Huge fight over skids I'm disengaging
Ok so I posted earlier about issues with skids and them staying up all night. I basically heard back from everyone the kids are brats and dad is a wuss.
We (FH and I ) got into a huge fight this weekend. I was annoyed with SS and his behavior. He has ADHD and was being what I consider annoying. His father told him to stop, for SS to find something else annoying to do, seconds later. After about the 4th time I told SS he was acting dumb and being annoying. Later FH told me I hurt SS feelings. Also FH stance is that is just how the kid is and he wasn't doing anything wrong. Basically I was wrong!
After saying something to correct SS misbehavior, I launched into the several write ups and detention given for this type of behavior going on in school. That I can totally see where teachers and administrators at the school get fed up. I explained to FH that just because he as bio dad is used to this type of behavior does not make it ok. Telling me the kid used to be a lot worse and that this is minor, didn't help. Then SS says "I don't care about my behavior in school, all that matters is my grades." All bio dad did was say well I care while he was basicly paying more attention to FB on his phone then the problem with his son.
Hours later when on way to a just us, couple time event without any kids is when he brought up how much I hurt his son's feelings. We had a huge argument about the bedtimes, inappropriate behavior out of 12 and 14 yr olds, etc. He said basicly I am calling him a bad parent bringing up how the oldest two didn't turn out so great. Also that skids told BM comments I made. Basically it ended with him telling me I better not contact BM and ask her to restrict the data and texting during the night. That he doesn't discipline my kids so I better stop disciplining his. I told him if my kids need discipline do it! He won't.
So where does this leave me? I'm done trying to set any rules or discipline in his kids lives. If it effects me or my kids I will warn and then take action. He needs to step up to the plate since he claims just talking to these brats will make them do the right things. He will not threaten to take anything away and even if he does he will not follow through.
I am going through with switching the boys room around. I have decided to set the switch to take place Tuesday evening. I am giving SS warning that it is going down then and he better have his room clean before then and things ready to move. SS wont have this done, but then daddy can coddle him and clean it with him. If I have to do it, it will be with a shovel.
FH still does not think it's right to make SS and SD share a room. Right now SD is at a friends for the week. Rooms will be switched by boys while she is gone. If when she comes back, even once, she keeps my daughter awake or wakes her in the middle of the night... it's adios get your ass to the other side of the basement and take all your stuff with so you have no reason to go into my daughter's room anymore. I told FH they can annoy the shit out of each other and leave my kids alone.
This weekend was to mark the beginning of no more staying up all night. FH rule, not enforced. It's 2:30pm and SS is still asleep. I don't know how late he stayed up and don't care anymore. When school starts and the detention starts, I'm simply going to tell the school daddy doesnt believe in bedtime so he is tired and moody. Give him detention, IDK! Oh and I'm not picking him up after detention either. Daddy can, or he can walk a few miles. I would love for him to have to walk but I know daddy won't let that happen.
Extra stuff for step kids, I'm disengaging. Find your own ride to or from friends house. Extra friends over at my house, nope. I let SD have a friend over and SD actually slept all day leaving friend to fend for herself. How embarrassing!
I'm going to protect myself, my kids and my house but other than that his kids are his kids. He can deal with all the issues that will arise from his wuss style of parenting. If I try to do anything I'm the mean mom. If it directly affects my kids I will step in. Example skids keeping my kids up at night. If they want to stay up all night, whatever! I'm telling him you parent before I have to. If it gets to the point I have to step in I'm doing whatever I think is necessary. If that means taking phones away I'm going to do it. And he better not go behind me and give them back. I don't care BM pays for them. I don't care! It's my damn house and if they can't be quiet at night I will take them. Also if girls are sharing a room and my daughter is kept up. Move your ass into your brother's room. My house and my daughter has a right to sleep at night.
FH as been telling SS to clean up room for days and it's not happening. I'm giving a last warning to FH the room switch is happening Tuesday evening whether he cleaned or not. If he has not cleaned I am literally going to take a shovel and garbage, dirty and clean clothes, electronics and anything else on the floor are all getting shoveled to the room across basement. He can clean and sort the mess from there. It's been enough warning. I'm not telling SS, his father can. When the deadline hits, I'm grabbing the shovel and acting.
And going forward this is how it will be. He needs to step up and parent. I will give him that chance but when it gets to the point I have to step in, I'm just acting. Either he will learn to step up before I upset his precious babies or they will get upset. And when they cry and want to go 14 hrs away to mommas house, GO! But I'm done with that game and you are never moving back. So, take all the shit with you! ALL OF IT! BM can have her brats back. She can deal with what her and bio dad have created, spoiled little monsters. When the kids lived with her our life was blissfully peaceful and I will gladly welcome that back.
Also...taking phones is not disciplining his children. It's setting an expectation for the home and then enforcing it. Big difference. I would never discipline my skids...however, I wouold set expectations for the household...absolutely. If they're abiding by the house bedtime, they have no need for their phones at night. I was going to comment again on your other post and tell you that I would not recommend calling BM and asking her to switch off the data. I would only suggest doing that if you controlled the phone account. No matter how friendly you feel with the BM...that can change in an instant if she thinks you're criticizing her precious poopsies and her parenting (I mean, look at how fast your DH turned on you...and he's living with you full-time and enjoying the side benefits).
There are other ways to control access, though. DH and I actually set a home docking station for phones/tablets and made skids put them there before bed and during dinner or if we were supposed to be doing something as a family. We put ours there, too....because it wasn't punishment, it was a household rule that everyone had to follow.
If DH won't agree to blockers aren't expensive at all. You can get a pretty powerful one for about $100. I had one in my classroom (it still allows calls to emergency numbers, but that's it). And I played on a trivia team and lots of other teams were cheating/ we started bringing it and turning it on in my purse. lol. No one could figure out why their websites were taking forever to load when they were trying to cheat...
Maybe I'm too sneaky for my own good...but man. Get creative and take back control of your home :)
As for the switching rooms,
As for the switching rooms, you've been pushed to unblend this family and room the kids by blood lines. Its too bad that Dh allowed mutiny to happen in you house but someone has to steer this ship and you are it. Hold strong and bring some sanity back into your home. As for cleaning that room, put it all into garbage bags and take it out into the garage or whereever. Next step is to only give the skid room the bare neccessities: bed, limited clothing. Nothing extra or fun. If they start slamming the door, take that away too. No quiet mornings, if they are sleeping late from staying up, so what, the house routine does not change for them they modify to fit the home.
Wifi password changes often, they can earn it. Set it on a timer so it shuts down during the night. BM won't help you with that but there are things you can do to get control over it. I might even shut the breaker off to their room from the box.
I don't believe in children running the house. Their brains are far from being fully developed so why let them decide. Boggles my mind how some parents just opt out of parenting.
Make it strict and disciplined in your home and you will find that your kids thrive and her will high tail it back to mommy dearest.
For right now I am letting SD
For right now I am letting SD and BD remain. SD is on a strict warning her behavior determines which room she will be living in. She very strongly does not want to move into a room with her brother.
I'm predicting it wont last to long but I am giving her a chance. She will only have herself to blame if she ends up in a room with her brother.
Good for you! And I like this
Good for you! And I like this phone blocker thing TwoOfUs...may need to check that out.
I will check out the phone
I will check out the phone blocker but hoping it doesnt need to go that far. I'm thinking no electricity to charge phones in bedroom will be a much cheaper option.
My only expectation with the
My only expectation with the phones is they don't keep my kids up being on them. They use them as alarm clocks and like to fall asleep listening to music or you tube. They have headphones they are supposed to use.
I told FH I am done fighting with step kids about this stuff. It's up to him. I will tell him to deal with issues and he is warned if change does not happen after my warning, he is going to sit back and watch the shit fly. He is not to coddle or intervene if it gets to that point.
Right now he is agreeing with me. So we will see how long this lasts. I told him I don't care if they stay up all night. He suddenly seems to care with school a week away. His battle not mine anymore. SS didn't get up till 3 today and only then because dad called and woke him for practice. Again not my problem. Dad can deal with it.
I'm going to set up house chores and once again when they refuse, drag their's going to be his problem. He can get them to do them or I will start making him do them. Once again his kids his responsibility.
Keep it simple, zero
Keep it simple, zero tolerance... and have some fun torturing the bad behaviors.....
If they don't do the assigned chores, cut the cords to the game systems (unplug them first of course), confiscate the phones as soon as they walk in the door and add more to the list. Lather, rinse, repeat. Doing what they are supposed to do is not rewarded. Failing to do it is punished, exceeding expectations is rewarded... very conservatively .... stellar performance is rewarded significantly.
Good luck.
Rags I like the way you think
Rags I like the way you think. I have read your advice on several forms. You're always no nonsense and to the point.
Muy SS liked to fall asleep
Muy SS liked to fall asleep listening to music, too. I got him these so he wouldn't disturb other nearby sleepers:
I like your plan. Just start dumping it all in DH's lap and/or taking stuff away.
You’re badass. I love it!
You’re badass. I love it!
I have an ADHD SS as well
I feel your pain. My SS is ADHD as well, and he can be a nightmare at times. He's also an insomniac, and I constantly have to get up at night to tell him to be quiet. He is awake until 2am shouting at his xBox game, or loudly talking to fellow gamers. No consideration for other people, and no filters between brain and mouth either. Will say the very first thing that comes into his tiny little brain. Getting him to clean his room is well nigh impossible, and he will also trash the bathroom and living room by leaving wet towels, toothpaste and empty glasses and plates all over the scenery. The even worse news is that he's doing badly at school, which brings up visions of me having to deal with an unemployed 35-year-old living in our basement....
Landi this sounds exactly like my SS and the issues in my initial post about the skids being brats. Hollering at a stupid game all hours of the day and night. On the plus side the mess is mostly confined to his room.
This is why the room switch is going down as I type this. The staying up all night is supposed to stop, but I'm not taking chances with school around the corner. If I could move him to the garage I would consider it. But that wouldn't go over well, LOL.
Well amazing things going on
Well amazing things going on today. SS is cleaning up his mess with no need for me to be a part of it.
I told FH the room switch is going on today. He can get SS to clean the room. After days of it not happening FH told SS do it or I'm taking the xbox. We gave him the deadline of this evening and he is doing it.
I realize after doing a lot of reading on this site, I don't have it that bad. My skids do not hate me. They are respectful toward me for the most part. They realize I make their father happy. They realize I do care about them and that is why I have gotten on their case about some stuff.
I am taking to heart what my FH said about the yelling and that is why I will mention something expected for them to do, to them and to him. It is going to be up to him to make sure they do it. I am not going to yell. When things don't happen I'm just going to take things away. If I hear about BM pays for phones, ok I pay electric and wifi. Do you like having electricity in your room cuz I can take that away instead. Yep ok keep YOUR XBOX, have fun with no electricity in your room. Or have fun on that Xbox with no wifi. They can sit on the phone with unlimited data that mama pays for, til the phone dies. Oh sorry you need to plug in, guess that's to bad cuz I did those dishes you refused to do.
I have decided I can't make them do anything. That's going to be his department. But they are not a lost cause. They will conform when something they think they need is on the line. I don't own the phones and I don't have to pay for them so fine sit on your phone and don't do what you should. But it will catch up with them in the end.
For the sake of my relationship with a wonderful man I am disengaging some. Really they are not horrible kids or people, they have just lacked guidance. I will provide some allowing dad to be the enforcer. I'm only going to pull out the big guns when they ignore him. I'm going to let him parent so he can realize he can parent them and not be in fear of losing them.
His greatest fear is losing them. That they will want to move to mom's house 14 hrs away. Neither of us want that. For awhile maybe a little part of me didn't care. It would be easier. But we are these kids best shot in life. He knows it, I know it, the kids know it, and I think even biomom knows it. It's not that biomom is a bad person or even a bad parent. It's just the set of circumstances.
Biomom's reasong to move to the other side of the county is a long story for another time. I didn't and don't agree with it. Yet I am glad his oldest two sons are far away and for the most part her problem to deal with. The youngest two are minor annoyances in comparison.
Never forget that moving 14
Never forget that moving 14 hours away means moving 14 hours away from their friends, their world. A teen would have to be miserable beyond belief to want to give that up
They're not going to di it just because they had to wash a few dishes.