Baby's here!
Baby girl born 1/31 at 8lbs 1oz and 20 inches after induction. The entire process was only 20 hours and she came after only 20 minutes of pushing (but 2nd degree tears). I am so overwhelmed with love and joy and DH has been so great. I'm finally pumping enough that he can help with night feedings and she is just such a good baby. She looks just like me with DH's eyes and hair color. And she was born with so much hair which was surprising! She is so soft and perfect and even though we've had a little difficulty (and a lot of sleep loss) with breastfeeding, I'm willing to keep trying to keep our girl healthy.
We got home about 1pm yesterday and DH had to go to the shop until about 6 to close up. Of course, he brought SD back because she wanted to "meet her little sister" even though she didn't want to hold her and stayed in her room for the 24 hours she was here. We said about 4 words to each other and she showed no interest in the baby other than "GBM said she looks Asian". That pissed me right off so I pretended she wasn't here for the day.
Also, she took the liberty to make an Instagram FOR THE BABY with 2 pictures and didn't even spell her name correctly. If you don't remember, she deleted her personal Instagram last month for her inappropriate posts but she's back at it and now with my baby. I screenshotted the page to DH and he said he'll "talk to her about social media and BM doesn't know anything". What??
He just took her home and I doubt the talk happened but I'm not even worried about it besides there's probably no "schedule" that he "asked" for. I just feel so uncomfortable with her lazing around my house because she needs to get away from BM's and I'm annoyed with my husband (again).
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Congrats ILD!!
Congrats ILD!!
That sucks to be annoyed at
That sucks to be annoyed at such a wonderful time in your life
Just enjoy your baby girl!
Just enjoy your baby girl!
Ill tell you what my mom told
Ill tell you what my mom told me 24 years ago when I was ready to quit breastfeeding after a week or less. She said give it til he's 2 weeks before you quit. Great advice. I nursed him 13 months into my next pregnancy and then nursed my lil guy for 10 months. Saved me lots of money and it was so convenient and good for baby.
Congrats and hope you can ignore the little snot. Tell her if she has nothing nice to say, please dont say anything...what do you care if BMs family thinks your baby looks Asian. They dont need to say anything about your lil one
The best part? DH came home
The best part? DH came home and said BM told him that GBM wants to meet the baby. I laughed so freaking hard and told him not a damn chance! Insult my baby then expect to meet her? Yeah, she has bought the baby gifts but I'll give them right back or never use them if she thinks she's owed a visit.
Wonderful news, so happy for you!
Congrats & enjoy your little tiny precious beautiful sweet amazing baby!
Oh congrats!
I just had a little girl too, November 5th. Soooo in love with her. She’s amazing. I hope you have as good a time, as I have. Once I got used to no sleep, she started sleeping more I think girls sleep better than boys, as babies Maybe that’s just my 2! Just remember this stage is so quick, definitely stop to enjoy it Take lots of pictures too You’ll always be glad to have them
Id say don’t worry about SD right now, but I’d be giving you advice I’d never personally keep. Maybe give yourself 10 minutes a day to think about the crap, then bow to set it aside so you can focus on your beautiful baby girl. BTW, nothing wrong with looking Asian, Asian women are coveted by a lot of men. Absolutely nothing wrong with it. I think Asian women are beautiful, as are Asian babies, so even though it was meant to be rude I’d take it as a compliment. You always could’ve come back with, “hmm I was just noticing that the 2 of you look a lot alike for 1/2 sisters”, lol. I’d go there if she comments negatively about looks again, like “I think she looks just like you (even if it’s untrue)”.
Keep in mind you’re hormonal. I always get pissed at someone after having a baby. Usually it’s a nurse waking me at the hospital, after just having a baby, for the hundredth time that night to check my blood pressure. I always feel so much worse at a hospital because of the lack of sleep. Anyway, congrats again. She is perfectly sized.
Congrats on your Baby, too!
I actually am 1/4 Korean but
I actually am 1/4 Korean but I doubt GBM knows that. Also, BM's younger kids are 1/4 Thai but as someone said, most babies look "Asian" because of the facial swelling. And I totally hated being constantly monitored. The last night, baby just went to sleep before the nurse and tech came in and woke her up to get my vitals. I am so glad to be home.
My baby looked Asian when he
My baby looked Asian when he was first born because of his hair and eyes...he didnt at all within a week. Babies eyes usually look squinty from being all puffy from amniotic fluid. Nothing to worry about, Asian babies are cute anyway but she probably wont look like it if she isn't.
My SD showed zero interest when my son was born. Walked into the room and immediately started talking about herself and then stood there with a shocked look on her face when none of the relatives there paid attention. I dont see what the point even was in her showing up.
Anyway, congrats and enjoy the new little one. Try not to let SDs crap get to you too much.
I am fine now that she isn't
I am fine now that she isn't here but her presence alone just feels like a thorn in my side. Especially because she only came to get attention because "her friends are asking about baby" but showed zero interest otherwise. And the baby is 1/8 Korean but as you said, the swelling would probably do that to most babies. GBM is insane to think she's owed a visit just because she thinks playing nice and liking DH better than her own daughter warrants that.
Ignore SD and focus on your new little one. Breastfeeding is hard work, but as mentioned, give it 2 weeks at a minimum before you call it quits. If you're on facebook, join the group "milky mamas" for great advice. Be careful pumping this early on. Ideally, you want to wait 4 weeks or so because breastmilk is all supply and demand. If you pump too much while breastfeeding early on, you risk creating an oversupply - which means all sorts of clogs and mastitis.
Also, because breastmilk is all supply and demand, make sure you're not replacing feeds with DH giving a bottle too often at the beginning. You will lose your supply quickly if you're giving bottles instead of nursing. If you give a bottle, pump at the same time to remind your body to make milk.
I know, this makes it pointless to give bottles because you have to get up and pump anyways, but it's only while your milk is regulating for the first few months. I waited until about 4 months or so to have DH feed a bottle at night once a week or so, so my supply wasn't impacted.
Also look up "clusterfeeding" because it will save your breastfeeding relationship to understand it. Newborns often clusterfeed (where they feed for like, 2 hours at a time, than 30 minutes later, they want back on) and it makes mom think she doesn't have enough milk. This is where a lot of moms turn to formula with good intentions.
Babies clusterfeed to keep your supply up and even increase it right before growth spurts. Newborns will clusterfeed constantly and it does NOT mean you don't have enough milk. If you have any questions, join milky mamas on facebook or message me! We're going on 16 months of breastfeeding
I can't imagine a more intense, close bond than the one that comes from EBF. It's so, so hard, especially because nighttime is mostly on you, but have DH get up and help with diapers or just spend time with you while you're sleep deprived in the middle of the night sometimes. I found bedsharing incredibly helpful because I don't have to get up a million times a night. There are safe ways to bedshare, just look them up if you're interested.
Excellent advice from
Excellent advice from Sunshine!
I also EBF both of my children. If you have any questions or rants, please feel free to reach out.
What type of issue are you having, if you don't mind me asking? Between all us nursing mommas, we might be able to help!
Enjoy your time, the old cliche stands true - the time goes by so fast!
Ignore sd as much as possible and hold your dh feet to the fire about a schedule!
Today I noticed my nipples
Today I noticed my nipples are scabbed and just burn. She seems to have a good latch and I make sure her lips are out, especially because she tucks her bottom one under. It still hurts when she feeds. I see lactation on Wednesday so I'm going to try until then but I did cave and give her a little formula this morning and now she's napping.
Have laction check the baby
Have laction check the baby for tongue tie - it's pretty common, but an amazing amount of doctors/nurses don't check for it any more (because bottle feeding was so prevelant for so long, I guess they just stopped.). Both top and bottom.
Get some Lansinoh lanolin cream for your nipples. That stuff is amazing! Also, stop pumping until your boobs are better - nurse only!
I definitely will. We go back
I definitely will. We go back in 2 days so I'll do what I can until then. I do use that cream and have even heard to use expressed milk but it all just burns and they're so dry! I also just read that it can affect baby's latch because if the oiliness. I don't know what to do I just want my baby to be fed, breastmilk or not.
I also thought the emphasis on pumping was strange so early. I want a decent supply for when I go back to work but it's all so much stimulation early on and it's kind of overwhelming.
Put the cream on right after
Put the cream on right after baby finishes nursing, that will give it time to soak in and not cause problems. Definately stop pumping until you are more comfortable nursing. Dont get discouraged... you and baby are both learning a new skill! Mostly relax. Make a conscious effort to relax your shoulders and arms, breathe and just look at that beautiful baby!
Try this video: https://www
Try this video:
It really helped me make sure my son was latching as deeply as possible when we were starting out and it hurt.
But I do remember for the first 2 weeks or so, it was a bit painful. Prior to watching the video above, I was in tears everytime he latched. After watching the video, I was able to relax a bit and it felt a bit "uncomfortable" but not painful.
It's definitely a learned skill but you'll get there
After those first 2 weeks, it didn't hurt at all. It's actually SO MUCH EASIER than formula once you get the hang of it. You never have to make bottles, wash bottles, get up in the middle of the night to mix formula, etc. You just whip it out lol.
Now at 15 months, my son typically does some acrobatics while he feeds and I just go about what I'm doing while he stays attached on lol it's kind of hilarious.
LMAO @ the acrobatics! I
LMAO @ the acrobatics! I totally get it and it IS SO FUNNY!
Definitley check for tongue
Definitley check for tongue tie. I was born with a super bad one and had to basically be fed with a bird dropper to get enough nutrition before the doctor finally snipped it.
Congratulations on her
Congratulations on her arrival! If you are still having BF issues, please contact a lactation consultant or the LaLeche League. My youngest was a NICU baby. He was bottle fed breast milk when I was not there to feed him (c-section and living in a hotel because they ran him to Pensacola). He had latching problems because of the bottle. My lactation consultant was able to help by giving us a syringe with a very small line attached to get the taste of the milk in his mouth so he would understand what to do next. Enjoy her <3
They did give us the syringe
They did give us the syringe and line but also said we could use the premie nipple and give it to her horizontally. I will tough it out until I see lactation on Wednesday and even my L&D nurse friend said my latch looks good but it is so painful and baby girl won't stay latched sometimes and I think she's not getting enough milk.
Oh, after reading this for
Oh, after reading this for sure make sure they check for tongue tie - perhaps if you can find an older dentist have them check too.
The nurses and pediatricians
The nurses and pediatricians haven't said anything but I'll ask on Wednesday when I see lactation. I was wondering this myself because she has a hard time keeping her bottom lip all the way out on her own.
My lil guy had this and the
My lil guy had this and the peds/nurses AND lactation missed it. *I* knew something was "different" from nursing before and went on a mad search for answers and discovered tongue tie.
I brought him to the ped and he said "oh its not bad enough to cause problems". IT WAS! I brought him to an older dentist (had been practicing for 35 years). He confirmed it was tongue tie and that it WAS bad enough to cause problems. He fixed it same day (took less than 2 minutes) FOR FREE. He didn't believe in charging for that because "mommas are just trying to feed their baby and shouldn't have to pay for that". The difference was IMMEDIATE. A 2 minute needed proceedure corrected the problems.
Huge congrats ILD!! You must
Huge congrats ILD!! You must be so in love, enjoy every minute with your beautiful girl!
The Asian comment was made out of spite & jealousy, and who cares if she does look Asian anyway. Some of my best friends have Asian babies & they’re the cutest little humans ever. Ignore SD & focus on your lovely daughter :)
Congratulations! There is
Congratulations! There is nothing like the smell and sweetness of a newborn! Soak it up momma, it goes by way too fast.
I had a terrible time breast feeding. Check with your hospital and see what programs they have with the lactation consultant. When I had my daughter we lived in WA. The consultant actually came to my house 2-3 times a week for like a month to make sure I was doing well with it. She was AMAZING!! I don't think I could have done it without her. She also helped when I needed to step up my milk production both times.
PS- Don't worry about SD. Hopefully for the next few months, when you are in the throws of life with a little one, she will spend the time in her room and just letting you enjoy motherhood!
Oh my goodness her smell is
Oh my goodness her smell is like a dream! I knew babies smelled good but having my own brings tears to my eyes and I never want to leave her.
I had tried a nipple shield initlally to get a latch because we were having a hard time and I thought we were getting it down but the scabs freaked me out and I haven't slept consistently in over a week (and then some with the pregnancy) and sometimes I want to cry when she wakes up only 20 minutes after a feeding and won't stay in her bassinet or even in between us, I just want to give up and let DH feed her. I hope it gets better before I go back to work.
How wonderful that you have your own little bundle of love.
When I had my first baby, my SD told me that BM said that was the ugliest baby she ever saw. Stepdaughter showed her mother a picture of the baby. What a bitxh! Lol
Hang in there with the breast feeding. I’d be too embarrassed to admit to how long my kids breastfeed. *biggrin* But I do recall some great discomfort with the first one. Took some time to toughen up the nipple.
Good Luck!
What an awesome time for you - enjoy.
I kinda had a little chuckle - until I read your responses. You see, my DH is full-on Filipino! And my eyes (Ima white girl) are "chinkier" than his (his words). Toxic Troll is full on white as well, so people always think that I am munchkinds mother. LOL. So the Asian comment, to me, didnt seem like it was a big deal, especially since there is some asian in your backgrounds.
But anyways - your baby sounds adorable!
must or not?
It is a pity for children who are manipulated by adults and try to do something behind their backs, they write or manipulate here (do not give toys because they were donated by an unpleasant person), but the child does not understand the parent's anger even if a stranger would give the toys. Surely you need psychological help and you need to talk to your husband and not write here. Take and install baby monitor with Wi-Fi function and watch everything that happens or put your husband in charge. Let him deal with the children, especially if he doesn't react in any way. After all, if you have no bird's rights in this house, set communication limits. Does your child need it? Does his daughter have to do something in your house and don't mess around…?