My husband has SS5 Monday through
Friday 4am to 3:30 pm and every other weekend, yesterday he decided to have him stay with us and spend the night instead of going to his mom, but he was in and out working, he owns his own business, and I got stuck with SS5 most of the day, I had appointments with my kids, and he had the audacity to call me and ask me if I could go home and take care of his son because he had to go, on my only day off from work, I want to talk to him about it but not sure if it will cause more drama
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Who cares if it causes drama
Who cares if it causes drama (and if it does, that is on him), he needs to know that this is NOT okay. Otherwise, it will keep happening.
You should be able to talk to him about these things, he has no right to expect you to watch his kid.
Thank you I will
talk to him about it tonight
I would proceed very
I would proceed very cautiously with someone that has such little regard for your feelings and for the value of your time.
If he wants to take his son for extra time.. he needs to be fully prepared to deal with his care for that time. Now, he is welcome to ask you IN ADVANCE.. if you are in the position to help him, but he should NEVER assume that you are just going to be available and at his service.
That's what I don't
understand he asks to have him extra time for me to watch him and not ask me in advance I need to bring that up as well, and your right he doesn't respect my time
Tell him that YOU don't need
Tell him that YOU don't need any extra time with SS, thank you very much, so he should not take extra time if HE cannot be there with him or cannot take him with.
You had appointments and for
You had appointments and for him to not be considerate of your time and just assume doesn't bode well. Do not ever NOT communicate about something in fear that it will cause drama. This has to be addressed and it really is a topic of discussion that has to be spoken about and stated clearly about your time and how you are not obligated to do it.
If he doesn't have the extra time for his child than he shouldn't place himself out there.
Just keep the discussion
Just keep the discussion focused on his unrealistic expectation that you drop what you’re doing to accommodate him. Your wants and needs are equal to his., and he was rude to you.
He will try to turn it into “you just hate my kid,” but that’s not it at all. You expect to be treated like a partner and has nothing to do with your feelings toward the child.
Just say NO
He wanted SS. He had SS, his problem is not your problem. He can solve all his problems by taking him back to BM
SS is there to spend time
SS is there to spend time with his father - not YOU.
What would your DH do if you were not available as babysitter? He'd have to one of the following:
yea I thought if I
told him it would turn into you don't like my kid, I have to work, last night he got home late and I was already in bed but I will speak to him tonight and I am using all the words everyone suggested thank you