SD (20) living at home - kicked out of college, does not follow rules, help!
I am so excited to have found this site. It has been a long road for my husband and I and I appreciate all input. I am at my wit's end with my SD and am scared it might be the end of my marriage. In brief, we have been married for 4 years - together for 5. My husband moved into my home - I was single for 5 years and had my home and cars. I have a 16 year old son that lives with me and his BD every other week. My SD was always a bit of a misfit in high school. I noticed she did not have friends and would always come to see my husband every other weekend, even at 17. I was a little concerned that she did not have girl friends and would make mention of it. I was told she was just very shy. However, when she was at my home, I could tell by her actions (very self centered) that she might be her own issue. Her senior year of HS, she tried to take her own life by taking 12 Tylenol. My husband was called by her BM and we rushed to the hospital. I never downplayed this experience and she got into therapy and was diagnosed with depression. She did graduate from high school that same Spring and elected to go off to college. I personally did not think she was ready (6 hours from home) as I did not think she was mentally stable. Unfortunately, I was correct. After her first year of college, in the summer between what should have been her freshmen and sophomore year, my husband received a "text" from her saying she was not going back to college and wanted to stay close to her Dad and BM. Her relationship with her BM is a bit strained - my SD would always talk about how self centered she was and how she was never home. Her reasoning for staying close did not add up - so at dinner one night, since my husband despises conflict, I asked her if she was "kicked out." Neither my husband or BM asked for grades - even though my husband was paying for school through a military benefit. Long story - she was indeed not invited back (she never went to class) and wasted 15 hours of the military benefit. Fast forward to now - she has a boyfriend (which was also a reason she did not want to return to college) that lives near us. She decided about 8 months ago to live with us, go to community college and work. She has bought herself a car (I bought her one when she was 17, however, it was totaled in a hail storm and it never got fixed so, thank goodness for GAP insurance -it covered it all). We did have to implement rules when she moved in - she was staying out very late at boyfriend's house and waking us up at 2-3am. I have to get up at 5am to get to work on time. We implemented a 10pm curfew Sun-Thurs (she continually breaks it). We have sat her down and asked to keep her room cleaned - which is an absolute mess - like gross mess! She has taken over the entire bathroom, so my son now has to get ready in mine for school & work. All the drawers, cabinets, etc. I do admit I like a tidy house, so I close the door to her bedroom and bathroom. I have tried to let things go - she eats our food (does not financially contribute at all), comes and goes as she pleases (disregards the curfew), and walks all over her "Daddy" - my husband. She has mocked my desire to keep a clean home and tight schedule. It is just the way I operate - I was single for 5 years so I am very proud to have my home and what I worked for prior to meeting her Dad. She has made many comments in the short 8 months about "her bathroom," "her room," "her food," "her parking space," etc. For example, I had a tutor for my son during the early summer and when SD would come home for lunch, she would comment to me, "Who is in my parking space?" This has happened on multiple occasions of her references to this home is hers. Of course I want her comfortable, however, she has totally disrespected me in the aspect of keeping things clean. So, as opposed to causing issues, I just bite my lip and hope the living situation is temporary. Last night I reached my breaking point. While trying to cook dinner, make a homecoming mum for my SS, take care of dogs, laundry, etc, she comes down stairs and complains that someone left a mess in her bathroom and she had to clean it up. My son does have his friends over, so they are teenage boys. She also mentioned that she had to pick up cheeze its on her stairs. She continually refers to everything as "hers." I turned around and stated to her, I have cleaned up after you as well. We all live in a shared home - we all contribute to this home. I don't need to hear complaining, take action and let's all work together. She started to cry and stormed out of kitchen and up to her room and slammed the door. She came back down about 10 minutes later and I tried to explain to her that we all live in this house and it takes all of us to keep it going. She looked at me and said, "your burst was uncalled for, I don't appreciate it." I just about fell out. I then angrily stated that you live in MY house, under my roof, eat my food, use my bedroom furniture. I am an adult and I do absolutely nothing uncalled for. All of my actions and words are deliberate for the betterment of my family. Needless to say, she stormed off again and retreated to her room. My husband went up to talk to her and she cried saying she was not welcome, she felt out of place. Mind you, for the last 8 months, I have done nothing but make her feel at home. Do I ask for updates on grades while she is in college, of course. Neither her BM or my husband did and she wants her degree so I try to keep her on course. I have offered to go with her to the community college to talk to a counselor to get her classes correct, offered to help her with homework and studying, cooked her meals (she has severe allergies), grocery shopped for her, opened our home to all her family to come see her, etc and I continually get crapped on. Please know, I also carry the financial burden of our family cause we receive nothing from her BM since my 17 SS still lives with BM - my husband pays $750/month in child support. This was my home prior to marriage and I feel betrayed by both her and my husband for the continual disrespect. Please help - I need input as this is making me sick!
- igotthis1972's blog
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It's not about being a softie
It's not about being a softie but about having a back bone and standing up for yourself, your son and your own home. This girl blatantly disrespects you because its been tolerated for so long and when you finally point it out to her she feels offended and cries. Your H has done a poor job in parenting and addressing your SD. This is YOUR home, your food, and your damn parking space. She owns NOTHING in that house and if she doesn't like it she can go live with her mother. She's only with you because its convenient and its closer to her boyfriend. She's not respecting rules and is out all hours of the night, so let her live with BF.
She's not putting the effort of improving her grades because no one is holding her accountable. You need to have a serious conversation with your H like YESTERDAY and tell him that if she doesn't change NOW that she goes back to her mother. As for that dirty room I'd get rid of all the trash in it if she doesn't clean it out in 24 hours no ifs, ands, or buts. She has been given too much freedom to do as she pleases, no wonder she's out of control.
Take ownership and control of your home NOW~
Exactly. Also, how is it
Exactly. Also, how is it doing her any favors by allowing all of this? You and your DH are teaching her that treating others like this, and their homes, is acceptable. She is the child here! Why is she calling the shots in YOUR home? It will not kill her to follow rules. Make the rules, (she cleans up after herself, cleans her bathroom every other day, etc), and tell her you expect her to follow them, or she will need to move out. My SD9 and SS12 have rules and chores that they have to follow every day, and they manage to do them just fine, often without us telling them. I would even tell her this, that plenty of kids younger than her have more responsibility. Your SD has gotten away with way too much for way too long, and your DH should be ashamed that he's allowed it. Make rules, she either follows them or she's out. That's not tough love, that's just life.
You are so right! It is life
You are so right! It is life! I guess with her mental breakdown a few years ago, I just feel like I can be really harsh. I think that is the problem - we have all tiptoed around her. I joke with my BFF that she is a princess. Well, it's not a joke, it is the truth and it's not reality. She needs to learn to obey or get out. Period. I have to stick with my rules. She may not like it, oh well.
Thank you so much! You are SO
Thank you so much! You are SO right. I guess I just doubt myself so very much. Too much freedom - I totally agree. I have tried to tell my husband she needs accountability, nothing changes. I was on him last semester about her grades, I never saw them, but he says he did and they were good. I guess I am just old school, I worked in college, got a job out of college at 22, bought a home at 23, etc. Always been responsible and probably OCD too. It's just who I am, but I am going home today with a trash bag and what is out of place, is getting thrown away. Enough is enough.
I think part of the problem
I think part of the problem is the entitlement of a generation. She is 18/19 years old. She is still living at home with no expectations in life. Community College is fine, working is great. Why isn't she paying rent? Not that you even need to use it for yourselves. Put it in savings that she doesn't know about and gift it back to her when she does move out. If she doesn't like your rules, in your home then she can move back with her mom or out into the real world.
And we (my husband, BM and I)
And we (my husband, BM and I) have created it. We did ask her for rent in the summer (she elected to not go to summer school - she needed a break - whatever), and so she had to pay $200 a month for rent. She did pay it. We did put it into savings and when she enrolled in the fall, we gave her the money back to pay for tuition. If she is in school full time, she does not have to pay rent. If not, she pays rent. I think that is fair. And true, one of the reasons she is with us is because she didn't like Moms' rules...well, she doesn't like mine either. My husband needs to realize the trend.....going to have a nice discussion this evening with all. Thank you so much for your input! Sometimes I feel like the evil step mom.....but someone has to do it!
Good luck! I hope it goes
Good luck! I hope it goes smoothly for your sake! Stand up for yourself, and remember you are not asking too much!
SD is an adult
She is living in your home, for free, she has to follow the rules. Keeping the room and bathroom you used cleans is a normal think. Being a pig is not normal. If your DH really does not like conflict he will have no problem when you tell his DD to shape up or move out. Or does DH only not like conflict with DD and BM, but will have conflict with you ???
Very valid point to bring up!
Very valid point to bring up! When she was upstairs last night, I looked at my husband and said, "I am your wife and this is my house. You going to let me disrepected in my own home by your daughter?" He went up and talked to her and then came down saying she was crying and didn't feel welcome. We (DH and me) are totally getting played against one another by her.
This is Triangulation
Read up on this site about triangulation. Welcome!
You need to sit down with
You need to sit down with your husband first.
Create a list of what your expecations are for her and discuss with DH. Likely you'll both have to compromise a little, but that's an adult way of handling it. Once you two are on the same page you can move forward with a sit-down adult conversation with your SD.
She doesn't have a choice - you are her landlords. Really, you are! Create a lease - you can find templates out there. Have her agree to a fair price for rent and utilities, it doesn't have to be much to start but let her know as time goes on, i.e. in 6 months, her share will increase (put that in the lease agreement). Outline what the cleanliness, noise, and late night acceess rules are along with parking spot (any lease will outline these as well). Stop paying for her cell phone and groceries. immediately. She needs to start becoming independend NOW - have a move out date noted.
Do not change the rules, ever, that are established. No backing down. You see, by default she now has renters rights in your home and it could be difficult to remove her. However, once you have a lease and she breaks that lease, or the lease terminates, she's got to move out.
I hope that she doesn't get pregnant, and you need to think about that. If she's so unresponsible just cleaning up how is she taking care of herself?
Thank you for confirming what
Thank you for confirming what I think is the best route. She does need to become independent and responsbile. I am going to google lease templates. It will be a start. I did confirm with BM before she moved in that she was on birth control. Her BM said yes. I will ask again to make sure she is being responsbile with TAKING it too! Thank you for your insight!
"She doesn't feel welcome."
"She doesn't feel welcome." Oh boo hoo. That's because in the current condition she is NOT welcomed at your house and she knows it. She would feel differently if she took some pride in the way she lived and contributed to the household. Nobody feels good abot living in filth and clutter.
Has she had counseling since her suicide attempt? If so, it sounds like it's time to reengage with that. If not, it's way past time she deals with her powerful emotions. If she's not in school and she's not working, she is just drifting. That's no good for anybody, especially her. This young lady is crying out for structure and meaning in her life, and your DH needs to step up and provide it, even if she rejects it. He's doing her no favors by allowing her to live this way.
Exactly. I try and hold her
Exactly. I try and hold her accountable or make her realize that this is NOT HERS, and she makes everyone uncomfortable. Yes, she did receive counseling after suicide attempt and is still on anti depressant for anxiety and depression. She is in school - 12 hours and she does work about 30 hours a week. At least she is getting that right! :) It is just the disrespect of how she thinks everything is hers. It drives me crazy and puts me and DH at odds.
Talk to your dh
and have an understanding between you two as to what the expectations are. Once you do this, both of you sit down with sd and lay out the expectations and consequences of not meeting those expectations. and stick to it.
After reading comments (thank you all) and really thinking deep about this issue, I went home on Tuesday and told him (DH) that my SD was no longer welcome in my home. I thought I possibly could have received an apology from her and I asked her Dad (my husband) if he had mentioned in. He said no, it should come from her. Needless to say, as of today, I still have not received one. SD is going to go live with her BM and now my DH says he is going to make plans to find his own place. I am saddened and my DH says that I gave him an ultimatum. So, if she (SD) is not welcome, then he needs to find a place where she is. So, I feel very torn - she is an adult! Grow up buttercup! Or, am I wrong again for standing my ground? We do have my son (who is 16) that lives with us. I had a friend say, what if you DH said he can't live there anymore? Well, this has been my home since my son was 1 and he is 16! He is not an adult. I am beyond exhausted from all the drama.