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Am i bad for wanting to disengage

Fedupgirl's picture

me and dh been together since 2008, he has 1 child from a fling in his younger years and was raised by his BM. We have 3 children now. early years i thought i was gonna be ok with the situation DH would give him everything he needs growing up we have civil relationship i would take him out do what DH wouldnt give time to. Ive always feel like SS’s GM AND BM had always influence him since we had our own kids, like telling him to ask more or asking for my DH Surname which makes me miserable and annoyed with the their plot to make him significant to my DH inheritance. I am now scared of weekends because he keeps on demanding for an eat out. And shopping 

iam ok with my DH Supporting his every needs but hes asking way too much for his age (branded clothes , luxury bags etch) and keeps on using my kids to get DH approval by saying he wants to work hard to give my kids what they want blah blah blah which annoys me most , also whenever DH is looking he has this for show that he keeps on hugging and kissing my kids pretending to love them cause my dh always falls for that  

ESMOD's picture

If this child is your DH's son.. why wouldn't he be entitled to a share of his estate? 

Fedupgirl's picture

Yes that’s the point ? Why do they need to take every effort to be significant. I dont mind him having a share, i also know hes got insuance under his name i feel the bm suddenly wants him to be named after dh is very suspicious . . And also dont you think i have a right as the wife to limit what we will give when they ask? I think luxury things are too much i have 3 children that are still young . Hes graduate already and should be focusing in sustaining himself not on what he can milk his dad off.. 

tog redux's picture

Yeah, he may be after something.  There's not much you can do about it, except talk to DH about how much money is leaving your minor kids to go to this adult (I assume) kid.

Fedupgirl's picture

They expect Sm to be good and kind but cant be involve with the discipline . I always tell him to teach him to be responsible with his allowance which he complies , but the kid is so manipulative sendinh him fake good grades from college .. telling him he loves my kids etch he will work hard to get them things they need. But i once saw a post that who he said his real loves are his bro and sis from his mom. Thats how i started to know hes faking us eversince i totally disengage i decline to go with them to the twice a month eat out, i dont welcome him to my home anymore.. he doesnt show me any respects he acts like our home is his.