Adult step daughter visits too often
My 21 year old step daughter and her 1 year old wants to come stay a week at a time at our house once a month. I don’t mind her coming I just wish they wouldn’t stay so long. I get really tired of having company for longer than 3 nights. I don’t understand how she would want to be away from her husband that long. The last time she was here I thought she was leaving after the 5th night and was very upset when I found out she was staying another night. My husbands and I got into an argument over text and he then showed the texts to his daughter. She then called me and cussed me out and said she would never be back to my house again. I sent her a text after a few weeks apologizing to her and explaining it’s just something within me that I don’t want company for so long. I told her that I missed her and would like them to visit. She never responded. In trying to figure out my feelings with all of this I realized part of the problem is my husband does everything she wants to do when she’s here and what I want doesn’t matter. He makes big meals when she is here and , well it’s just uncomfortable to me and I’m just ready to get my immediate family back in our routine.
- Pinkrosepetal88's blog
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I dont know where to begin. Most importantly, I would be livid about him sharing the text. I dont know how I could forgive him for that. It would be one thing if he even carelessly left his phone out and she saw it, but to delibaretely show it to her? What was he thinking. Such a lack of loyalty!! As to apology, what did you say? if you just said, we need some privacy, etc., you have nothing to apologize for. Even if you said, I cannot take the 1 YO crying, still nothing. I don't know where I would go. I would suggest counseling.
This is what I said...
I don’t like there being animosity between us. I love you very much. I miss you and Baby. I want you to come visit us. You did nothing wrong. I just prefer shorter visits. That is an issue within me nothing to do with you. I would feel that way no
Matter who is visiting. Please forgive me and let’s
Move past this. I do feel our relationship had gotten better and I would like our relationship to continue to grow. I also want a relationship with Baby.
We did go to marriage
We did go to marriage counseling and he apologized and admitted he was wrong for showing her the text. We decided in counseling the 3 of us should talk. He decided she and I should make a list of all the issues we have with watch other first. Since then he hasn’t mentioned it at all since counseling and I haven’t either.
This sounds awful, sending
This sounds awful, sending hugs.
Your DH needs to be crawling up your ass right now to make up for that massive breach of trust. There's something very, very wrong here. He's married to you, not her. She has a husband and needs to clear off. Is it possible her marriage is in trouble and that's why she's spending so much time with her Dad?
I would try counselling, but I would also make plans to get out.
I’ve asked her if they were
I’ve asked her if they were ya I guess marriage problems and she always says no. She feels like coming to our house is a “vacation” and my husband is good with that.
Your husband showed your
Your husband showed your texts to his daughter? Nice.
You did not owe his daughter an apology but your husband sure owes you one.
He apologized. I’m not sure
He apologized. I’m not sure he thinks it was wrong though.
I agree with the others above
I agree with the others above that stated your husband really did a a dirty move. You and your husband are supposed to be the team. Not him and his adult daughter!
Stand your ground on this and explain to your H what an Ahole move that was. Don't feel guilty for having your feelings about the situation. I would feel the same way! I think most of us would. I don't know what it is about COD's even after they are no longer children and have children of their own! They need to grow up!
I did tell him I would feel
I did tell him I would feel the same way if it were my so . I wouldn’t want him coming and staying a whole week either if he were an adult out on his own.
How long has she been doing
How long has she been doing this? Where is her husband in all this? Does he sit at home by himself? Does he never visit? IS it possible that she has a future divorce on her horizon and is testing the water to see if she can move in if that happens?
This has been going on since
This has been going on since August 2017. Her husband works during the week and will sometimes come on the weekend, but not all the time.
How far away does this SD
How far away does this SD live from you that she arrives for a week's visit once a month? I do assume if she has a week a month to kill, that she isn't employed outside her home?
I would have no problems offering to take the grandchild from a Friday until late Sunday afternoon weekend once a month (I loved when my grandkids were dinky and spent the weekend, now they are teens and baseball and football, too active to do so, and rightly so).... but I'm not much on the thought of having the grown adult children accompany the grands (even for a weekend) unless it is around holidays/special family event or have been specifically invited to come hang with me for a weekend.
A whole week? Once a month? Whether bio or skid, I wouldn't like nor enjoy that one bit. I might be able to accept one Sunday afternoon a month an let your Dh knock himself out in the kitchen making a big nice family meal.
The thought that your DH turned around and shared your texts with his daughter? WTH is up with that? I don't even mind being the 'bad guy' party pooper who puts my foot down to one full week visit a month, and would inform the SD of it myself... but to have the DH drag his daughter into your private text and obvious disagreement between yourself an your DH? That's just all kinds of wrong. If he wants his daughter a week a month, why doesn't he just go plop his *ss down in her house?
But yeah, this is definitely a husband problem. Yes, it's the adult daughter who is coming and imposing, but it seems it is her father who encourages and supports the monthly week long visit in-spite of how you feel about it all. He is totally disregarding his wife in what is suppose to be their marriage and their home.
I'm not much on the thought
I'm not much on the thought of having the grown adult children accompany the grands (even for a weekend) unless it is around holidays/special family event or have been specifically invited to come hang
My parents (still together) live out of state and they love me and miss me, but I would not be welcome at their house one whole week a month! What an imposition! This SD is clearly a mini-wife. Her poor husband, where is he in all this?
3 1/2 hours. I would love to
3 1/2 hours. I would love to ha e the baby without her! As it is now when they are here I feel like she doesn’t want me to hold her baby at all. I just feel uncomfortable and really unwanted by everyone, including my husband. I feel I’m in their way.
31/2 hours! I would love to
3 1/2 hours! I would love to have the grand baby without mom, but she doesn’t even want me to hold her when I’m here. I feel unwanted by everyone, including my husband.
He's treating her like the
He's treating her like the wife and queen and you are the child he tattles on to her. You have a serious husband problem. If he's willing to attend therapy with, there is a small chance he can correct course and maintain healthy boundaries with her. However, It's far more likely that he will be enmeshed with her in unhealthy ways until one of them dies.
Spot on
Sounds like enmeshment to me too.
She wants to spend time away from her husband because he doesn't cater to her like her daddy does. How can her husband possibly compete?
Wow. This is really how I
Wow. This is really how I feel. Therapy did t help much and he nor I have brought it up since we went to therapy.
Obviously you cannot trust
Obviously you cannot trust your husband to keep your private communications between just the two of you so don't ever text, email or leave a note with anything that could be construed as negative about SD. My personal policy is to never put anything in print that I would not want broadcast to other people. It's too easy to copy/paste and have someone spew your private thoughts publiclly.
I agree with others that a week a month with a baby is way too long for a married woman to spend at your home. What is the world is SD thinking?! Is this a reprieve from her marriage or being a grown up? A time where she gets to come home and have daddee do all the cooking and help with childcare? It would be one thing if SD and her child were in a bad situtation but it doesn't sound like that's the case, more like an extended daddee daughter date. I'm wondering if her husband is happy to get a break from her and the child? Also where is BM in all of this? Is SD also spending a week a month at her home?
She thinks she is on vacation
She thinks she is on vacation. She says so. Yes, I definitely think it’s for him to wait on her and spend money on her and help with childcare. If she had to move back in because of a bad marriage I would accept that and figure out how to adjust, but that is clearly not the case. I’ve asked her a few times.
Your DH's actions in showing
Your DH's actions in showing his daughter your texts is one of the worst betrayals of trust I have EVER seen documented in my 7+ years as a member here.
Personally if my SD and child wanted to stay for a week each month, I would not allow it.
If one of my own bios wanted
If one of my own bios wanted to stay here a week, I would not allow that either! My parental duty is over. I will help them out when needed and as appropriate for adults, but I am enjoying the latter part of my life! Taking care of an adult who does not want to adult? Nope.
She said she would never be
You should have just said "Thank you" and hung up.
Honesty is the best policy.
What a jerk your DH is, why
What a jerk your DH is, why do you put up with this? You have every right to object to having a houseguest for a week at a time, once a month. My own biological parents would have never allowed any of their kids to do that.
I never get over being shocked about what some of the people on here are willing to endure for "love".
Has this princess ever had a
Has this princess ever had a job? She needs to get one. What a spoilt brat.
So true!
So true!
I agree that is an excessive
I agree that is an excessive amount of time for her to come for visits on a regular basis. I also agree that it was a big betrayal for him to throw you under the bus. To be clear... sure.. as Georgette said.. what was he going to do lie to her? Um.. yeah.. people lie all the time to spare feelings and smooth over things. It really doesn't matter WHO wants the visits limite.. but her DH could have surely had the conversation with his daughter without showing texts and helping to steer the bus over his wife's near dead body.
DH: Honey, you know we love seeing you and the baby, but when you stay for a week, it's just a little too long of a visit. It makes it hard to plan things here and I know your husband must miss you and the baby. How about we keep future visits to just 3 or 4 days?
SD: Is it because SHE said so?
DH: Honey, it's just that it can be a long visit and you know what they say about fish and houseguests? They both stink after 3 days. It just means everyone's routine is a little off and it's just going to work out better on our end if you visit for shorter periods of time. Maybe I can come visit you for a few days too.. to even things out? Thanks for understanding.