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Are they for real??!!!??

Britmum's picture

So as an update on our skids saga (because let's face it, their life is like one long episode after another of drama)...

H and me are pretty much back in track now, we had a really bad time with each other after SS walked back into H's life after 6 years of no contact. I didn't think we'd make it through to the other side and hold H 100% accountable for his ridiculous choices and behaviour. However, thankfully we have come through and H is being accountable for his actions and thankfully the shitty lifestyle choices that he made to try and get inside with SS were not sustainable and he has got through the midlife crisis!!

This all sounds ideal, except for the fact that SS is resentful that his divide and rule plan against me and H did not succeed and so he has gone on another spiteful outburst.

He has been trying to push his boundaries by turning up at our house despite H clearly telling him not to come to our house as it is not appropriate to turn up where I live after treating me so badly. He has told him to call him first and then he will meet him wherever he wants, and I have even agreed that whilst I am not home I don't care if H allows him to pop by as long as he is not there when I return with the children. There is no point making life harder for H when he is trying do do his best by all of us.

SS was not happy with this arrangement and decided to just keep turning up when he wanted and after a few tactful warnings this has led to H shouting at him to stop being disrespectful by pushing against his wishes and to go away.

The above led to the most recent abusive message to H saying "I wish you was dead like your dad, all you care about is that fat c*#t"

Him and SD have also gone back onto a tyrant of bad mouthing me to all of our friends and acquaintances that he sees whilst out.

I just don't understand how people can be so disgusting! I have never wished anyone dead in my life.

tog redux's picture

It must be hard for your DH that his kids are such assholes.  At least he's standing up for you now.

Britmum's picture

I have spent a lot of months being really annoyed with H and even resentful yet this makes me feel sad for him.

sandye21's picture

Get a restraining order to keep SS away from your home.  Hope you have kept the message where he called you a fat c*#t.  As vicious, volatile and threatening as SS seems to be you really should  involve authorities.  You are lucky your DH stood up for you.

Britmum's picture

It's very difficult, I don't think that H is emotionally in a place where he would be able to go through with a restraining order or anything similar. 

H is very much the alpha male type of man and I think that SS is aware that he would not win any battles but he is so spiteful and vindictive with his words as he knows that it is an effective way to hurt his dad. If pushed too far H has shown that he will protect me and the children unconditionally but it doesn't matter how big and strong H is, SS has still managed to emotionally hurt him deeper than I have ever seen.