lurker I just needed some support because everyone in real life acts like you’re a monster if you don’t love their little gremlins too.
You are correct in your thinking.
Your relationship has run its course. In fact, you shouldn't have entered into this relationship in the first place. This is NOT the man for you.
You don't mention your age but I assume it is in your 20's. Here's what I would do if I were you:
1. Move out of this house and get away from this situation. Even if it means moving home or sharing with roommates. Roommates your own age would be a lot easier to deal with than a father, toddler and a partner who is focused on his ex.
2. Focus on your career. Work hard, save money and enjoy the freedom of being single and childless. Travel if you can and see whatever you can of the world.
3. Somewhere there is a person who is meant just for you, and is the perfect partner for you to have your own family without any drama of ex's or skids.
4. Your partner AND his family have shown you that they don't value you other than as a free babysitter. Your partner is still harboring feelings towards his ex, so he is not emotionally free for you. He may never be.
Get out now. Do NOT even spend another minute thinking about having a child with this man! Don't be so baby-crazy that you set yourself up (and your future children) for a lifetime of heartache. Is that what you want???
I only want the best for my
I only want the best for my future children.
I feel like my partner does not respect me, I have a very important job in health care dealing with medicine. He will often have his child in and out of our bedroom screaming his head off while I try to get some sleep because I have a six day work week ahead of me.
is it normal for a man to continually slate his ex partner if he is indeed over her? We got together about four months after they split.
yes I am 25 almost 26. I want to get married and have a family but he uses the excuse he can’t afford a wedding because he’s still paying thousands in court costs and child support. So that means he never takes me out on dates or outings.
he only wants to do out and do things on the day he has his son so all he takes me to is things like parks and McDonald’s to keep the child happy.
my partner can never remember what day I have my fertility scans and appointments. He’s even told me to get over my previous miscarriage. His family says I don’t interact with his son very well (I’m boarder like autistic so I find most interactions difficult..partner is aware of this !) and why would i automatically love another woman’s child. The child has no discipline or boundaries. I’m made out to be a horrible person for suggesting he give his son a bed time and actually put him to bed...not having the tv on full volume playing Thomas the bloody tank engine when I have final exams to prepare for
You are
NOT going ever love this child. You are Not getting anything out of this relationship. Why wast your life. GET out
It's time to move on and be
It's time to move on and be glad that you realized it so early; before 10 years has passed and it's more difficult to leave.
Right now is the best it will be, it will get worse from here on out... Don't do that to your future kids.
Forgot to also add my partner
Forgot to also add my partner shoes signs of jealousy maybe because his ex cheated. He has tried to ruin friendships I’ve had with the opposite gender. Friends I’ve had for years with zero romantic interest.
my partner also tries to get me to purchase food for his child during our shopping trips (sweets,toys , chicken nuggets) his child only eats processed crap that I refuse to cook or buy. Even when I buy myself some ice creams or fruits he will sit home with his son helping themselves to food I bought for my packed lunch for work. Am I petty for not wanting to pay for his child to eat?
ive had comments from partners friends like “you’ll bnever a good little family the child’s already premade “ and I’m expected to love the child as my own which I do not. In fact the days he’s here it’s pure hell. I don’t enjoy the step mother role. I thought we’d be able to start a new family properly but my partner is not as serious about the fertility tests as I am. He even said why should I be tested when I told him my doctors have asked him to provide a sperm sample.
if he was serious about a family with me would he be acting this way
This guy has nothing to offer
This guy has nothing to offer you!
You're a catch for any guy: You're well educated, employed in a responsible, noble job. You're child-free and young. You are clearly ambitious.
Your BF, on the other hand, has been caught and still has the hook in his mouth! Any wonder you feel miserable!
BF is a father and he still lives with his dad? Plus, he has an intrusive family, the heavy baggage of a hellion stepchild, mounting bills without the income to address them, continuing legal problems after his first huge mistake, and then he has the nerve to yammer on and on to you about his problems with his ex???
Girl, you gotta get out there and find your equal! Start unraveling from BF now -- find your own place, hit the gym, quit smoking for YOURSELF, boost your wardrobe and go find your prince! You have plenty of time to look and make a good choice.
Do it now -- don't get pregnant to a guy who is still legally, financially and emotionally wrapped up in his past! (Not to mention...living with his dad!)
When you have a kid, you want that kid to be front and center to its father -- not a mere distraction for some guy who can't get his life in order (and still lives with his dad!) He has no money for a wedding -- how do you think he'll afford all you want to give your child? You'll always be struggling. Is that what you want for your future kid?
Stop worrying about having kids -- you're young. And more importantly, you haven't done the most important thing for your future kid to be happy and healthy, which is finding a suitable father who has his own place and his life in order.
I don't know who told you this guy is the best you can do for yourself, but they're full of it! If you really want that kid, don't settle for this. Go get the best father you can find and THEN make a kid. YOU deserve it.
His excuse for living with
His excuse for living with his dad is that he’s saving for a house for us, but in the same breath he’ll say he’s buying the house for his son so why would I invest my money into a house then?
i know people on this site don’t enjoy being a step parent so why are the bio parents so deluded that everyone must also love their child.
i can see he’s not at all committed to marrying me and having a family otherwise he wouldn’t call his ex all sorts of names and talk about kidnapping her to teach her a lesson.
he managed to find a house for his ex and child but whenever I suggest we rent a house or flat to get out his fathers home there’s always an excuse.
sometimes when I hear at work about how good their boyfriends are to them it makes me a bit jealous to think he never takes me out because he’s either got the kid or working or simply can’t be bothered.
i also know he’s lied to the courts about me living with him which makes me livid. Seems like he’s not very serious about me.
ive told him honestly that I don’t enjoy his little family outings and days out because his child has zero respect or discipline. Age old story of a Disney dad letting a three year old call the shots because he couldn’t keep it in his pants.
im by all means not perfect but I come into a relationship with no baggage or crazy ex.
OK, I'm not even going to
OK, I'm not even going to address "talk about kidnapping her to teach her a lesson." OK, yes I will -- get the f**k out of there now. Who even talks about that??? He's a mess!
I'm gonna be harsh because I like you.
You have no right to be jealous of others' boyfriends when you can go find a good one yourself! You're not stuck. You don't ever have to see him again. But you do have to get yourself together, make a plan and go. Maybe you think you're not pretty enough or you're a little comfortable just settling. You are pretty enough and you are choosing to settle, so you can choose NOT to settle.
Here's what I think you ought to do. Get a budget together and figure out what you can afford for housing. Get a roommate if you must (not a guy unless he's gay) (actually, a gay guy would be perfect because he'll build your confidence) and choose a neighborhood where something's going on if you can. Then I want you to go into your closet and start chucking anything you don't need to move. Lighten your load so it's manageable. You don't have to go today, but if you get ready to go, when that moment arrives when you're ready, it will be easier.
Start thinking about all the possibilities out there. When you're not bogged down in his drama, you'll be able to think more clearly for yourself and how to get what you want.
You already decided you want a kid and you figured out all that fertility stuff to do it. You already decided to get healthier. So you KNOW how to get what you want. But first you need to find someone who wants the same thing and isn't a slug.
You will feel so much better when this guy's shortcomings aren't your problem anymore. It will be easier to stop smoking. Maybe you'll find some hobbies that are good for your health and help you meet a good mate. You'll feel prettier when he's not making you feel old and married. You're free! You're single! You're young! Go live the swinging single life until you find that perfect guy. Get a dog -- I can't tell you how many men I met at the dog park! Dogs are natural openers for chatting. And dogs help us through the sometimes lonely process of living single and dating.
We make our own happiness. Imagine how you want your life to be and make it happen. I know you can do it because you're already on this site, thinking about your future, and solving possible infertility. You clearly know how to plan. You just need to step back further with your plan to make a better start. And by the way, infertility might not even be an issue with a different man, so don't let that get in your way now.
I know women in dead end relationships have all kinds of fears about being alone forever if they leave. But you won't find anyone while you're saddled with this creepy guy, his problems, his kid and his family.
All those women you work with have great boyfriends...and all those great boyfriends have great guy friends. When you're free of this guy, people will be more likely to invite you out and you'll meet people.
So...are you gonna do it???
Thanks for all the kind words
Thanks for all the kind words of encouragement!
part of the reason I’m scared to leave is the fact that him and his family have a constant chip on their shoulders. Even his dad has made comments about kidnapping the mother and shaving her head for simply shaving the boys hair when he had head lice.
inhave gone three
i am currently saving money for my own apartment. I live in a very over priced town, but my father has agreed to help me with some costs once I have a down payment.
I am quiting smoking for myself and so far three days strong (early days but I usually smoke over twenty a day due to relationship stress and the high pressured job) i work close to a gym so I was planning to join with my work colleuge.
the worst part is we have already purchased flight tickets for a holiday next month-money I won’t get back
i used to think I was ugly but I have more confidence than before. People have often told me that I’m very beautiful so why am I with a man like this (looks aren’t the most important thing) but it’s becoming clear each day we aren’t meant for each other.
Men are committed to things they care about. He only pays me any attention if it’s for sex or to argue with me so he gets out of doing household chores.
i don’t think I can start a family with someone that was already so irresponsible to accidentally get a girl pregnant. In this day and age a man can simply wear a condom if he has doubts the partner is taking birth control correctly.
i love him but love can end. I can’t live like this forever being the step mum without any commitment of actually being a wife or having a family of my own.
This family sounds scary.
This family sounds scary. Take care and keep very quiet as you make your plan to go. Don't let him know where you'll be living.
Kidnapping and head shaving sounds rather...um...how can I say this?...unusual for Canada, US, UK or Australia. That's how the Amish handle disputes down my way, only they shave beards.
Forget about the cost of the flight. That's your lesson learned
and a small price to pay for getting on with your life. Just look forward and be safe.
They are a backwards racist
They are a backwards racist family. Even his father brags about being cruel to animals which resulted in a neighbors cat dying.
i don’t want to cause myself or my father any issues but based on how they act with my partners ex I’m not sure I’ll just be able to leave quietly.
I’m extremely unhappy here but just because his family is nuts, but because my life doesn’t feel like my own. Everything has to be about his baby and I don’t feel like I should make sacrifices and stay home every single weekend simply because my partner has to because of the child. It doesn’t feel like we’ve ever had proper time together as a couple because if the child’s not there that’s all he will talk about. I’m just not interested in seeing his first baby photos or seeing the same photos of him over and over again. Why do these men expect us to get excited over the thing they created with their ex because they were not smart enough to use a condom?
While I think your departure
While I think your departure from this situation is absolutely the right move I do not think that your statement that loving a SKid is not normal is entirely accurate. Loving a SKid certainly can be normal if the SParent makes that choice and takes the actions of love.
Love is not purely emotion or feelings. Love is choice and action. The feelings of love result from the choice and actions of love and if it doesn't then love is merely a hormonal/emotional feeling which rarely lasts for long.
IMHO and experience of course.
Run, don't walk away from this relationship. He has almost zero to offer you. No signs of committment (honestly, thank God for that at this point, this sounds like a divorce waiting to happen), no money, you don't like his kid (this will not get better and you will forever be miserable...it will probably get even worse if you actually had a kid of your own), family talks crap about you, he doesn't take you to do anything, he doesn't discipline his kid, and it's too soon after his last relationship. And don't even get me started on talking about kidnapping his ex...um, what in the actual f*ck?! There are so many red flags that I'm not sure why you would even consider having a kid with this man, much less "date" him (I use the term date loosely, since he doesn't actually take you on dates). Please stop trying to have a child with this man and get on the pill, or better yet, just stop having sex with him altogether!
You are only 25, you have so much time ahead of you to find the right person, who actually wants a relationship and life with you, who will value you and show you that relationships should be fun and adventurous. This man is not the one for you. Be thankful if you leave that you didn't end up marrying him and having a child with him.
You’re right
I won’t ever like this child. Don’t get me wrong I love kids I did work placements when I was a teenager in schools. But big but, this one is different. It’s a sign he was once in love with his ex or too irresponsible to prevent pregnancy which is a reg flag.
i want a man to be truly in love with me and our first child. He still has no idea when my appointments are or anything. He expects me to devote all my free time to staying home with him and his hellion.
Perilous.. Do not stay another moment!
Are you trying to " save " him? Like a sort of reverse " captain sav-a-ho"?
What does he give you that you cannot give yourself?
He clearly does NOT want a family and is stringing you along/using you.
You are young, moneyed and successful. There are literally thousands of eligible men in your area( just do a hypothetical statistic). You could bump into one right after you walk out of this guys life.
You’re absolutely right. If
You’re absolutely right. If he was serious he would have at least proposed and started planning a future. All he’s concerned with is his little dream of winning full custody and sitting home all day while I go out and have a career.
whennhe has his son he does no house work, house is a pigsty when I get in after 9pm. He won’t have cooked dinner cause he’s too busy with his kid feeding him chicken nuggets and cola
My dear i advise you to run as fast as you can and not look back. Im married to a divorced man with a spoilt 10 year old and the dad is ever making excuses for him. i had no idea what i was signing up for until it starred at me in the face and i was like if i knew then what i know now. marrying this guy will be signing up for a life of endless challenges, divided loyalties, limits boundaries and limited privacy. depression, resentment, anger, regrets and frustration will be your cup of tea daily. be patient,
find a man without a child, whom you can both be equally excited with about your pregnancy because it will be both your first time expecting a baby, not someone who has already gone thru it with another woman. You cannot complain about a step child to your husband that will make you out to be hateful, but if its your own bio child its no problem and you can discipline him as you see fit whereas with a step child, discipline him and he will hate you and say you are abusive. enjoy a quiet intimate moment alone with your husband and have sex anywhere in the house, spice up your sex life, walk around naked if you want, go through the honey moon phase, have that full privacy and undivided attention.
you cannot have any of that married to a man with a child. you have to be limited to having sex only in th bedroom and have the child competing for you DH attention. honey moon phase is important, it helps you create a bond and memories that will stand the test of time, it will help you get to love and know each other more. Marry a man with a child, there will be no honey moon phase you go straight to facing challenges and complications that may bring out the worst in you. You may say you love your boyfriend but it wont be worth it, you will get over it.
dont settle for a life of challenges, and being deprived of being put first and having to deal with step kids tantrums and misbehaviour meant to sabotage your marriage. Wait for that guy you will give his first child and who will give you your first child, together you will share a first child, a symbol and a fruit of your union. want better for yourself to be first. dealing with the baby mama is another stress and the step child wont be loyal to you, you dont need that.
you dont need a man who is tied to another woman for life thru their children,you dont need to be burdened with another woman's responsibility by raisin her kids. you are still young so wait and want better for yourself. if you want the best for your future kids like you say then dont let them be born in a house with half siblings who may be jealous of them or unaccepting of them and their father may even show favouritism to his first child with another woman.
I thought maybe having our
I thought maybe having our own would make me like the child more. Silly of me to think I know! Already my partner and I don’t have quality time together, we work full time and when he has days off guess what he’s doing? Pandering to a three year old. It’s like we never do anything unless he’s got the kid there then we will never go where I want (museums, new restaurants etc) because his poor little hellion wants to go the park or a child’s play area. I mentioned before that I am on the autism spectrum so I don’t enjoy places with high pitched screaming going on.
if I stay with him am i sacrificing my own happinesss for a man that was so irresponsible in his youth?
im tired of hearing about his ex and how awful she’s made his life. And the never ending court case ( he thought he’d win full custody because she gave the boy a hair cut)
anything id like to do I’m told “I can’t afford that I have court to pay for” so how would he afford an engagement ring or wedding. I deserve a man that will make me a priority. No I’m not a gold digger but I want to be treated with respect.
Ooh maybe I should give SS12 a haircut
Might make BM1 want to actually parent
Hahahaha wishful thinking I know
Worth a shot
Worth a shot
He likes to say he’s not tied
He likes to say he’s not tied for her to life. Well honey if that was true you wouldn’t be paying her child support. He had this delusion that he’d win custody and that his ex partner would pay him child support (laughable as the fat ho can’t hold down a part time job)
and he likes to say I have baggage. Where is my baggage ? I had no kids or ties to exes, no debt, I have a full time job in the health care industry. I have men calling my work place to try and ask me out on dates(that’s another story though lol) so I’m attractive and young with no baggage to speak of.
ive also found pictures of his ex in his laptop and digital camera before. I asked why because when I split with someone I delete every trace they ever existed to me. His excuse for the camera was that it was hers and he wasn’t going to give it back because he wanted to take photos of his helllion. I threw away the memory card with her photos of it away for him
can a man be over an ex if he’s still calling her a c**** ? And I picked up his phone the other day and saw that he’s been stalking her Facebook. I approached him about this and he’s used the excuse he wanted photos of his son.
my partner excuses his family’s behaviour and I have called them out on their racial slurs (I’m mixed race but i look more Latina or Spanish. Partly why I’m annoyed when people think I’m that hellions mother we look nothing alike at all. And I don’t enjoy the well my partner had this before he met me conversation it’s damn right insulting.
I dread the days he has the helllion because there will be no peace in the house and I’m expected to love on this child and sacrifice my spare time and happiness. I’ve started to go out and do my own thing when he has him. My partner has started arguments with me over it.....why’s it a schocker I don’t want to see his exes fuc* trophy ?
love them like your own is BS
Anyone who says love a step child like he is your own is unrealistic. How can you love someone you did not choose to have in your life? you choose your boyfriend and you choose your friends but a step child is forced into your life, in life they are people you just dont like because you have nothing in common or you just dont like how they are or who they are. So you cant be expected to love someone, love is not a decision it cannot be forced it is a feeling that comes on its own. you can only treat a step child with kindness and care that's enough. as for your bio child, you choose to have him, you carry him nine months, bond with him while he is in the womb, you nurse him and raise him your own way and he will forever be a part of you and he is your responsibility whether you like it or not, he will love you unconditionally and be loyal to you because you are the only mother he will ever know, you will remain his mother whether you stay with his dad or leave. So how can anyone expect you to love a step child like your own seriously? that's so unrealistic!
So true. It’s a shame
So true. It’s a shame everyone has this deluded idea that we’re meant to love step children. I can’t when it’s the spitting image of a woman I don’t find the least bit attractive. I’ve only sort of met her once and she’s as common as it gets. No eduction or class.
And I can tell the kid will end up the same as her.
I feel exactly the same as
I feel exactly the same as you.
Though I nipped it the bud and refused to hear one word about his custody battle with ex or stories about his ex wife or kid. He still tried like it was a compulsion to rant on about it- but I would lash out so badly and ended the relationship.
I don't need that sh*t and neither do you
Good for you. How did you get
Good for you. How did you get the strength to leave? If I have to hear about his son or ex for the rest of my life I’ll loose my mind.
if anyone here is thinking about dating a man with kids, run the other way. You’ll never be made a priority. Weekends will be ruined, forget spontaneous date nights and weekends away. A child you didn’t create will start to dictate your life.
i wish my partner would take the hint that no I don’t love your son or find him cute or the least bit interesting. Is there anything less sexy than a man telling you he can’t afford to take you on dates and spoil you like men should with their SO because they’re still paying off their court costs and child support?
i can count in one hand the amount of dates we have been on and we’ve been together well over a year and living together. Thank goodness I’m at work this weekend while he has little hellion. I went shopping in Oxford yesterday on my day off and my partner whinged that I didn’t wait for a day he could come (with his hellion) because any day off he has to see him. Why would I want to go shopping with his hellion? So I enjoyed a day off all to myself and went to a restaurant I liked for lunch. I’m not sacrificing what I enjoy for his brat.
The strength to leave
I am not joking about the below.
Try this exercise:
Imagine being homeless living in a box. Pay attention to how you feel. Does that feel better than living with him?
I was in a toxic relationship with a man. I was so unhappy that the prospect of living homeless rather than with him started becoming appealing. After spending three days depressed and catatonic on the couch I called a male friend who had known me for 20 years. He told me to get my ass off the couch and that the next time he sees me I should be single. He then helped me move out 1 month later.
If you have such old friends who have known you before him call them. Read to them your post. Ask for help(i know that as independent woman you might be apprehensive but remember that they know you! )
It wasn't really strength I
It wasn't really strength I found- it was rage and I was at the end of my rope.
Im like you, I don't have kids, I make my own money, travel a lot, take classes at uni part time, am reasonablely attractive, no baggage- why the F do I want to deal with his custody issues, spend time with his kid who I have zero interest in, hear stories about his ex and how they named their kid, watch him give his money in child support- all of it. What an f ing nightmare.
Since I've ended it he's trying to have me come back- he swears he won't talk about them anymore and thatvwhen he has visitations with his kid I am nit required to participate or come along at anytime.
You sound so much like myself
You sound so much like myself. I just can’t deal with the emotional baggage any more. I feel that relationships should be about the couple not third parties( children or exes)
i think he’s not being honest with wanting a family with me. He made me feel like I had the fertility issues (I’ve had scans and tests done) so maybe he’s had the snip or maybe it’s because he’s getting older and he doesn’t care about quiting smoking or eating right. His idea of dinner is ramen noodles :/
I totally agree with
I totally agree with everything your saying....i have two step kids we have them every weekend...its a right pain in the ass....you dont want to go anywhere cause all they do is moan moan moan and give out. It drives me mad. My bf gives out to me then when i say im not going anywhere with them cause there brats. Im trying to leave aswell. Its hard. Ive been with mine for 6 years. I will have to move in with my parents. I own my own home but have it rented out , so i cant live there. For another two years...its not as easy too leave as people may think. But if its going to make us happy we should just bite the bullet....best of luck...your alot younger than me you have loads of time.
Thanks maria10
I know I need to leave but because of what sort of person he and his family are I need to try and make it as smooth as possible. Last night when I got back from my day out all I wanted to do was cry when I returned home. I had a lot of time to think to myself yesterday and this man truly is not the one.
he even asked me this morning if I had any cigarettes (he’s completely forgotten I’m on nicotine replacements!) surprise surprise. If it’s not about his son or ex he just can’t be bothered to remember. At least I’m getting myself healthier, even starting to loose a bit of weight so I will look amazing in my new summer clothes.
dreading coming home to a pigsty on Saturday night when he has his little brat over. I know dinner won’t be made so it’ll be down to me to cook a nutritious meal for us both because he’s just too busy playing with his son and feeding him crap.
My test results came though
So this morning I went alone (partner can never remember when my appointments are) to get my test results. They’ve found absolutely nothing wrong with my fertility. So I asked partner if he would do his tests...cue dramatic response.
now I’m thinking everyone here was right. He’s not serious about a family with me he already has his hell spawn. Really makes me think he’s had the snip and has just been stringing me along to be his live in babysitter.
really need someone to talk to :,( I could go stay with my father for a bit till I find housing but I don’t want to be an adult living in daddy’s house.
Do not fear moving home to
Do not fear moving home to your parent's home for a while. I am 54 and do it periodically. My wife and I live upstairs at mom and dad's when we are between assignments. In 2017 one, the other, or both of us were there for nearly a year.
I am sure your dad would love to have you and for you to be home for a while until you find the right place.
Take care of you... always.
Its ok to live with your dad
Its ok to live with your dad for a while till you sort yourself out. Its totally normal. Im from ireland and alot of people here had to move back home with there parents because of sky rocketing rents here. Dont beat yourself up over that.
You need to stop overthinking this.
Just leave. When your BF is at work, take a day off yourself and just pack your things and leave. Even if it's just the most valuable/portable items. Take them and go to your father's house.
Your father will be glad to have you. I am sure your father can see right through this a**hole and has probably been wondering how long it was going to take you to wake up and dump him.
Being an adult means doing what you need to do. And if that means temporarily living with your dad (who has already offered to help you out with financials for eventually getting your own place) then DO IT! The adult way to do it is tell your dad you are in a bind, you need to stay with him for awhile while you save up money and get your own place. Come up with a plan for how long you expect it to be, and also make it clear that you intend to support his household - you will pay XX per month to help with expenses, you will clean your own space, you will help with household duties, etc.
Now just get out of that idiot BF's house and dump him. And go find the wonderful life that is waiting for you.
The other good news is you don't need to waste any more time on this site. You won't be dealing with stepdemon issues anymore.
I need to leave him quietly
I need to leave him quietly because his family is completely crazy. So I do fear for my wellbeing in leaving him. It’s such a relief to learn that I’m not infertile at all. He supposedly wanted a family with me but he’s not willing to test. I’ve had enough of the crap weekends sat in all the time while he entertains hell spawn. Partner is already threatening to kill himself (sigh) because I’ve let him know I’m unhappy and leaving him because alll he’s doing is wasting my bloody time.
Maybe he's unwilling to test
Maybe he's unwilling to test because he had a vasectomy and doesn't want you to know. Crazy, yes but is it any crazier than anything else your boyfriend or his family is saying and doing?! One of DH's friends actually went out and got a vasecetomy while engaged and did not tell his fiance. She wanted kids and he didn't so he made sure he never had them. He ended up leaving her but I don't know if she ever knew the truth.
Please leave, my heart aches for you. You have a future, this guy, his crazy family and the poor kid don't. Can you see now why his ex left him?! Go away for the weekend, take a vacation, go see some family or friends and don't return. Heck, go to work and don't go back to his fathers house, get a hotel, anything, you just have to go.
I think you’re right. He
I think you’re right. He actually just showed up at my work though to try and talk things through. Think it’s all a little too late, I’ve seen his behaviour toward commitment and that’s a sign he’s not the one.
Ok. Wow.
I have soooooo much in common with your situation. I know you know that on the outside it seems obvious, but I get why it's hard to leave.
For me, my bf has an apartment, he's completely terrified at the thought of having another child any time soon, and I do really love his son. Other than that, the bf is very focused all on his ex, spending a fortune on the legal battle, won't take me out ever until he has his son so all we do is "ride the train" or "go see the dinosaurs." When I first met him, the lack of rules was the same too. Fortunately, when I plainly pointed out that the rules he has is not in his son's best interest, he started going with what I asked him to do, which was: have a scheduled routine that they follow EVERY evening he has him including dinner (with veggies), bath time, then bed by 8. He's good about following it, unless I'm not there that evening (I have my own apartment still.)
Here's the reality: Your boyfriend's son will always be a huge part of your life. I'm not sure if this has happened, but you should have a talk with your man and say you are going to be more involved in setting boundaries and rules because it's your house too. Let him know that in order for you to feel comfortable, there needs to be a routine schedule every day, with him in bed by 7:30. That you need x amount of quiet time to study, and that he needs to support you by making sure you aren't disturbed. As far as your relationship with the boy, the fact is he will always be in the picture. ALWAYS like forever. It sounds like you're hoping having a child will take the focus off his son and redirect all to your new child. This is unrealistic and not fair to the little boy; it isn't his fault if he's illbehaved because his dad (and possibly mother) is doing a terrible job parenting. I would say it's okay to be more of a teacher and start consistantly putting your foot down when it comes to you. If he enters the room you're working in screaming, get up and say "I need quiet time," walk him out of the room, and inform your bf he needs to wrangle him so you can have your space. This will also set an example to your bf so he sees how to be a better dad. This is exacatly what I did, and the relationship I made with my bf's son is really strong. He asks for me a lot when I'm not around, and I'm the only one in his life who says no LOL. I'm convinced it's because he feels safe around me because he can predict how to be successful (this is a result of consistant parenting with firm boundaries but also lots and lots of praise for doing the right thing). I don't know his mom, but since she's the ex of course I dont' like her. The kid looks a lot like his mom too. But he and I have our own special relationship and I've grown to care about him to the point where I genuinely respect his mom for at least creating him.
If you decide to stay with him, this is my advice to you:
1. Whatever you decide on whether you continue the relationship, STOP trying to have a child with him. He is not in a place, emotionally, financially, logistically, to give you the experience you and your future child deserve. You are also not in a place to have a child with this man either. You're debating whether to be in it after all. If you're a planner, make sure you plan your child to comes in to a home and family who's ready for them.
2. Have that talk with him about rules, boundaries, and your level of involvement in terms of parenting.
3. Tell your bf the emotional toll his divorce is having on you and let him know he needs to see a counselor immediately. Yes, a divorce is rough, which is why it's unfair to unload on you all of the issues of wrapping things up with his ex.
4. Let him know being taken out on dates is important to you, so he needs to find a way to budget that in somehow. It doesn't have to be elaborate. If he complains about the cost, remind him that he made the intentional decision to start a new relationship, and therefore he needs to tend it this new relationship's needs.
5. The jealousy thing is a sign of emotional abuse. This is something else he will need to address in counseling.
I'm with the majority though, I think the best thing for you is to leave. Tell him if he addresses everything above, you can reconnect over coffee in about 3 years. Good luck!
I’ve always wanted a family
I’ve always wanted a family of my own and it’s a dealer breaker for me. If I’m not getting what I desire in a relationship I will leave.
ive tried to suggest rules and boundaries but it all falls on death ears. He had the Disney dad syndrome so there’s no rules or anything at daddy’s house. I was brought up very differently and I’d raise my children the same way I was.
And date nights and things are not his priority. I’ve mentioned dates that are inexpensive but there’s always an excuse not to mention he has zero time for me. If he’s not working he has his hellion over which means he can’t take me out to a restaurant or movie unless it’s mcdonalds or a chip shop.
is it fair on myself to stay in a relationship where my needs are not being met
i don’t know how you manage to love your boyfriends son. I don’t feel any love or emotion towards my partners son at all. I think it’s notmal to not feel love for a step child
I'm not saying don't have a
I'm not saying don't have a family. I'm just saying if you want to have a family with this man, now is not the time and it would be wise to wait.
However, this seems like it's a moot point anyway since it sounds like you've made up your mind. Leave him then. He sounds completely awful and it's a wonder you're with him in the first place.
On a side note, it isn't fair for you to say "it isn't normal to feel love for a step-child." I spent time giving you feedback to help you. Just because you aren't experiencing something doesn't mean it isn't possible. Spend a bit more time looking around here and you'll see it's absolutely possible to love a step-child. It's possible to love ANYONE. As much of a disney dad your bf is and as badly raised the kid is, you should also leave because the child doesn't deserve to be living with someone who has such misdirected anger towards him.
So many SParents marry and
So many SParents marry and have children with a prior breeder partner who is a terrible parent thinking it will be different when we breed with them. Few who make this call have a good or even pleasant outcome.
The sad part is that it is the new children that suffer the most because of that decision. They have one parent who is a quality parent and another who is a abject failure of a parent. They also see that the failed parent treats the older half sibs differently than they are treated and sadly it is the quality parent who is made out to be the bad guy.
If you do not like how your SO parents... don't have children of your own with him. If you want children of your own... find a partner who is either a proven quality parent who is on the same page with you regarding parenting or someone who will be a first time parent with you and the two of you can navigate the parenting adventure together from the same starting point. Of course have the parenting conversation with any new partner whether they have prior relationship children or not.
I am convinced that one of the key success factors that my bride and I have had in our approaching 24 year marriage is that we were at least in the same book when it came to parenting our son (my former SS-25 now adopted). We made our marriage the sole top priority and we made raising SS the top marital responsibility. I think in blended family marriages that this is nearly a universal key success factor. Those that have it succeed... those that don't... not so much.
It has worked well for us... so far.
Early in our relationship my wife once lamented not having had our son with me rather than with the SpermIdiot. I told her that though I would have loved that ... I would not have her or him any other way since her experience is part of what makes her the amazing woman I love. The same applies to me regarding my first marriage. While that experienced sucked beyond all recognition it is something that has influenced me to be the man and husband that I am. Besides, if I had been my son's biodad I would be in prison (the statutory rapist SpermIdiot should be in prison) since she was only 16 when SS was born. Alignment and working together within that framework has been critical for us.
Rags' third paragraph...
...no wiser words have been written!
One of the reasons I do not have children is because after I was married a few years, I had learned that my husband was NOT good father material. He was not a responsible, reliable nor caring husband - I didn't expect that he would do any better as a father. My desire for a child did not outweigh the facts that this man was not cut out for fatherhood. I eventually divorced him and it was much easier without the challenges and heartbreak of dragging children through it. Not to mention having to keep in contact with him for years (if not the rest of my life).
This is something many young women fail to think about while they are under the spell of "baby fever." They make awful choices for the father of their children. Unfortunately, the children wind up paying for it.
My partner expects nothing of
My partner expects nothing of me in regards to her child and neither does her family.
My wife also does not want more children after saying she did, so if she today woke up and said "lets do this" I would remember every action she had to do and be super supportive. It is crazy that you're a partner doesn't see how dismissive and rejecting his behavior is. And really he should be worshiping you and taking real care with his words and actions, since you came into his life at a point when he is putting out a lot of fires.