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A Laugh courtesy of GSD

Major Blunder's picture

So last weekend we took the Gskids to the local fair, mostly it was for GD since GS is 0nly 23 moths old, she and I got hand stamps for the rides ( DW doesn’t like heights and GD is only 8, so some rides she needs an adult, ok ok I  like the rides lol)  So anyways I push GS around in the stroller most of the day and GD rides everything she can, she won’t on some of the really scary rides I like and even though DW said “Go ahead” I avoid them so not leaving her with both kids. We spend a boat load of money on rides and food (completely avoiding the games) mostly for the entertainment of one child, however GS really enjoyed people watching, the petting zoo and getting to see all kids of new things, he was very well behaved for being in a stroller for hours on end.

At the end of the evening GD wants to ride the ferris wheel one more time with me, so we go, longer line, more people. This is one of those that has like a deep well seating for up to 6 people, we get on and two young teens boys join us in car.

One young man looks like a basketball fan from all his sports gear and the other is a smiling, slightly over kid that asks me upon seeing my cane “You gonna be alright on this?”  I assure him we are fine and it’s our second time on the ride today.

The ride starts out and basketball boy covers his ears and puts his head in his lap, I start giggling inside and GD just looks at me wide eyed and smiling, she knows he is braver that this older boy.  The other boy is doing fine until we reach =near the top and he starts to sound a little freaked out and is looking around frantically. GD looks at him and says , “ If you’re gonna puke, please do it that way” and points away from her direction.  I hold in a belly laugh, the kid just got dissed by an 8y/o, neither of these young men can EVER be tough guys after that lol !!!!!


Major Blunder's picture

She can be very funny especially when she doesn't try to be, she's a good kid for the most part lots of issues to get over thanks to her mother but slowly we are working on them.

I really wanted to stop those boys after the ride and say something like, " See my face? Remember it when you try to act ll tough someday, this is the face that knows you are a little wussy!"  lol