Obsession with Child Support
Hello! I just signed up, although I've been reading the forums for awhile. I am currently married, have one biological daughter (DD10) and two stepchildren (SS, 12; SD, 9). Like a lot of you, I have nothing but undiluted hatred for my husband's ex-wife. Her new husband is almost as bad as she is. She is collecting disability, and is evidently too disabled to work but NOT too disabled to go on constant vacations and outings (she seems perfectly fit and healthy in her Facebook photos). Her husband is, to the best of my knowledge, unemployed and spends his days in their basement playing video games.
My husband pays approximately $800.00 per month in child support. I know that it could be worse, but it's certainly not an insignificant amount of money for our family, especially knowing that it's going to subsidized his useless ex-wife and her equally useless husband, so that they don't have to work. I receive no child support from my ex-husband, and did not request child support. We have 50/50 custody of our daughter, so in my mind, child support was not necessary or logical (based on my personal situation). My ex-husband and I get along and co-parent quite well, and I think the fact that money is not being used as leverage is one of the main reasons that we are able to treat each other reasonably.
Anyway, I constantly obsess over the amount of child support that we are paying to his ex-wife, and how it's not fair to my daughter. I feel like his children - because of the child support - will always come out "ahead." He does not have 50/50 custody, except during the summer, when he does have 50/50. For the rest of the year, he has the standard "dad schedule" of every other weekend and Wednesday overnights. During those summer months especially, when they are with us 50% of the time and he is still paying her $800.00 a month, it becomes almost more than I can handle.
We are not in a completely desperate situation, financially. It's more about this idea of fairness. I feel as though I need to make this up to my daughter, and I can't seem to move past it. I hoard money to set aside for her. At the same time, however, I feel this weird guilt about buying her things and not buying them things - because I can afford clothes for one kid but not three. Due to the child support, my husband doesn't really have the money to buy lots of extra stuff for his kids (we have separate finances and accounts). The fact that I feel like I have to hide my purchases for my daughter makes me even more resentful, because his kids are getting $800 a month, and I shouldn't have to sneak around anytime that I want to get MY daughter shoes, or clothes, or whatever. Nor should I have to explain to his kids why I bought something for my daughter, but they always ask. Obviously I can't be honest with them and discuss child support, so it feels like this will be a constant source of stress.
I have tried sooooo hard not to think about it, but it always creeps back into my mind somehow. I worry about the future and how we'll probably be ordered to pay for college for his two kids, and how they'll always be taking and taking and it will never end. Has anyone else struggled with this, and how did you handle it?
Well - my first thought when
Well - my first thought when I read your post was: If BM is on disability (maybe $800/ month) and husband is unemployed, how in the world are 4 people living on $1600 a month? Certainly they aren't living high on the hog.
In general, Child Support is *supposed* to go for living expenses, such as rent, utilities, food, etc. You and your ex split time equally, so you are each paying an equal amount to care for your DD (roughly) - whereas BM is caring for the skids the majority of time, so needs that money to keep a roof over their heads.
So I don't see it as them having tons of extra money to buy stuff with, on DH's dime. In YOUR case anyway.
Disability could be higher
According to what I saw - Most SSDI recipients receive between $800 and $1,800 per month (the average for 2019 is $1,234. If she had a private disability policy, it could be higher.
And her DH could be working, even if only part time.
Agree, not luxury life
She makes approximately $45
She makes approximately $45,000 per year on disability, based on records that we received during previous litigation. She was very smart about the way she went about getting disability, and the type of disability. My husband's doesn't make significantly more and pays $800 per month.
In many states, what the CP earns is not relevant.
So it sounds like she is supporting the kids.
Tell US how she does it and
Tell US how she does it and for what disability...I am just curious. Thanks
Of course all tax free. And
Of course all tax free. And we never get to claim the dependent tax credits...ever.
Well, I know what she makes
Well, I know what she makes and I disagree. She makes 45,000 per year, based, 100% tax free, in addition to nearly $10,000 in child support, tax free. So nearly $55,000 per year tax free. That's quite a bit of money, when you don't have to pay taxes and get to retain 100%. I'm not going to go into detail about the type of disability she receives, but I know that's the amount, if not higher now since time has passed.
Gotcha. Sounds like she's got
Gotcha. Sounds like she's got a good gig.
I guess the only way to get out of this thinking is to accept that life is not fair, and some women milk the court system for money, quite successfully. Personally, I don't think 55K is a whole lot for 4 people to live on either, but it depends on where you live and what you are used to.
Letting BM have so much power over your emotions really is YOUR choice, but you have to change your thinking.
I mean, I'd be GLAD to keep
I mean, I'd be GLAD to keep 55k, tax free. I feel like that's much more money than what most people make. Or at least much more money than what I make, after taxes. We manage to live on close to the same amount AND pay $800 per month in CS. We have the same expenses as she does. We have to pay for a house with enough bedroom, utilies, food for when they're here. It's not like we shove them in a closet and call it good. Not saying you're saying that - I just think the entire child support system is inherently flawed and unfair. Again, personal opinion.
There is a lot to be fixed in
There is a lot to be fixed in the CS system. On the other hand, what do you think would be fair given that BM has them the majority of the time? Why does DH not have 50/50?
We have every other weekend,
We have every other weekend, from Friday evening until Monday morning, and every Wednesday night until Thursday morning. My husband does all of the transportation, and it's about a 35 minute drive from our house to her house, one direction (she moved right after the Judgment was entered, so that was nice). And then, 50/50 during the entire summer. So while she does have them more, I feel like we have a decent amount of time as well. He doesn't have 50/50 because he was finishing school at the time of their divorce, and had spoken with her and believed that she would be willing to modify the schedule once his life was back on track (she filed for divorce and cheated on him while he was trying to finish his degree). So he believed her, and then she decided that she wanted to keep the money, and didn't want him to have more time with the kids. She knows how overnight credits work, in our state. His son has cried at our house on several occasions because he wants to spend more time with his dad. She doesn't care at all. She won't allow the holiday schedule to be modified so that his kids' holidays line up with my daughter's holidays, even though his kids have requsted it many times. As far as I know, the schedule being modified slightly would have no affect on her whatsoever. She certainly doesn't have any responsibilites during the day, or any place that she needs to be, like a job. I don't know what's fair. It seems like a lot, based on our own bills and expenses and the fact that my husband always have to drive and accomodate her desires.
But, she is feeding them..
But, she is feeding them.. paying the electric and water bills.. which ARE higher based on occupancy in the home. If they are there more.. they are also likely getting other stuff here and there.. and clothes etc..
The bottom line is that this is something that you need to figure out how to get past. She gets approximately 100 dollars a week per child. I can tell you that my grocery bill for myself (including cleaning supplies.. toilet paper.. toiletries etc..) goes well beyond 100 bucks.. just for me. Start adding in utilities and clothing and other stuff that just happens when kids are around.. and she is hardly goldplating the bathroom floor with the child support. More gas to transport the kids on more errands.. etc.. just more of more things to do with the kids.
You are pissed she is getting money for "nothing".. well... disability isn't your call... you can't control that. If you want your husband to try to get 50/50 to reduce his obligation? fine.. but it won't net much I'm guessing.
I think you need to forget that this money is part of your husband's salary.. treat it just like any other deduction from his paycheck for taxes or social security etc..
I know it seems like a lot of money.. and I can see being jealous of her "doing nothing" and getting loads of money handed over.. but there is nothing you can do about this... so you need to figure out how to get past it.
Well, child support is what
Well, child support is what it is so stop driving yourself crazy by obsessing over it and focus on what you can control, which is YOUR money and what YOU do with it. This is easy for me to say because my husband is done with CS! I do know how you feel, though.
Your husband paying child support should not affect your daughter and I don't see how it's not fair to her, or why you would need to make it up to her because your husband pays child support. Unless your husband is not paying his share of your shared bills and this is causing financial hardship.
If he is paying his share of the bills and he has nothing left over for extras for his kids, that is not your problem.
It is not your responsibility to buy things for his kids and you can certainly do for your daughter what you want. I wouldn't rub it in your step kids' faces but you are not their parent and your husband needs to teach them some manners regarding them asking you questions about what you buy for your daughter, they are not toddlers. They also know that they have a mom and a dad and you are neither.
So, what age do you feel is appropriate to discuss the basics of child support with kids? Because your husband has every right to let them know that he is NOT a dead beat dad and that he DOES pay for them.
Yeah, no reason you can't say
Yeah, no reason you can't say, "I buy for her because I'm her Mom, like your Mom buys for you."
By the way OP, my DH pays 1K/mo for one 19-year-old "child", so I do know the annoyance of child support. But, as hereiam said, it is what it is.
Yes, I agree that it is not
Yes, I agree that it is not my problem, and wish that it would be addressed with his kids. I don't know - in the eyes of the court it seems like those are things that can never be discussed. I'd love for him to have a talk with them.
Well, I'll tell you what
Well, I'll tell you what happens when the truth of the matter is never addressed. My SD, as an adult, dropped her jaw to the floor when she found out that my DH paid child support every month, on time, for 13 years and had the receipts to prove it. Apparently, her mother told her DH didn't pay anything, ever. Don't think my SD didn't have some resentment towards her dad all of those years, thinking that he didn't pay anything for her.
I wish it had come up sooner, a lot sooner.
I have tried to tell him that
I have tried to tell him that, and he is so afraid of looking like he is bad-mouthing their mom that he just doesn't want to say anything. And based on her previous behavior, she would try to use it against him in court, so I partly understand where he is coming from. She's such a POS, in so many ways. I hate not being able to tell the truth. I try to provide information when I can do so in a subtle manner, so that it doesn't appear as though he is the one who is mentioning things.
It's all in how you say it.
It's all in how you say it. He can't say, "Go ask your mother, I give her $800/mo in child support." But he CAN say, "Hey guys, mom and I have an arrangement where I give her money to help with paying bills at her house and to buy you clothes and stuff, since you live with her most of the time." If they ask how much, tell them that's between the adults, he just wanted them to understand that you and DD's dad buy her stuff, just like he and BM buy THEM stuff.
Done. If you say it like that it's not bad-mouthing anyone, it explaining how the world works.
That is a good way to put it.
That is a good way to put it.
Just dont gloss over "bills"
to be fair, DH should say a portion of bills for rent, utilities and groceries, and if anything is left, extras.
Hereiam...omg I am so sorry
Hereiam...omg I am so sorry your sd just found out.
THIS is the main reason I , in the strongest of terms tell the children about child support. Courts and some lawyers suggest TAKE the high road and dont talk to the childddd-reeeennnn about any child support you give their mom.
BULL SHIT....they need to know dad loves them and dad is giving mom money FOR THEM.Every darn cent.
Do his kids not know he pays
Do his kids not know he pays child support? He’s doing them (or himself rather) a disservice by not being honest with them that BM gets money for them every month. They’ll grow up thinking that ‘mummy did EVERYTHING’, and also thinking it’s normal for dads not to contribute. Neither of which are true.
I got over the annoyance of CS by making it clear in my head that it’s for the boys, not BM, and it’s DH’s obligation as their dad to support them. Which it is. I wouldn’t want to be with him if he was neglecting his kids, so there’s that.
You shouldn’t feel obligated to buy his kids anything, nor should you feel guilty for buying things for your DD! She’s your kid, and if they question you tell them you buy your DD things the same way their parents buy them things. If they’re holding their hands out expecting things from you tell them they’re being rude.
I agree, thank you. Partly I
I agree, thank you. Partly I think it bothers me because I hate her so much and how she has treated my husband.
I get it. I can’t stand BM, I
I get it. I can’t stand BM, I think she’s an evil, manipulative, selfish little see you next Tuesday. But CS is for the kids. Reminding myself of that keeps me sane.
I'm sorry maybe I'm reading
I'm sorry maybe I'm reading too far in between the lines here, but it comes across that you are resentful that his ex figured out a way to bilk the system, and that if he had that extra 800 a month he should be spending it on you and your kid.
You both have separate accounts, therefore you only pay for you and your daughter. Your DH pays for him and his kids, so even if he wasn't paying his ex 800 per month, that wouldn't be spent on you anyway, it would be spent on him and his kids.
I don’t think he should be
I don’t think he should be spending it on my kid. I’d like him to be able to contribute more to our household expenses. I feel like his obligation is affecting my kid, because I am responsible for more bills as a result of his obligation. If the situation with her was different, it wouldn’t bother me as much. I can’t go into all of the details over the last five years. It’s quite a bit.
I get it. BM here has done
I get it. BM here has done everything in her power to punish DH, including alienating his son for over 3 years. And when said kid was 18, she went back and got MORE Child Support because the law allows it here.
It's a big shit sandwich but it's part of the price you pay in a second family.
His child support is just
His child support is just like any other "personal bill" he has. If he doesn't make enough to pay his personal bills and an appropriate amount of shared household expenses he should get another job. YOU should NOT be paying more.
We have them approximately
When I said separate finances I meant separate bank accounts, not separate bills. We live together. We have his kids approximately 117 overnights per year. That’s not nothing. We pay $800 to her a month, all the additional costs for food, clothes, etc. when they are here, all the same housing and utility expenses that she does, which are not significantly less than hers, all the transportation expenses for the 1 hour - 1,5 hour round trip drive for which my husband does 100% of the pickups and dropoffs. My money goes to pick up the slack. In my mind, my money is being taken from my daughter to give to her. I pay for more stuff here. I don’t buy myself anything so that whatever extra I have I save for MY daughter. Our household contribution to HER care is not even close to what his kids receive from this household.
If you divide rent, utilities
If you divide rent, utilities, food, clothes, activities, transportation, etc for her, her share isn't even close to $400?
The way I'm mentally looking
The way I'm mentally looking at it, it's not just $400. It's $400 PLUS everything we spend on them here, including all the transportation and transportation expenses, which is not insignificant. Have to have the appropriate number of bedrooms here (it's not like we get a discount on our mortgage because he has less than 50/50), have to have clothes here, have to have food here, have to pay for utilites here, for the 117 overnights a year they are with us. So when you divide the rent here, plus all that, even if you did it proportionately by percentage of time, no way I spend that much on my kid. Maybe this is the wrong way to look at it, idk. I have resentment at feeling like I have to pay for more stuff in this household so that our money can be given to someone else. So no, I do not feel as though I spend that much money on my daughter. Not even close.
Yeah, men get screwed with
Yeah, men get screwed with child support, no doubt. Best you can do is make peace with it, it's part of being with a man with kids from a prior marriage.
I get the resentment. But
I get the resentment. But what can you do about it? Nothing.
Suggest you find a way to stop focusing so much headspace and emotional energy on something you can’t change.
And I agree with others that it’s fine, and healthy, that his kids knows he pays child support every month, in an age appropriate way.
Yes, I don't want it to
Yes, I don't want it to consume my thoughts and make me angry. You are right.
Maybe I'm just weird...
I came here to be honest about how I feel, to see if anyone else has been in this situation and had these thoughts. Maybe I'm just weird. Maybe it's uncommon for a bio mom who is also a stepmom to feel that child support is wrong, fundamentally. I didn't like the idea of my ex-husband paying child support, because in my mind, when I was done with him, I was done with his finances as well. I like the idea of supporting myself. I don't understand the mentality of women who deny 50/50 custody with a loving and capable parent in the interest of maintaing their child support amount. In my husband's case, I'm fairly certain that's what is going on. Maybe I didn't explain that clearly enough. It's a lot to try to sum up. All circumstances are different, and I do feel that child support is appropriate for some situations, but by and large I think it's a system that encourages women to be dependent and, in fact, reinforces the idea that women should be dependent. I don't view it as an empowering thing, and it's not something I wanted for myself. I wanted to support my daughter without having to say that her dad helped me. So if that makes me an outcast, then I guess it does.
I don't think it's "wrong"
I don't think it's "wrong" per se, because 2 people make a kid and both have to support the kid. If you have reasonably similar incomes and 50/50, it makes sense not to have anyone pay child support. And if you can work together to split extracurriculars and medical stuff without any problem, then great.
But not all exes can do that. I have a friend who makes her ex pay probably 1/8th of what he would owe in child support and what he agreed to. But she's forever having to remind him of that when he says he can't help with whatever expense she is asking him to pay for.
There is no question, though, that some, unhealthy women abuse the child support system, and that it's a relic from the days when men were breadwinners and women were SAHMs.
Right. I don’t think it’s
Right. I don’t think it’s wrong in certain cases. I was not clear in my original post that she’s doing a lot of what she’s doing for the money. That definitely makes me angry, and I hate how she treats my husband. I also think she’s a bad mom to her own kids. Yes, it is a relic in many cases.
CS can be very unfair
and I totally understand your feelings. However, I wouldn't feel one ounce of guilt about buying your daughter things. As others have said above, it is very cheeky of the stepchildren to even query you on this. I would answer them next time with a curt 'none of your business'.
Why is the amount of CS and the fact DH pays it to their mother kept secret from them? In our situation, once the skids were old enough, we made them acutely aware of exactly what DH was paying BM. We had had enough of hearing 'isn't mum the best? She bought me an Apple Macbook, Sony noise cancelling headphones, drums, etc etc'. Erm, no she didn't. WE DID with the King's ransom she gets from us.
The deck is stacked so heavily in favour of BMs with child support that it isn't even worth thinking about because it cannot be changed. In our situation, SD17 has just moved back to BM's after living with us full time. Mummykins was obviously straight on to child support despite the fact that DH paid off the family home that she lives in and is now mortgage free, whereas we are not. She, like your BM doesn't work as she was able to live very comfortably on ther child support that she got from DH.
We did have a little win though yesterday. BM presumed that the ridiculously generous Parenting Order would be reinstated and she would be once again receiving a monthly pot of gold courtesy of DH as SD is back living with her. Nope. Due to the fact the skids lived with us for a couple of years, those Court Orders have now lapsed and she will get whatever child support is calculated by the CSA. It will still be a lot as DH is high income but nowhere near what she used to receive.
The whole thing is sickening especially as we were told that our baby son won't reduce what BM receives by much at all. We are lucky in a sense because DH earns good money. I feel very sorry for the fathers who are on low incomes and really struggle due to their money going out the door to fund an ungrateful, lazy BM.
Yes, yes, and yes! Thank you
Yes, yes, and yes! Thank you for the comments!
I think the time has come to discuss the child support with them in a way that doesn’t make my husband look like the “bad guy.” Sounds like it can be done based upon the comments, so that gives me some hope.
We waited far too long before having this discussion with the stepchildren. Why shouldn't they know how the world works and who pays for what?
A reality check is long overdue. If your DH needs convincing, get him on board by saying children need to learn about budgeting, money management etc as it is an important life skill.
Also, congrats on even a
Also, congrats on even a small win, and I hope things get better.
Thank you, you too xx
The only way it gets better is by them ageing out and turning 18. SS18 is now 'off the books' as I say. One more year to go with SD. How old are your stepkids?
Ignore me, I see you listed their ages above.
Yeah, I’m in it for a bit.
Yeah, I’m in it for a bit.
Plus on our state it goes up
Plus on our state it goes up through college. So great.
It's 21 here. Just keeps on
It's 21 here. Just keeps on going ... rewarding BM for creating Failure to Launch in my SS.
I do understand where you are
I do understand where you are coming from, we were paying almost 800 per month to a meth addict for 1 kid. I had to pretend it was a shitty bill we had to pay because thinking about meth mouth using our money to fund her drug addiction was more than I could take.
All I was trying to convey is that even if your DH had 50/50 and was only paying 400 a month to CS he still would not have more money to help with you or your daughter or household bills. Because he would now be putting that extra 400 towards his kids while they were with you.
maybe consider a place to move that costs less and this way lessens your household bill obligations. Also maybe set up a budget that makes sense and feels more equal for what you are paying versus him.
Most all of us have been in your shoes at one point or another and we understand I think we are just trying to let you know there is no happy answer to it.
I get what you are saying. I
I get what you are saying. I guess, in part, I feel like he wouldn’t be spending that much money if he got to choose how to spend his own money. I just don’t believe that, in addition to what he already spends when they’re with us, that he’d be spending an extra $800 for 4-5 additional overnights a month (if he had 50/50). Right now he has 10 overnights a month during the school year, and 15 during the summer. I think I actually underestimated the number of overnights in my previous posts. He’d be putting it into savings, or investing, or paying for a larger shall of the household bills. Not really an option now. I appreciate the comments, I know it sucks for everyone who has to deal with it. I’m just really struggling and have been for awhile.
Ok so I used to be you
Except it was $1000a month and half of everything she wanted and I too did 50/50 no child support with my ex.
Both of his kids turned 18 and child support ended and she is screwed and my steps have major problems .
my kids are great and healthy and happy and I make six figures now cause I kept climbing the ladder and working hard instead of living off the government and some man.
His ex is. Is ooot and heavy in debt with zero retirement and I mean zero . Child support does end
I very much look forward to
I very much look forward to the day when we are in a better position, after putting in all the work. You are right, it will end.
Your partner has to support
Your partner has to support his kids with maintenance. If you feel short changed in the pocket department with regards to your daughter you should have asked your ex for maintenance.
How about...I think it’s
How about...I think it’s pathetic to request maintenance when I can support myself, and when I was the one who chose to end the marriage. I’ve never received a penny of child support, and I’ve been fine. It can be done. I wanted to have a decent relationship with my ex, because I wanted to put my daughter first. Ruining his life financially didn’t seem like the best way to do that. So...agree to disagree.
So you don’t believe men
So you don’t believe men should help to support their children? Only women do? You don’t seem to hold men accountable for anything. Why is that?
My ex husband absolutely
My ex husband absolutely supports my daughter. I just don’t use the legal system as a metaphorical gun to his head.
My mother did the same thing
My mother did the same thing you're doing. Didn't ask my father for child support then turned around and complained how expensive it was to raise a child and how he never paid a dime in support. She thought being nice to him would make him throw money her way and possibly bring him back, neither worked. He left and we lived in poverty.
Sorry to say, but you sound very bitter that you're not getting a sweet deal like BM. If your ex is making substantially more than you are he should be paying some support to maintain his child. I get that you're an independant hard working woman but your child isn't. I have a CS order that is 12 years old and have never asked support to be raised because I thought it would help with co-parenting and to keep things smooth. Guess what, it didn't work. ExH is just as big of a jerk and non involved with his children as ever. I have recently filed to have support adjusted because my children deserve to have a better quality of life, and yes their father should contribute.
Not at all. My ex absolutely
Not at all. My ex absolutely takes care of our daughter. He’s a great dad. We have 50/50. We get along great, in part because I’ve never used my position as the mom to get ahead.
Totally understand your feelings
in my case it’s even worse. DH pays CS to BM while the boy is living with the ILs. They provide for the boy, drive him to the doctors, school etc etc.
BM likes to change men instead of taking care of her child. And she is visiting the boy at the ILs, having diners with them and drinking coffees (more money spent on her).
I was telling DH she had to take her kid back and have CS, or they both have to pay CS to the ILs. So many discussions, so much stress. It is unfair, especially that she pays tax as a single mom while for me the ILs have to be eligible for tax exemption, not her.
one day DH had no money to pay CS, so I did it, but I sent this money to the ILs instead of BM. Well, they gave this money to her
I was so mad !
what helped me is total disengagement, I do not see the boy more than twice a year for Christmas and Easter, I do not ask about his news, do not talk to ILs either more than “now are you, I am fine thank you”. And as someone said above, I consider DH salary net of the CS.
I do not have a room for the boy in my house, he already has one at ILs and BMs, so I refuse to pay a cent more in this craziness that they created.
And I feel no guilt towards the boy, I go on vacation with my family only, which excludes this kid. But the kid has vacations with his BM and ILs, while my DD only goes with us. I buy her clothes and gifts, but the boy has so much more because my ILs like to spoil him and I do not allow the same for my DD.
But my DD has and will continue to have a better education, better schools and everything, because I make a decent money. Is it fair to the boy ? I do not really care, after all he is coming from uneducated family and for him this life with a lot of toys and not much of responsibilities or studies is normal. Life is hard and unfair, so be it.
That is a rough situation and
That is a rough situation and would also make me angry.
I understand your resentment!
I wish I could share with you a magic formula to get over it. I can't, unfortunately. I struggle with the same, and I don't even (yet) have to make up for DH not pulling his weight in our home as a result of his obligation. He pays his ex close to $6000 per month. This is approximately $5000 in maintenance and $1000 in CS. The maintenance was for 5 years. It will end on Feb 1, 2020, thankfully. Hopefully she will not be able to go back to court and increase CS (due to his taxable income going up, which is what happens when maintenance ends as it is taxable to the recipient).
The tough part is DH lost his job a few months ago - ok no one here is going to feel sorry for me and I'm not asking them to, but it is tough because he is a VP level (hence the high amount of maintenance required) and is 53 and may not get another at that level. I struggle mightily with the fact he was a big breadwinner when married to HER. I do very well myself (director level but in the pharmaceutical industry that pays like VP in other industries) but cannot seem to get it out of my head the traditional roles. And my ex is a POS who pays a paltry amount of CS for our last child under 18 - he is barely able to pay his half of our other two kids' college expenses and forget about splitting things like medical, sports etc. And believe me my kids know this - I refuse to cover for him when he has lived beyond his means and created a situation where he cannot pull his financial weight and is therefore less than a man.
DH and I have always kept our separate finances; we split the bills and I have never had to make up for what he pays his ex. But if he does not find a new job within the next 3-4 months, he will need to withdraw from our home equity line of credit. And I will insist that is what he does, because if he is still paying the bitch ex but not his share of our household, then effectively I would be paying her. NO F-ING WAY. Because the maintenance ends in just a few more payments, it is not worth filing to end it.
I know anyone can lose a job; I am passionate about my career and would not be doing anything different with that whether I were married to ex-H, single, or married to DH. But if we get to the point he is either not finding a job and taps the HELOC and if he ends up settling for a job where I seriously out-earn him, I will have a very difficult time accepting this and while I'm ecstatic the maintenance is ending, I too will resent the CS. And I cannot get it out of my head his bitch ex was 'taken care of' while I have to be a "man" LOL :-)
On the topic of what he tells his kids - I am a fan of showing the kids a spreadsheet outlining living expenses and matter of factly explaining everything including what he pays their useless mother. It is a fact and is not bad-mouthing.
Thank you so much for your
Thank you so much for your comments. I can relate to this in so many ways. I also think about how she was with him when he had limitless potential and no debt. Now, he can’t do anything without a co-signer because she ruined his credit. The list goes on and on. In our state, child support continues until the child is 21, as long as they’re in college. That, again, seems ridiculously unfair. I’m sure we won’t have money to help my daughter when she’s in college. Just so much resentment.
In my state it goes to 21 no
In my state it goes to 21 no matter what, as long as they live with the CP. So my SS19 is sitting on his lazy ass doing nothing with his life because BM wants to squeak every possible penny out of DH before she shoves SS out of the nest.
It sucks, she's an abusive, lying manipulator who makes 100K a year herself and has no need for the extra CS she got from the court when SS was 18, but am I surprised she's acting like this? Nope, it's who she is. All I can do is look forward to the end.
I feel like this will be me
I feel like this will be me in a few years.
In the end. Can you change
In the end. Can you change this situation? Do you want to stay in the relationship? Do you want to be happy?
Sometimes we just have to learn to accept what we cannot change.
You holding on to all this bitterness is like drinking poison in Hope's the other person dies.
Stop giving her head space. Just think of that money as for his kids...not her. Or even that your husband just earns less.
Control what you can. Your dh should pay his share of Bill's. If he cant...either cut back or he needs to earn more.
Yes, agree. It’s easier said
Yes, agree. It’s easier said than done sometimes but I want to try. There are other factors that don’t help. I have the typical MIL who still invites the ex to family events even thought my DH has told her that he doesn’t want her there, because she ruined him financially and won’t modify the custody agreement. Stuff like that.
I know it is. I think every
I know it is. I think every stepmother has had these feelings at some point. Sometimes we have to give ourselves some tough love and not allow the things we cant control to consume us. Only you can decide that the total package is worth it all or not.
I definitely understand how
I definitely understand how you feel! My DH paid $1200 a month CS for nearly two decades. (It never got adjusted in court because it originally was calculated based on BM's claim she was paying her mom $800/mo. to watch 2 SSs part-time--both were in school--which continued until oldest SS graduated at age 18 1/2.) BM in our case worked part-time and got to claim both SSs on her taxes every year. My DH drove 4 hours round-trip to get them every other Friday and 4 hours to return them every other Sunday, which was a huge cost in gas and tolls. Oh, and several thousand dollars for braces for EACH SS, plus medical insurance and 60% of what insurance didn't cover. Like you, I especially felt resentment when we had them in the summer and still had to pay $1200 a month despite having to pay for all their meals, etc. while with us (one year, we even paid for someone $500 a week to babysit them while we worked during the day!) I admit I used to drive myself crazy thinking about it, calculating how many more payments were left, how much more money it was. And it was especially hard seeing BM taking numerous vacations a year, driving a Mercedes, etc.
Our CS has been over for four years, and not only do I still get sick to my stomach thinking about it, I still sometimes think about how even today we're behind all our peers financially and will NEVER catch up. At the same time, I love my DH and I always said I'd rather have him and our life together than be without him, and we're about to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary. I especially feel that way now that SKs are grown, and the only time they become an issue is a few times a year when they want MONEY, usually an amount still way less than we paid BM every MONTH, much less a year. I wish I could tell you just to hang on and one day it will be over, but I understand how hard it is when you're living it. My other solution was to work my tail off at my law firm, bringing in big bucks and working my way up to become owner, along with my DH, which offset the CS. Now that I'm 50 years old, however (I was 30 when DH and I married) I'm not sure that was worth it, as my own children with DH had to spend 10 hours a day in day care, and I missed out a lot of family time that I'll never get back. I definitely resent that SSs got to be cared for by grandparents (hey, just more good luck to BM) and she worked part-time. My DSs with DH are now 12 and 18. My best advice is to TRY not to think about it and just concentrate on being happy each day and knowing that someday, it will end. And I can tell you, it was one of the happiest days in my life when we paid our last CS payment!! Knowing that BM must finance her own trips, buy her own crap (DH paid off $20K of her credit card debt in the divorce!) makes me very happy. Hang in there!
The 3rd to the last sentence
The 3rd to the last sentence in your post really drives home the issue you and OP had/are having.
"And I can tell you, it was one of the happiest days in MY life when WE paid OUR last child support payments!"
Neither you or OP had/have an obligation of child support, nor should you have to make up for his financial shortcomings due to child support. Nor should your children have to do without or YOU feel bad about doing something for/with/purchases for YOUR children and not HIS.
The expectation that the SM has to 'step up' is a complete steaming load of crap. The PARENT should be stepping up to ensure he/she is meeting their obligations, not the parent's new spouse/SO.
Thank you for the comments
Thank you for the comments and encouragement!
BM here gets $1000/mo (which
BM here gets $1000/mo (which is a lot for Anti-Canada) in CS. The boys are covered under my insurance (and since I work for a hospital system, their care would be basically free if BM used that system versus going out of network). DH puts money away in each of their college accounts. We buy 90% of their clothes, shoes, school supplies, and extracurriculars (and no, that's not an exaggeration).
DH's CS is high enough to cover her rent, utilities, and internet bill. She works at a warehouse making $15/hour. DH covers all the other "big" expenses. BM makes or claims to make little enough that her portion of school fees and lunches are at a reduced rate. FIL bought her last vehicle (much to my chagrin), so she doesn't have a car payment. That literally leaves her with needing to pay for food, her cell phone (we covers OSS's bill), her own health insurance, gas, and car insurance. Yet, she's STILL constantly broke and we're STILL constantly paying for crap that CS should be used for.
I've tried finding compromise with DH, which has helped. The CS isn't going to change, and we've modified our life around that expense. But the extras? New rule: if it costs less than $20, she needs to pay for it. I'm tired of having to buy socks when she can pick up a pack at Walmart. If it's over $100, she needs to pay some portion of the bill. I don't care if it's a $10 contribution, I want HER to feel it, too.
Also, BM fought HARD to cut DH out, so he tends to let her suffer the fallout of those actions. She wants to make all the medical decisions without consulting DH first? Fine. She gets to run them to every appointment and figure out how to pay for their out-of-network copays. It's not worth fighting with her about it. It's so much easier to just not play her game.
I think she has recently come to terms with the fact that DH isn't bailing her out of her next stupid decision and that the boys will always have somewhere to live. DH had a conversation very early on with OSS about CS because BM was using that as a PAS tactic - and it prevented the PAS. I'm never against telling the kids the truth when they are being told a lie. No need to bring up adult issues out of nowhere, but when it's being used as a weapon, you have to disarm it.
So, while I don't have kids of my own, I get it. It sucks, constantly upset at the next thing that has to be purchased while you count it out in your head and wonder why BM can't do it herself. My DH feels ultra-guilty at time because he and I make 6-figures, so we can afford a lifestyle that the boys don't get on the regular. I just keep reminding DH that's not our fault. She wanted the divorce. She was married to a man who didn't have a job while she didn't have a job for years. She continued her education but chose not to work in that field any longer. She has had AMPLE, and I do mean AMPLE, opportunities to turn around her life and not be the stereotypical outcome of a teen mom, but she decided that handouts were easier. DH decided hard work was better. I'm not going to feel guilty when we buy ourselves something nice or take a trip or whatever. If she were always trying and still stuck, I'd feel differently. But this is a bed of her own making.
So think of it that way. This is a bed of BM's making. Your kids are going to fair better because you and your XH work hard. It's not fair. It's not equitable. But it is life. Buy your kids the things YOU worked for to provide for them. If DH feels his own are short-changed, then he can get a second job, go for more custody, etc. He's at partial blame for this as he chose to reproduce with someone who cares more about herself than her kids. He's going to feel like a loser, and should. And I say that as someone who has told her own husband, in slightly nicer terms, the same. If he wanted better, he would have chosen better. But he thought with the wrong head, and here we all are. And that's not a judgment, just a reality of life that actions have consequences and some of those consequences are bigger than others.
So, look at CS like a long-term bill, compromise on what your DH wants to spend money on (or help him see that being an open bank account isn't changing their lives, it's just making him poorer), and do for your daughter what you have earned the right to do.
Thank you for your comments!
Thank you for your comments!
You say - "and the arrangement they've made is that Mom will pay for stuff with money that Dad gave her_and the arrangement they've made is that Mom will pay for stuff with money that Dad gave her"
NO, and that is PAS. The arrangement is that mom pays for rent, utilities, groceries, and if anything is left oer, then STUFF. To imply to the kid that mom should be using all this money for clothes and Iphones is PAS plain and simple
ETA -- meant as reply to Tog
Dads pays for rent, utilities
Dads pays for rent, utilities, and groceries as well. Slightly less than mom, perhaps. But this is all under the assumption that dad should pay for everything and mom has no responsibility. In my case, if mom paid the same amount for the extra 10 days she gets during the school year, during the month, that would be $160 per day. Seems like a lot to me.
STaround thinks all
STaround thinks all stepmothers are wrong, ALWAYS. Don't bother arguing (wish I could stop myself from arguing with her crazy logic).
I know - you are fine with
I know - you are fine with BMs telling kids that dad doesn't help support them, but dear god, DO NOT TELL THE KIDS ABOUT CHILD SUPPORT. They must at all costs believe until they die that their father did nothing to help support them.
If a kid gets an iPhone, dad can give BM extra money to buy it, if he chooses to do so. iPhones are not a necessity. So therefore, just what I said.
I find with parents telling (age appropriate) kids about CS
But not about, as you said, it is for STUFF. That is what you said, CS goes for stuff.
It does go for stuff. Are you
It does go for stuff. Are you saying Dad should buy all of the kids' clothes as well as pay child support, and pay for his own home to boot? That BM should not have to pay for clothes, DH should always buy it? Seems to me, that's what you are implying. Poor BM, who makes as much income as they do plus $800 in CS, can't possibly buy their shoes, DH has to do it.
As I said
It should first go for an approprite share of rent, ulities, groceries. if you think 800 for two kids covers that, good luck where i live
And then after that, the
And then after that, the father has to also pay for everything else? As well as the groceries the kids eat in his home, as well as their share of the rent and utilities in his home?
So BM gets to say, "Sorry kids, he only gives me 800, nothing left over for clothes. Ask your father for that"?
Where is BM's obligation to help pay for her kids? The father isn't supposed to pay for the entirety of the kids' share of rent and utilities in her home.
My DH pays more than that is
My DH pays more than that is spousal support and we still live well. It’s annoying he has to pay her but it doesn’t effect us that bad plus it doesn’t effect whst I spend on my DD.
How much does your DH make that he is in bad shape after paying 800? If he had kids living at home he’d spending more on them.
Why did he have two kids if 800 a month leaves him unable to pay bills? Why did you marry a guy who can’t oay bills because he pats CS? He needs better paying job or a second job. And he is not responsible for supporting your DD
if he doesn’t want to pay CS why wouldn’t he ask courts to give him more custody? He only sees kids that much and you complain he pays CS. What do you expect? He makes kids but don’t support them? Makes no sense. And before you say he is the only one supporting them, kids cost more than 800 a month. Who pays the rest? You have a belief that only women needs to support kids but that’s not how it works
My DH pays 1K a month in CS
My DH pays 1K a month in CS and we live comfortably, too, but from what the OP is saying, we also make around double what she and her DH bring in together.
Don't judge her expense issues not knowing anything about where they live and how much they make for income. And as she's pointed out, they pay again for these kids in THEIR home.
And if you read through, he's tried to get more custody, to no avail.
And by the way - BM is supposed to support HER kids, too.
Well of course BM supports
Well of course BM supports her kids. You don’t think kids only cost 800 a month?
No, I don't - so BM puts in
No, I don't - so BM puts in $800 as well, let's assume, and he puts in even MORE, because he has to house them and feed them on his 117 days a years. Which is the OP's point.
And whether or not this is a hardship for them is completely subjective.
Again, everyone can just keep
Again, everyone can just keep ignoring the fact that they’re with us 1/3 if the year, and we pay for everything when they’re with us, in addition to 75% of extracurriculars, in addition to child support. If 800 was really ALL he paid, that probably would be fair. You don’t know my situation, or my husband, so you and everyone else who wants to criticize me without knowing anything about me, him, or BM, can shove it. I appreciate the comments from the people who actually read what I said. I forgot to mention things in the original post and added as I went.
Don't let these people get to
Don't let these people get to you. Some of them are not stepparents at all, and some just think the SM is always wrong.
Take what you can use and leave the rest.
No matter what BM makes or does with the money
Haa no effect on CS payments. That CS is based on DH income. Yes it BM was working, the kids would be in a better place. And she could be paying for sine of the extras for the kids. Then again there many BM who make good money but want to punish BF by taking anything they can get out of them.
When you got together with your DH. You know CS was in the cards. But NO one really know what steplife is until you live it. Just hope the SK respect you. And what you do for them.
I don’t understand the. Don’t tell SK about support payments. That a fact of life. They will know about it sometime. The early the better.
OP this is how it will be
OP this is how it will be until the kids are out of college. Your bm should get them into community college or a state college that will give them free school. I am very surprised you have not wrote that bm is trying to get diagnosis for the kids too. That is usually the plan when 1adult figures out how to play the system.
Kids should get free school lunches and maybe even free breakfast AND lunch. So...in effect BM only pays for dinner during the weeek and 3 meals on Sat and Sun WHEN kids are not with you. I totally understand you being upset.
Chances are fair that she also has foodstamps too, right?
YOU must decide what you want your life to look like from now until the end of time. Do I want to live like this?
Wow, the GUBM posse is well
Wow, the GUBM posse is well represented in this thread! "Suck it up cupcake, the mother deserves every penny she gets and it should be double. You are just another whiny stepmother! Get over yourself!"
OP, going forward, use blogs so you can delete those people who just want to hurl insults at you.
So you BMs are clear, I am
So you BMs are clear, I am self sufficient. I clarified that while we have separate bank accounts, we have shared household bills. I don’t expect my husband to pay for my daughter. I am currently paying more than my share of the household bills due to child support. He’s tried to modify it, but she uses the kids as leverage against him. She wins by default, because she’s the mom. Last time, we had a female judge who was automatically on BM’s side, because, you know....feminism. *eye roll* Family court and the child support system are corrupt. States gets financial incentives for collecting more child support. Do some research. It’s a system that is being perpetuated because a lot of people make money by fuc**** over dads. BM cheated on him, and tried her best to ruin his life. My ex, on the other hand, pays for quite a bit for my daughter. He’s happy to do so because the money is going directly to her, and he can choose how to spend his own money. Our mutual respect for one another has led to a great co-parenting situation. My issue, as I’ve said countless times now, is that I want MY money to be used for MY daughter and not to cover more bills than I should have to cover. I believe that supporting myself is true feminism, true independence. I want to be able to support her as much as her dad supports her. The idea that I am paying more of the household bills than I should be paying, so that POS BM and her POS unemployed husband can sit around all day makes me very angry. That’s a pretty normal response. Maybe if any of you bitches had ever been on the other side you’d get it.
Don’t know what all this
Don’t know what all this about.
Personally I only change what I can and don’t see why need to be angry about something I can’t change. My DH has to pay lazy ex. We can’t change it so why be angry.
But I change what I can. I never supported and never will support skids or DH especially if it’s detrimental to my own child. I’d rather leave.
OP chooses to absolve her ex or responsibilities and chooses to support DH and skids in detriment to her own child. Then she gets angry about it. Don’t do it if it makes you so angry.
And such anger is not healthy. I recommend therapy
Thank you!!!
Thank you!!!
OP. Are your obligations for
OP. Are your obligations for household finances more than you fair share including your daughter? Do you pay more because your husband isn't paying his share? I mean you personally? Because what you save for your dad's education should not be impacted by what your dh pays to his ex. Either he is paying his way or he isnt.
If he is paying his way then it really shouldn't impact you.
I know it is frustrating watching money go out the door to a lazy person. My DH's bm lived rent free with her bf paid zero bills... he even paid her car and insurance bills. Only bill she had was cell phone...sometimes she bought groceries but quite often we or my in laws sent the girls home with groceries. She would even make my dh give her gas money to make the girls available for visitation. Could we have nailed her to the wall? Yeah...but it would have cost more and caused his girls more stress...so
I get your vent. But other posters have points too. And in the end he has to pay it so you need to not let it get to you
Yes, I would say more than my
Yes, I would say more than my fair share. I love my husband and I am trying to be supportive. I don’t blame him for the situation, but it’s still upsetting. Ideally, I’d like to find a fair judge who will modify the order. He was much too generous with her in the beginning, believing that she would work with him, then she changed her mind because she liked the money. The fact that he was generous initially has been the nail in his coffin.
But we already used our one
But we already used our one free/no questions asked “change of judge” last time, and got a crap judge.
If it’s more than fair share
If it’s more than fair share then stop paying it. Especially if it means taking away from your child. DH has to figure the way to manage it.
^^THIS. only pay your share.
^^THIS. only pay your share. If your husband has to tell his kids no...when they ask for a treat or extracurricular activity...then so be it. He doesnt have the right to use your money on his kids. So sit down and make that clear to him.
Yup. Don’t be a doormat. In
Yup. Don’t be a doormat. In desire to apease ex and current DH OP allows herself to be disrespected like this
Yup. Don’t be a doormat. In
Yup. Don’t be a doormat. In desire to apease ex and current DH OP allows herself to be disrespected like this
And then everyone will scream
And then everyone will scream that he shouldn't be depriving his kids. This OP can't win in this thread.
So true!
So true!
You can't win with the BM
You can't win with the BM posse, their logic is always skewed towards defending the BM and blaming the SM.
I hope you got some useful advice, just ignore the others. I mean totally ignore, don't bother trying to defend yourself.
SM has nothing to be blamed
SM has nothing to be blamed here for. She makes a choice to pay more than fair share. I’d pay my share and let DH deal with his share
OP and some other posters believe it’s SM’s job to support DH and his kids while SM and her kids end up deprived. I don’t think so.
But he is using OP'S money.
But he is using OP'S money. That means he has no business doing his children extras when he hasn't paid household basic costs. I'm not saying that extra curricular things are bad or a waste or even that a ncp shouldn't pay for some... but it's only after he pays household Bill's.
I’d never say it’s SM
I’d never say it’s SM responsibility to make sure kids aren’t deprived. If he doesn’t want to deprive them he needs better paid job or work overtime. It’s not SM’s job to make sure his kids have what they need
Goodbye for now.
I think I’m going to step away now. I can’t continue to reiterate the same information to people who haven’t actually read my posts, and who seem intent on making me some kind of villain, doormat, bully, or whatvever else. I live by my own moral code, and I’m pretty happy with the decisions I have made in regard to my own daughter and ex husband. Thank you SO much to those of you who took the time to read my posts, ask appropriate and thoughtful questions, and provide useful feedback. If you came to my defense as a new person under siege, thank you so much! Your insightful and intelligent comments - though hidden amongst the condescending and judgment ones - have given me a lot to think about. I will take away a great deal of useful information. Sometimes just feeling understood goes a long way. Thanks a lot, and have a good day!
Good luck, next time post a
Good luck, next time post a blog so you can delete the bullies.
How can someone claim they
How can someone claim they are happy with their decisions when they created a thread about being obsessed, upset and angry? Clearly you aren’t happy with your decisions because your decisions cause your child to be deprived and you upset, resentful and angry. Don’t see any happiness there.
Easy Definition of "too much" CS
If the amount of CS the husband (or wife) pays makes it so he/she is unable to pay the agreed upon split of household expenses, or put retirement savings at risk, it becomes a burden on the OP. You people are all trying to guess what someone's expenses are and what it costs to raise kids. OP has a right to be resentful as it is causing her to overpay because of what her DH pays the BM. Now I'm not saying this is productive; I am saying all you people who sit in judgment are thinking about this incorrectly. It isn't about the dollar amount it is about how it impacts their marriage/partnership. DieStiefMutter YOU ARE CORRECT don't listen to some of these judgmental idiots on here.
If her husband is not able to
If her husband is not able to cover his share of household expenses and is buying his kids extras and paying for non court ordered items then HE needs to stop paying for extras so that op is not subsidising his child.
It's TRUE that the cs he is paying for 2 kids is not unreasonable...if the court order requires him to pay into other costs probably also not unreasonable. BUT it appears he spends well beyond what is required.
The options are
1. He reduce spending on extras so he can cover Bill's
2. He can work with op to reduce household expenses so they are more affordable.
3. He can work to earn more to cover his share.
Bm may be milking the disability system...but what she was awarded in cs is not totally unreasonable. I know it sucks op is subsidizing but it's really her dh who needs to adjust what he is doing.
This! I assume that CS was a
This! I assume that CS was a known factor prior to household expenses being established. OP's husband agreed to them, but is coming up short. That is not fair to OP and her daughter.
In addition to CS he spends
In addition to CS he spends ton of extra on buying unnecessary things for skids. She then spends more on household stuff and can’t provide for her DD instead of putting stop to nonsense.
So priorities are all over the place in this family. His priority is keeping his kids happy. Her priority is keeping him and her ex happy. Ina meanwhile DD can’t get help with college. Nothing to do with CS. All to do with what’s important for people.
I know exactly how you are
I know exactly how you are feeling and it sucks. I've been a SM for 14 years. I subsidized my DH and his kids for almost 10 of those years. It was a cause of a lot of resentment. The only thing that helped me was time and the approaching end date to CS. We only have 10 moths, 14 days and 16 hours to go. Hang in there.
Jesus H. Christ, I am pretty
Jesus H. Christ, I am pretty sure that every single person on this site has had SOME amount of resentment about money going out of their household to an ex and I don't believe anybody who says they haven't.
Yes, we all believe people should support their kids. But we also know that some men get screwed when it comes to CS, that some BMs play the system, and that a lot of kids get caught in the middle. It is ALL very frustrating and OP has every right to voice that frustration and look for help in trying to deal with it. That is all she is trying to do.
Telling her to stop
Telling her to stop subsidizing her husband's child is the best way for her to protect her own.
And I agree with the posts
And I agree with the posts that have said that.
My DH pays huge amount of
My DH pays huge amount of spousal support to lazy ex who refused and still refused to get a job. Yes it’s not fun. But I am not spending my days obsessed or angry or fuming. What’s the point? I see no point to be angry about what I cannot change
Primary source of anger and resentment for OP is the fact that she can’t save for her own DD college and cant buy her kid stuff because she has to subsidize her DH and his kids. That’s bizarre in my books. I’d never stay married to a man if it means I can’t do what I want for my own DD. No man is worth this kind of sacrifice.
So instead of being resentful and angry she could make changes and put her kid first. She wants to have good relationship with her ex and with her DH but at the end her kid suffers. Who needs men that bad? I don’t. I’d be spending what I can and want and DH would have to figure out how to manage his part of the deal or I’d stay single
The child support systems in
The child support systems in various countries were put In place (partly) to prevent children living in abject poverty. Whether we like it or not it exists and is more often than not a good thing. It is flawed like any system. I was pleased when my partner didn’t have to pay child support anymore. Money never went on what it was supposed to, like bio mum never paid the college bus fare because she paid one of her credit cards so we had step son phoning up asking for lifts. One of many examples.
So how do you delete a
So how do you delete a comment? I wrote (in my mind, at least), a pretty good response to someone, and now it's gone. I guess that means that it was pretty good, since she deleted her post along with my response.