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Game time

Simpleton21's picture

This past weekend we decided to buy/play monopoly.  I always loved monopoly as a kid.  It is fun and it is strategic.  I was excited we got it to play with the kids.  My excitement quickly faded once the game started and SD was involved.  There is a rule that I don't remember as a kid but I guess now when you land on a property if it isn't already owned by someone you either have to buy it or the banker auctions it off.  Every time there was a property being auctioned off SD would bid the highest (even higher than the actual property value) to "win" and then when she realized she bid more than it was worth she would say, "I was just kidding I don't want it"....NO! Just NO!  That isn't how it works. You can't overbid at an auction, win and then say nevermind, so we made her stick with her bid.  She would also do things like grab the community chest cards out of her dad's hand while he was trying to read it.  Just overall annoying shit and attention seeking stuff b/c that is how she rolls.  Needless to say this was ruining the actual fun of the game for me.  There is a good possibilty that I may have went bankrupt very quickly to get out of the game....

I love the thought of game night but quite honestly SD kills all the joy for me when we play games.  It is like this with every game....or she overboard brags if she is winning or pouts if she is losing! Ugh!  Does anyone else experience this crap with skids?  Makes me never want to play games when she is there but of course DH only wants to play games if she is there Sad


dysfunctionally_blended's picture

Yes! I won't participate for this exact reason.

And it doesn't get better as they get older - just louder and more obnoxious. Lucky for me my SO hates games so it is a non issue. And even more so he hates the ridiculous behavior so games are rarely played here by skids LOL!

Some days I wonder - does HCBM act like this and is that where they learned it?! If so can you imagine!!! 

Simpleton21's picture

I don't get it.  I feel like she thinks she is being cute but it is really just obnoxious and not cute.  I know I shouldn't have done this but I said, "you make playing games no fun" just slipped right out....I couldn't contain the comment.  She looked shocked like no one has ever told her she is annoying before *pardon*

Siemprematahari's picture

Glad you made that comment. She had to hear it and if it wasn't you best believe it would have been someone else and it wouldn't have come out so "nice". It is, what it is....gotta stop walking on egg shells around kids and being afraid to be vocal. Its all on "how' you do it. Hopefully you got your point across.

Siemprematahari's picture

Why doesn't her father call her out on it? Does it bother him? I would ask her "why are you so extra", its a game not real money where we are actually purchasing property. Sometimes you have to pull that card to give them a reality check.

Simpleton21's picture

It does bother him.  I actually think it is bothering him a lot more lately.  He did get on her for the taking cards out of his hand but it is a weird dynamic, like he knows she is annoying but he wants to protect her too?!?! I don't get it.  I did say to her that it didn't make sense to bid $200 more than the property was worth but now she owns it but that wasn't really a great strategy and that if she bids she is paying for it.  I did tell her that she made the game no fun playing like that.  No one in her family ever seems to call her out on this crap but I do.  I feel like I'm being harsh but sometimes like you said they need a reality check. 

scook10's picture

Yes I experience similar things too! My SS, whom I love very much, is very competitive. His mom fosters that in him I believe even though she denies it. Anyways, he pouts when losing or brags when winnning too. And if he starts to feel that my kids, or even me, are getting more attention than him he gets attitude. But other times he is so sweet and giving, as long as he in control of who's getting what and when. (again I think this comes partly from mom) But I also think it could be related to him fearing losing his place in his dads world. So I try to be aware of that while calling him out on bad behavior or letting his dad do it. I could be wrong and he could just be a snot, but my gut tells me it's fear that makes him act out that way during 'family' time. 

TrueNorth77's picture

Same with SS here! Pouts when losing and ruins it for everyone, or over-the-top obnoxiously brags when winning. One day he complained we were making him play Farkle, the next day he miraculously wanted to play again and whined when we wouldn't. I said, wait, you complained about playing yesterday, now you're complaining today because we don't feel like playing? My SO yelled out, No kidding! Most times he will find a way to ruin it, one way or another.

Simpleton21's picture

I think that is part of the problem with SD.   BM has warped SD's head with "not fitting in" or "being replaced" or "struggling in the family".   I think if BM wasn't so crazy SD wouldn't be this way....

advice.only2's picture

When the kids were younger we would play games with them for a bit, and then tell them to play on their own. If we were having friends over and playing games the kids were not invited to play at all, they could go play their own games.

Simpleton21's picture

My son won't play games with just SD because she is so annoying to play with, lol!  We try to do it to foster family time but man it is so obnoxious!!!!

Simpleton21's picture

That is absolutely true!  DH wonders why I never want to play games anymore but if I am to blunt about his little precious he will get defensive....even though I can see he is clearly annoyed with her as well. Lately he has been a lot better about calling her out which has helped just a little bit.

thinkthrice's picture

about 5 minutes in if she wasn't instantly WINNING!  Hint:  buy all the CORNER properties. 

Simpleton21's picture

I noticed her trying to cheat with rolling the dice....she does try to cheat when we play clue too.  It is annoying because she is so obvious about it and thinks it is cute/funny too!  It isn't!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I don't play games with people who do not play by the rules. I am cohostess of a regular Game Night and that is THE thing. If you won't play by the rules, you immediately "lose" and are elimnated from the game. Those who persist are not invited back.

thinkthrice's picture

My son is very competitive but he PLAYS BY THE RULES!  Skids, in particular SD was a horror at any type of game.  Cheating was her method of always winning.   Between the stealing and the cheating, the kid was a complete degenerate by the age of 6.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Allowing kids to cheat - and to always "win" - sets them up for failure in life. You cannot always "cheat" and win. You don't always "win" at life.

thinkthrice's picture

SD must have been allowed to cheat all along

 No one ever told in particular SD and YSS that he word "NO."

All three are total failures. 

Simpleton21's picture

I am in complete agreement.  SD is always wanting to change rules or make new rules.  DH has been a lot better with her nonsense but during monopoly the other day he was slipping a bit.  I had to make sure several times he wasn't letting stuff slide.  He would act like he didn't notice or whatever but I would just get on him too.  

Cover1W's picture

Been there.

I used to just get up and walk away, saying that I was done. I also 'disappeared' a game or two.

Simpleton21's picture

I'm glad I'm not alone at least!  I feel bad getting upset playing a game with a child but at almost 12 she knows what she is doing.

Cooooookies's picture

SS16 used to be like this.  He'd pout, get angry and exclaim that "The game is cheatin'!!!".  Games cannot cheat SS, you don't always win and that's ok.  Now stop with the attitude or the game is finished.  You have to be a good sport.

A few hundred times of that and he seems to be good now.  It was hard work though.  People should really do your SD a favor and tell her more often how ridiculous and irritating she acts during a game...

Simpleton21's picture

Yeah, I did tell her she was making the game not fun.  I actually usually only play games with her when my DH's SM and his younger sisters come over.  His SM is very good on calling her out on her crap and putting her in her place without upsetting DH.  His SM is the best!

bananaseedo's picture

Oh my, families surviving monopoly ha!! Even in intact homes it can be a TOUGH game with flared tempers, ganging up against the weak one, on and on.  My dad RIP was super competitive and loved games, parchesi, monopoly, card games....he taught all 3 of us to be cut THROAT with these games.  The week (because sometimes the game would last THAT long) would end with someone in tears or pissed every night LOL.  Taught us some strong skills for later in life though. 

That games teaches more then we think-both good and bad.  If dad joined up with you towards the end you knew you were golden (he wasn't going to allow us to 'win' just because we were his kids) - but if dad partnered w/a sibling- ah hell it was kind of heartbreaking.

Monopoly is brutal, skids or kids ha!

Simpleton21's picture

LOL, some serious gaming going on there bananaseedo.  I see nothing wrong with competition and being cut throat and your dad shouldn't be letting you win...That is how it should be!  It is the taking it easy on them and not encouraging them to play right or learn the right way that is annoying!!!!

TheBrightSide's picture

When SD was about 8, my exDH and I played "Life" with her.  It was a long time ago, but I remember she got the profession of "Teacher".  Well, Teacher didn't pay much and she had a COMPLETE MELTDOWN.  It was actually comical.  We're divorced now. 

[Didn't that sound dramatic!!  Like the reason we divorced was because of the meltdown....]  

I've been separated 6 years, divorced 3 years.  I no longer have contact with exDH, but I still spend time with SD who is now 18!.    I like her a lot.  #irony

Simpleton21's picture

Ha, that sounds like SD for sure, we used to play LIFE also.  

It did sound dramatic like that caused the divorce! LOL!  I'm pretty sure skids cause a lot of divorces.  SD has made me question my relationship and now marriage plenty of times and I am almost positive if I divorced DH I would not ever want to visit with SD again.  She isn't a terrible kid but she is so entitled and attention hungry that it is hard to be least for me!

susanm's picture

The skids and DH always wanted to play board games.  I could never understand why since it inevitably devolved into a fight with screaming and tears from SD and SS would frequently throw a game piece in frustration.  And they would be on their phones until it was their turn during the whole game.  After asking DH nicely to get them under control and his usual response of "that is just how they are", I found every reason under the sun to avoid the situation.  I would rather have my liver removed with a rusty knife and a blowtorch than ever play a game with them again.

Simpleton21's picture

OMG, yes to all of this susanm.  I forgot about the phone part also.  Nose in her phone the whole time...not paying attention...taking forever for her turn acting like she can't do simple math!  Ahhhhhh!!!!!!