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OT - Vas Reversal Day! *UPDATED*

lieutenant_dad's picture

DH is having his vasectomy reversal today. I'm an anxious mix of all kinds of emotions. DH is cool as a cucumber (and complaining he's uncomfortable because he's wearing sweatpants in public...with a button-up shirt because he just *can't* wear only a t-shirt).

So send any good juju that you have!

UPDATE: Surgery went well. They found sperm! I never thought I'd be so happy to see a picture of the little buggers, but I'm elated!


tog redux's picture

Your DH and mine would get along well.  He HATES sweatpants other than for working out.  Wouldn't be seen with me if I went to the store in sweatpants.  Complained that SS wears them all the time - I tell him, he's 19, it's their uniform.

Good luck on getting the little soldiers marching again.


lieutenant_dad's picture

He just feels exposed in them. Same with a t-shirt and shorts. He likes having layers and being covered if he is in public. Really, he just doesn't like being naked, and one layer of clothing is too close to naked.

Thanks for the good vibes!

RogueSM's picture

wishing him the best and to a speedy recovery

lieutenant_dad's picture

Thank you! I'm hopeful for a speedy recovery because I don't think he can remain bedridden for long.

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

I have a close friend who went through this and it went very well. He was able to have another child after it was completed. Good luck.

lieutenant_dad's picture

Thank you for this. I've been mentally bouncing between worst and best case scenario. And I'm trying not to read about percentages and chances. But I do appreciate people telling me it CAN work.

Monkeysee's picture

All the best for DH & a great outcome for both of you!! It can definitely work! I know someone who’s ex had a reversal over 25 years ago after 10 years & they had 2 kids together. Think of how much further technology has progressed! Fingers crossed & good vibes sent your way Smile

mro's picture

XH had a reversal nearly 30 years and we have BS who just turned 28.  And technology is light years ahead now compared to then.  I'm rooting for you!*good*

STaround's picture

Ingorant question on my part, I dont know how long he has to wear sweatpants, but you might also look into Notuckit shirts for him

ksmom14's picture

good luck! 

DH had a reversal done after TWO (first one didn't take) vasectomys! And we now have 2 DDs Smile oh and he didn't listen to the 6 weeks no activity rule either because it's my DH lol so I'm sure all will be well!

Notup4it's picture

Yay exciting times!!!

Right now I’m 11 weeks pregnant after a vasectomy reversal from a year ago!! Smile  just a heads up to keep patient!! 

If you ever have any questions message me anytime! 

notasm3's picture

So happy for all of you wanting positive reversal results.

But so happy that DH never tried for a reversal with his second wife (not BM) although she begged for one.  She was the ultimate HCBM with her children from her first marriage.  I've told DH that I would never have married him  if he'd had children with her. She even tried to have DH plant drugs on her first DH - he refused.  She's hideous - but as they had not children together she is irrelevant.