BM tales
I thought you all would find this amusing since there is nobody in real life I can tell this story to.
We rarely have to deal with BM...for the last several years she just takes her anger out on skids.
But she recently fell and broke her foot really bad in one of her drunken nights.
So last month she demanded that DH pay SDs cell phone bill....SD came over and proclaimed "mom said you had to pay my cell phone bill this month because she said you haven't paid for anything in 2 years" the skids knew nothing about CS at 12 and 17 for these last 4 years.
DH was fuming as he pays a large CS each month, health insurance, half of medical and we have the skids 50 percent of the time at our house.
But of course he paid last months bill.
This month comes around and SD asks DH again to pay the bill.....he says no...your mom can. SD argues saying that her mom won' DH says "I give your mom a lot of money every month to pay for your stuff." Keep in mind these are BMs phones she got on her own....
well SD told BM what DH said and OMG she lost it and called him and left a nasty message.
So the point of the story is that now BM is taking SD12 and SD17 to the phone store today to have mine and DHs number blocked from skids phones.
DH just ignores her so she is getting more angry by the day because he won't engage.
SD17 just told DH to get snap chat and move on haha
What an obnoxious, entitled
What an obnoxious, entitled bunch! It's good your DH is ignoring.
It took some time but we are
It took some time but we are over 2 years of my DH completely ignoring her.
I would tell BM that if she
I would tell BM that if she is going to block him from the kids phones that the phones aren't allowed at your house.
He won't engage in her
He won't engage in her nonsense one bit which is really the best way.
She wants him to react and fire back something like that. He will not and I'm thankful for that!
Yes, ignoring is KEY. And you
Yes, ignoring is KEY. And you can rest assured that they hate it, with a fiery passion. SS once told us that BM got furious when DH ignored her.
Yep! There is no awful
Yep! There is no awful hateful comeback in the world worse than simply ignoring.
Glad dh told his kids he pays
Glad dh told his kids he pays child support.
I am so tired of hearing ncps should never EVER speak about it.
They should know...AND the amount too. Kids feel good knowing ncp helps support them.
Hearing 1500 a month goes to BM (example)---WOW Dad really does care about me.
I totally agree! I was
I totally agree! I was actually shocked that he did tell SD and it needed to be done long ago.
$1000 a month is a lot of money and my DH doesn't make all that much money.....but in BMs mind he should pay $1k and more and more and more. Yeah no.
Child support & Phones etc...
Back almost 2 years when I was a bit more naive, I was paying for half Munchkin SD14's cell phone bill, which included paying for half the cost of her actual phone. I spent my brief unemploment income on her back to school shopping. I bought her pads, and clothes and took her a LOT of places...
NOW, we spilt all bills plus mortgage and boat costs.
He pays for Munchkinds cell phone bill himself, plus clothes and all that. He buys food during her week with us. Im a lot more stingy so that there is little to none resentment from me due to Toxic Troll not doing her share.
Toxic Troll had to pay her phone bill last weekend which is why Munchkin (ahem her daughter), did not get a bday present. Not to worry, I gave her a few nice presents and we took her out for sushi and made her favorite dinner, she had ice cream cake (her favorite) and we spent time with her. So she didnt miss out, but its the whole concept of Toxic Troll just assuming everyone else will do her job for her.
SD17 sounds kinda bratty. Like BM...
DH had nearly the same
DH had nearly the same conversation with overly dramatic SS last weekend.
Overly dramatic SS: "Dad you never buy us clothes and school supplies, mom has to buy everything."
DH: "I pay child support every month and that covers school and clothing supplies."
Overly dramatic SS: "We have to buy groceries, dad."
Overly dramatic SS also demanded to know if DH was going to pay for him to go to college even though a) he is not in high school, yet; and b) he has not done any school work since March, so not exactly and engaged, star student.
DH then told SS he was done talking with him about money. This conversation was followed by SS bragging about how BM goes to the casino all the time and plays three blackjack hands at once. Also, DH now pays more than he should for child support, because BM "didn't have" information on her annual partnership income and DH's useless lawyer didn't push for it.
Oh girl same! My DH pays more
Oh girl same! My DH pays more also because BM "forgot" to bring her paperwork to court. We estimate that she underreported her income by about 2k a month.
It's probably a wash now as my DH makes a lot more money than he did then.
I am team full disclosure for
I am team full disclosure for confronting the toxic manipulations of the blended family opposition.
The balance sheet doesn't lie. This is applicable on both sides of the CO/NCP equation. In our case the SpermClan paid $133/mo in CS for the first 9 years of the 16+ year CO and would cry about how CS was taking food out of the younger three also out of wedlock Spermidiot spawned half sib's mouths, how the CS paid for SS's nice things that his Sibs couldn't have and the homes, cars and vacations we took.
By dead reconning that $133/mo paid for a third of a $Mil in homes, a hundred $grand in cars, boarding school for the Skid, a new car for his HS graduation, etc, etc, etc.....over the years. Even when CS increased for the last 7 years of the CO the total contributed in supporting SS was less than $55,000 from birth to 18yo. They never paid a penny more than CS though CO'd to pay half of any medical costs not covered by insurance. They still owe us for ~$10K on that. We won't ever see it but sending them a bill every six months adding penalties and interest give us an evil little smirk when it is dropped in the mail.
When SS was about 10 was when his CPA mom went spreadsheet with the financial facts. SS got very angry with SpermGrandHag over her lies about money. The money never mattered to us but we did not tolerate bullshit, manipulation and lies from the SpermClan over money or anything else for that matter. For the last 8-ish years of the CO the kid knew the financial facts which of course pissed off the SpermGrandHag to no end.