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As the Stomach Turns............

Major Blunder's picture

Well a little late on the update here but SD26 was released from jail a week ago this past Monday, we’re not sure why or how but it happened, we figuire she will miss a court date or something and be back in eventually, at least she should be back in if there is any justice.  She has shown up on three times already to invade our home to see her kids, whom she loves so dearly ( yes sarcasm ).

So we have been breaking the rules with DSS by allowing SD26 to visit the children at our house, DSS said our house is a safe place for the children and allowing her to come there takes that away, I was all for her not coming to our house and even pressed DSS for that but DW has found it easier to just let her come over, not having to get the kids ready, drive somewhere, etc etc etc.

This past weekend SD26 invaded us on two different occaissions, the first was Friday night, she was told she couldn’t stay late because we had to get the baby to bed by 8, she stayed almost till 10 and then admitted to DW she did it on purpose to spend time with GSD8, so much for respecting our wishes.

Second time was most of the afternoon and evening on Sunday, she trashed most of the house, got the kids all hopped up on sugar and junk food, plus after any visit with her GSD8 has to be reprogrammed, she gets all nasty and mean.  SD26 mouthed off a couple of times to DW as well, not liking our rules and parenting.  I stay in another room and strap in or I would be in there putting her head through a wall for her mouth and disrespect.

Last evening about 5:30 she calls DW and says she might be in the neighborhood and was going to drop by to see the kids, DW told her no, that we were tired and had a lot to do that evening, she began arguing and bartering and eventually I spoke and just yelled, “There will be no drop byes”, she replied, “Wanna bet” and hung up on DW.  DW is now worried about that threat, I told her there is nothing to worry about, SD26 will not go to DSS and say she has been coming to the house because if she does call DSS she has to answer for everything she hasn’t done that she was supposed to do, she will only tell her drug buddies and then they will all pass out.  I did get DW to agree to end the visits at the house since all they do is cause extra stress to our lives, outside visits can be controlled easier, public place, leave when we need to etc etc etc.  Now I just have to wait and see if she follows through with the agreement.  I hope so, can’t wait for SD26 to just get arrested again to have some peace at home  lol.

SD20 is still parasiting off of us and DW is still catering to her every need, driving her here and there, feeding her, not expecting anything from her, same old same old.  Makes me wanna puke !

GSKIDS are doing ok, GSD has started 3rd grade is slowly becoming  a royal pain in the butt lol Pretween is the precursor to hell, she will be seeing the school counselor this year for some help with some of her issues, honestly she could be a lot worse for what that poor kid has been through.  She loves unicorns, math, crafts and music, if we can corral the bags of cats in her head she’ll be a great teenager one day.

GSS is speaking up a storm, he has learned “Mine” and “no” very well   lol, he has typical little boy issues and I work with him daily to turn him into a gentleman, God bless my father if I was this much work. He loves trucks, climbing on and jumping off of things and he has this creepy little laugh he does on purpose that cracks me up plus he also will speak in a “scarey” voice sometimes ( Yes he got it from me), I’ve been trying to get him to repeat “ Come to the DarkSide, we have cookies” in that voice, I really want that phone call from Day Care.  lol


ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

You can always doomsday prep the way I did for Psycho... Secodn we moved, I drove to walmart, bought a no tresspassing sign (ignored Dh's exasperated, "that gives a good impression to our new neighbors.") Displayed said sign, and am now waiting for Psycho to tresspass so I can call the police on her and keep her AWAY from my home permenantly.

As DSS said, your home is their safe space, (and yours, I mean heck, who wants a psycho druggie invading their home?! NOT ME! Hence the sign!) letting her in, especially when you know she has an emotional toll on the kiddos can really break that facade for them. So keep it safe like you're planning to! I'm glad you talked your DW into that.

As for GSS... THAT WOULD BE AMAZING! When you get your phone call you have to post about that here!!! Because I will die laughing and I think we all need something like that to smile at!!! LMAO

Major Blunder's picture

For the most part he is awesome and a whole lot of fun, almost two so he is also becomming defiant and testing his limits and boundaries, some physical issues, playing too rough, slapping, hitting but typical boy stuff that we are working on. But the mimicrey is touchy, have to watch everything I say (especially me, he copies me alot) so I am trying to have fun with it without messing him up lol

TX2step's picture

Was my grand babies birthday party, they are 2and4. My daughter rented a water slide for the back yard. My 4 year old grandson took off all his clothes, ( he is autistic) and went down the slide butt naked, just like greased lighting. The little ones always make me smile. Love your updates, major.

Major Blunder's picture

That's awesome !!!!   I would do that if I didn't think I would get arrested for it  lol

Thanks!  I am tooling up one just on GSD , she has alot of issues, not horrible just frustrating for us and potentially bad for her future.

notarelative's picture

If DSS has said that SD should not be at the house, and DW is allowing SD to come, DW is risking her custody of the grands. My SD lost custody permanently for allowing people in the house that DSS told her not to have. 

notsobad's picture

DW has already raised screwed up children, why does she want to screw up her grandchildren as well?

Her laziness is jeopradizing her grandchildren and she could end up losing custody of them. Then no one would see them and they'd be in a crazy system which won't protect them.