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Waiting on the Lawyer now....

justmakingthebest's picture

So after yesterday's news we emailed our lawyer. It is the waiting game. This is the worst.

I also found out yesterday that when we were taking the family history that BM told SS the reason she "can't work" and is on the pain pump is because of his birth. He "hit her tailbone" and she has been in pain ever since. DH told the doctors that it wasn't really what happened.... DAMN! Not only does she convince him that he is sick but also blames him for her issues. MOTHER OF THE YEAR! 

Why does the family court system suck so much?? Why are toxic parents allowed in children's lives? Why isn't there a test to have children along with a full psych evaluation? We are just starting this crap up again and I am already exhausted. Going back to court is so all consuming and stressful. I am going to need a xanex refill for this.... 


beebeel's picture

I hope you hear good news from the lawyer and FAST. The waiting game is maddening. 

young_step_mom's picture

Tell me about it, we're been at this for almost four months and we're still on phase one! Haven't even had a date for for hearing! Good luck, hopefully you guys can get this done quickly and that it works out best for SS. I think you mentioned in another post about your judge being biased? Am I confusing you with someone else? If not, I hope the judge finally sees that BM is NOT the best option for SS. 

justmakingthebest's picture

Oh yeah.... last hearing he wouldn't even let our lawyer talk. It was the most insane thing I have ever witnessed. We only get SS 34 days  a year right now. BM has blocked DH at every turn for the last 5 years since she packed up and moved out of state. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Prayers that all goes well and that toxic beeyotch loses custody. Gads, I feel sorry for SS!!

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

That's how it feels to me too... So now we're in doomsday mode... SD9 gets a cell when she leaves the house... Reportin gfood stamp fraud... Getting CS set up through the state (not because we want it...) If we make them a big enough burden to her it may outweigh her image and she'll finally leave them alone...

You got this though! Just know if the judge starts joking with the psycho... He's probably going to give her more than she should have.