11 y/o SS acting like he's 5
I should start this off by saying that my situation could be a lot worse. My stepson is a very sweet kid. He ADORES my 7 month old, gets along with the rest of my family, and generally life at home is fairly calm.
However (there's always a however), I, like many other stepparents on here, have come to resent the crap out of him. I genuinely don't like being around him ever since I had my baby. I know this is fairly normal, but there are also certain behavioral issues that my SS displays that I absolutely cannot stand anymore.
For starters, when I was his age I was doing a lot more shit for myself than this kid does. This morning I told him he needs to wash the bowl he eats popcorn out of bc I HATE washing it. And he's old enough to clean up after himself. He literally turns to me and goes "I don't know how." WHAT?! First of all, this is my DH's fault. Classic Disney Dad. He feels bad for the inconsistencies between our house and his ex wife's house, so when SS is with us, there's virtually no chores, no punishments for bad behavior, etc. So I show the kid how to wash the dish, tell DH what happened, and then later I hear the kid complaining about HAVING TO WASH ONE DISH. I swear I had ten times the amount of chores this kid does when I was his age and HES COMPLAINING ABOUT ONE FUCKING DISH.
Then last night my DH had to barge into the bathroom and literally regulate his shower because the kid was in there for so long...PLAYING WITH ACTION FIGURES. Had he washed his hair? No. Body? No. After 30 minutes, all that had been done was a bunch of water had been wasted. So naturally my DH flipped out, and SS had a complete meltdown. Screaming, tears, the whole 9. It almost woke my baby up and I was livid.
I could go on and on about instances like this (one time my DH actually hand fed SS like a baby at the dinner table bc he wouldn't eat his vegetables), and we are making progress on some things but I have less and less patience with each passing day. I am getting frustrated bc as the step mom, I feel like I only get to parent up to a certain point. I'm not allowed to be the disciplinarian, yet SS DESPERATELY needs a disciplining. Anyone else experience this?
This one is easy. If he acts
This one is easy. If he acts five, treat him as if he is five. Put him in a pull up at night in case he has an accident. After all, 5yos can have accidents at night ane wet the bed.
Give him a sippy cup (a little younger than five thing but.... do it any way) and make him use it in public and at home.
Take away his 6+ toys and game systems and buy him a pile of baby toys from GoodWill. While at GoodWill buy him a booster seat. He will love that one when he has to carry his booster seat to restaurants and to put it at the table for meals with the family.
Put him in Barney the Dinosaur clothes and let him wear that to school for a day or two.
Explain to him that 11yos are treated as 11yos unless they act like they are a 5yo.
Or, just let he and DH know that the baby crap ends now and place him in the nearest corner with his nose in contact with the intersecting walls when he pulls his baby crap and he can stand there until you get tired.
Go with the one that entertains you the most.
Have fun!
Disengaging is the only way!
Disengaging is the only way!
SD12 (who acts 4) came in with a new baby alive doll BM bought her not that long ago.....I have a 12 year old DD of my own and that’s not normal. I’m surprised she didn’t ask dh to give her and her doll a bubble bath....