Advice from a former step mom to those of you questioning if you should marry or stay with your partner
I used to post here years back under a different user name and I wanted to come back and share advice to those of you wondering whether to marry your partner or stay with them due to step kid issues.
The short version: if you're heavily questioning it, run. It will not get better. It will get worse. And you don't deserve it.
My first husband was a single dad when I met him. I was young and naive and when he told me he had a daughter I thought it was ok with it because I love kids.
This is going to sound awful and I've never admitted it anywhere else or to anyone but I feel this is a safe place to do so.
The first time I ever met the girl, I just...did not like her. It actually took me aback because I was excited about meeting her. Again, I love kids. But I just noticed right away that my now ex husband treated her like a mini wife more than he did a daughter.
Some of the red flags that I wish I had listened to and ran away before I went through with the wedding:
1. he told me he would always love her more than me, and she would always come before me no matter what.
2. One Valentine's Day he came home with roses and I was excited. He interrupted me to tell me the roses were for me AND his daughter to share. Who does that?
3. He never, ever made time for a date night. Ever. She "always came first", and he never bothered to get a family member or baby sitter to watch her for the occasional evening for us to go out.
4. When we were planning the wedding, he tried to get me to add to the ceremony a thing where I exchanged vows with her and gave her a ring. It creeped me out. I told him a wedding is for a romantic couple and not to marry a child.
5. Once we got married, he took all the gift cards from our wedding and took HER to go pick out things for the house and not me! He said she was feeling jealous of the attention I got at the wedding and felt like her being able to spend our wedding money was the right thing to do. I wish I were kidding.
Those were the red flags from him. The next part is about her. And again I've never admitted any of these things but I know this is a safe place to do so.
The child was just, not likeable.
1. She knew how to manipulate her dad into thinking I was bad and she would grin while he verbally abused me.
2. She had horrible hygiene and would refuse to shower. She wouldn't wipe and always smelled like poop or sweat or just grime. She wouldn't flush the toilet. She was tested for ADHD and autism and had neither. She would be 10 or 11 and going to school with filthy hair or smelling like BO. Nothing I did worked for her.
3. She would try to crawl into bed with us. I told her no, she was too big for it and our bedroom was our space, just as her bedroom was her space that I would always respect. Her dad would baby her and let her stay and I had to share a bed with my husband and his 11 year old mini wife.
4. She got in trouble at school for stealing from kids and teachers and never had a single ounce of remorse.
5. she lied and told her nana that I "was mean to her" when I wouldn't buy her something she asked for. Mind you I bought her plenty of nice things but she enjoyed using manipulation to paint me as evil.
We got divorced in late 2016 and I finally felt free. I've always wrestled with guilt that I didn't love her and I sure tried to. But I've realized a truth that more of us should know:
Some kids are just not likeable. Most like some adults are not likeable. Kids aren't good people just beside they're kids. Some kids are manipulative or exhibit sociopathic and narcissistic quantities. And just know they probably won't change. Having a step kid like that will ruin your life and make you miserable.
Do you want to play second fiddle to a step kid that has more power in the house than you? Do you want to constantly be manipulated by them?
Leave. You don't owe it to anyone to stay. Not for the kid either. If they refuse to show you any love or respect then you don't owe them to stay in their lives. I encourage you to leave now.
I've held this in for years and had no where else to say it. And if my experience might help one of you realize you need to get out I'm happy.
Im in a healthy marriage now and am happy to be free from my past.
Thank you for sharing your
Thank you for sharing your story with us. Your situation sounds awful, well done on extracting yourself and starting fresh. Was there a final straw that made your mind up? Was it a trigger or just a build up until you couldn't stand it anymore? The reason I'm asking is because sometimes my situation feels hopeless but then we have no contact with SD for a while and it is good again, only to have issues flare up as soon as she's around. It's been well over a year for me feeling like I need to get out but then I think 'nah it's not always bad...maybe it will get better from here on'
Interested to hear what made you see the light in the end.
I brought up to my husband
I brought up to my husband about wanting to have a baby. Especially since before we got married he said he was open to one. He told me he wouldn't even consider it because it would make his daughter too jealous and "she comes first".
That was it for me. It's not ok for a freaking child to be involved in adult decisions and it's not ok for the husband to decide not to have a child only because his daughter would get jealous. I just realized I was only there because he wanted free child care and an extra paycheck and he didn't give a damn about me or what I wanted in a family.
This is exactly my situation.
This is exactly my situation. When she's not around everything is really good but when she's around I'm on eggshells and husband seems to push me to the side. So far this weekend I think he's been actively avoiding me giving me short responses because I got upset Friday SD's here longer than I was originally told. When she's not here I don't question our marriage. When she is I do.
I am so happy for you.
Reading the nightmare you suffered during your first marriage infuriates me. I am so happy you are free of that shallow and polluted gene pool.
Congratulations on your happy marriage.
Enjoy your life.
And... please stay. You can vent about your past experiences and add a ton of value for so many who are struggling with things that you have experienced and triumphed over.
A supportive ability to cut to the chase is something that many can benefit from.
You obviously have that ability and the credibility that your personal experiences bring.
Congratulations again on your new life and marriage.
Thank you. I may stay here
Thank you. I may stay here and give perspective to those of you struggling with whether to stay or go, or get feedback on things. This group tremendously helped me see the light and eventually leave.
Please stay
Please stay. I think it really helps new members to hear from those who have actually been where they are - even if they don't realize it! I think I remember your rose story. I am so glad you got out and have found happiness!
Sorry to hear it was so awful
Sorry to hear it was so awful for you, but glad that you got away and have a good marriage now. My own story is unusual in that my DH did change his Disney Dad ways and create better boundaries with the SDs, and also we have moved away from them now, we no longer live 5 minutes down the road. So it is possible, but I agree, not common, especially if you have a severe case of mini wife like you did. I would encourage you to stick around and provide the voice of experience to others who are in this situation.
Good for you for getting out.
Good for you for getting out.
Unparented kids are generally not likeable. Why would you feel guilty for not liking a dirty, poop-smelling kid who set you and your H up to fight and then grinned about it? The worst part is that he thought he was being such a loving father and instead he was creating an unlikeable person who will probably never function independently as an adult. And he did it all to meet his OWN needs to feel like a "good" father - because it wasn't meeting her needs. Kids need structure and boundaries, and they need adults to be in charge. What he did, in my mind, is a form of child abuse that goes unrecognized.
Hope you've found peace.
Your perspective is 100%
Your perspective is 100% correct. I got curious and asked a friend who knows him and the family how the girl is these days. She's now 17. She has been in constant trouble in school for stupid stuff. Her grades aren't good. She quit any school activity she tried within maybe a month. And she moved in with her nana who is even more lax than her dad. Her nana is letting her date a 23 year old. I'm sorry but what the hell would a 23 year old college grad be doing pursuing a 17 year old?
Her dad is absolutely an abuser. He was to be verbally and emotionally. And he manipulated her and provided her with no boundaries so now she's a struggling 17 year old that doesn't have a clue about relationships and friendships. I really doubt she will end up going to college next year or doing anything productive. She will probably just keep living off her nana and mooch off of her.
Stepmomnomore, first off want
Stepmomnomore, first off want to say glad you are out of that situation and found happiness with someone new! Congrats on your new marriage.
You said "I just realized I was only there because he wanted free child care and an extra paycheck and he didn't give a damn about me or what I wanted in a family." Your ex husband and his mini-wife sound like they were horrific. The world doesn't revolve around anyone's kid (kids), whether they are adults or actual kids. It's pathetic that some people (especially these fathers we read about on the message board) think so. I was in a relationship with a man who lied to me and hid the fact that he felt his adult kids (especially his yougest daughter) come first in his life, tries to buy their love, let them manipulate and use him, allow them to disrespect him, and in the case of his youngest daughter allow her to disrespect our relationship and verbally abuse him. I dumped him.
When I found this message board I thought it was great and very informative. I had never heard of mini-wife or guilty father syndrome. I learned a lot from others here. Several people thought my now ex was trying to groom me to help financial support his youngest daughter or financial support him because she was draining him financially. I was in disbelief because I told him prior to even going on a date with him that I don't financially support able-bodied adults and that anyone I dated had to be on board with that. Rather than be a man and respect that he decided to lie and cover up the situation with his yougest daughter. I later found out that all his adult kids live with someone else, none work enough to take care of themselves, and all regularly call for money. Quite some time has passed since I broke up with him and cut him off completely. After several months I did hear him out only to find out he hadn't changed anything. I eventually distanced my from him again. He has resurfaced and I decided to continue to distance myself from him. Life is too short to be miserable. This board/several members on this board, friends, and family etc. helped me realize I did the right thing by dumping him. But this board/several members on this board helped me understand how toxic and dysfunctional my ex, his adult kids, and the relationship he had with them really was
You said " The short version: if you're heavily questioning it, run. It will not get better. It will get worse. And you don't deserve it." Thanks for reinforcing that people in this situation who decide to leave have made the right decision!
Does your husband have
Does your husband have children woth someone else? Are you a stepmother again or were both of you childless when you met?
My current husband had no
My current husband had no children when we met. It made a world of difference. We are now expecting our first baby (a girl) in January. We've been married for 2 years and we talked about what we wanted in a family and what we thought parenting and family life should look like. And refreshingly, he agreed with me that WE come first and not kids. Our marriage is the foundation of our family and we believe we will have to continue investing in each other. Not just to keep our marriage healthy but so our daughter can see what a healthy marriage should look like.
Congratulations! You have
Congratulations! You have been through Hell and learned valuable lessons from it. Thank God you did not get pregnant by "creepy daddeeeee." Putting your marriage first will be best for you and any kids you have. It will be hard not to focus 100% on the baby but you have to make time. You've seen what happens when the inmates run the asylum.
Your daughter will be lucky
Your daughter will be lucky to have both of you.
Winning the parent lottery and being raised by a mom and a dad that put their own relationship above all else while recognizing that their child(ren) are their top relationship responsibility is priceless for those kids who have that foundation in life.
It is a great thing that you took the lessons from your first marriage and used them in framing the foundation of your marriage to your DH.
Congratulations on the baby.
It's so helpful hearing
It's so helpful hearing stories from other stepparents like you. To not be alone in your feelings towards SKs or views on OP parenting. I also have never been able to find it in myself to like OSD even from the beginning. Not that I didn't make every effort to try. As time has gone on I have learned that is was my intuition telling me that Thier is something seriously wrong with her. In time her true colors have shown what kind of person she is.
Interacting with her in the beginning I was always put off by how "fake" she was, she had no identity of her own and would mirror the people she was trying to impress. She was also always very grandiose making up stories to make herself look good. In time I started to see how manipulative and deceitful she was.
I gave myself permission to not feel guilty about my feelings towards her, as well as to disengage from her. Because the truth is if she was an adult, she is the type of person I would stay away from and not choose to have in my life. So why should I feel guilty just because she is a child. She is going to grow up one day to be that adult.
Your post is so timely
For me...I just left him after 4.5 months married. If I had lived with him before marriage I never would have married him. Your post is more confirmation that I need to be out of the flying monkey circus!
Congratulations on finding a good guy worthy of any babies you have. Your ex would have treated your children like crap I believe...your children ...future ones... don't deserve growing up with a father making them feel second best or seeing their dad treat their mom as second best!
I actually married 5 ppl. Stbx, his ex, his adult 23 yo triplets.
My joyride included emotional incest and very probably physical incest, threats, fentynol and loaded guns in the house by hostile ss, manipulatiins, constant neediness and drama especially if he and were out on a date, mention of bio mom a LOT....the house I lived in had her name on it...he gives his ex....who is able bodied...65 percent of his income and willed her his life ins, showing he still loves her.
She or her bf are invited onto our property by 23 yo emotionally 13yo children when I am not there. 23 yo barely working triplets dont respect their dad and I was bad for asking them to do their dishes or change the cat littler
I audio taped some conversations and got validation on stbx and his kids' hostility toward me. All I needed to close the book on this mess.
Etc etc etc
If it werent for this group it would have taken me longer to realize what was intelligence was being sucked out of me at an alarming rate and I started having stomach issues
I fear stbx will drag out this divorce. Looking into annulment but not sure we qualify. Any divorcing the jerk tips?
Thank you a million for your post!!! Please keep sharing....
divorce tips...
Have you looked up your states criteria on annulments? What has a divorce lawyer advised? You need to be sure that you are totally finished with their toxic drama and have zero contact with any of them if you wish to move forward with your life. Like you, I would not have married exDH/The Narc(issist) had I witnessed the intimacy between him and exSD23 that truly made me want to puke. The Narc comes off as Mr LL Bean khaki wearing 'nice guy' and exSD23/DaughterWife looks like a trashy tranny in all black outfits (well, the tiny parts of her body that MIGHT be covered) was surreal to see their bodies melt into each other with every long embrace.
I was fortunate to find ST in March of this year after making the mistake of marrying the Narc/exDH in late January. In March I was living in the house the Narc and I bought together only to bear witness to the exSD23/DaughterWife parading around in scraps of clothing in front of Daddeeee and her ignoring me in my own home. It took me one month of living in that house of hell to put the final pieces together of that dysfunctional puzzle...100% emotional incest and 99% obvious physical incestuous relationship too. Deal breaker! DaughterWife looks like a much younger version of exWhoreBM and exhibited sexualized behaviors towards Daddeeeee as I watched in disbelief...thank goodness the thought bubble above my head didn't scream "WTF are you two doing?!?!?" but I was ignored during their intimate encounters so no one could hear my silent screams. They were oblivious to my presence there anyway.
Took 4 months to get a divorce from a 'marriage' that lasted 2 months (on paper)...I lived in the house of hell for 45 days.
Living well is the best Rags reminded me earlier this year!
Here's to healing and happiness!
Wow Olivia 2020
I am sorry you had to experience that hell!! It is so validating though I wish no one ever has to go through that... my stbx and his 23yo princess who waltzes around the house barely clothed, no bra, etc...prefered to snuggle in their undies on my/our bed when I was asleep downstairs on the couch, or in the a.m. after I went downstairs to get coffee.
Triplet losers are like a small gang full of soap opera drama. Texting one 23yo dd to change the cat litter got me a threat from 23yo triplet ss. DH at the time said, well if you make one of them mad, they are all 3 mad. Plus they tell their mom. Grrr wayyyyy more than I need in my life!
Unfortunately he did tell you how he was feeling
It was up to you to be in control of your life. His DD came first. He said that. We hope Nevis happy with his life. You did the right thing by getting out, We all wish we had your power. Your power to control your life and happiness.
Hopy you all the best in life
His red flags were 1. Allowed
His red flags were 1. Allowed his kids to be disrespectful towards me and manipulate him. 2. Bought his kids things that they did not deserved nor earn when they were not behaving 3. Was always late/rushed for our date nights because of his kids and /or ex. Date nights were also almost always interrupted and dominated by phones calls from his kids about nothing important even when they had been with him the entire day already. 4. Allowed his kids in our bed well past the appropriate age which resulted in me sleeping on the couch or me not getting any restful sleep.5. Being guilted into spending any free time I had with his ill behaved kids not to mention spend my money on his kids while given no reimbursement and him acting annoyed if I could not do it. 6. Him having little respect or consideration for the career I had and the job I had in which I was actually paid to do and him also guilting about that.7. His kids constantly interrupting adults, talking back, not listening and generally being disrespectful. They were a complete nightmare at meal time and controlled everything in the household including but not limited to meals, the tv, what we did, etc. But hey it's all about his kids right?
I exited stage left. His life might be all about his kids, and should be, but mine certainly is not.
Living well is your best
Be very glad you left and be proud of yourself. They are nothing more now than distant visuals in your rear view mirror and that is a very good thing. Living well is your best revenge. Life is too short to be used and abused. Enjoy!
Thank You
This post hit home for me. Although our stories are not identical they are similar. Except I have not reached the happy ending that you did. New on here and all of this is eye opening. Thank you for sharing. So happy you dumped the husband and mini wife . Just learnt that term and it fits.
And it doesn't need to be this nightmare-ish to walk away...
I think yours is a really extreme example of just how bad these situations can be; it's hard to understand why you married into that situation, but I am so happy you are out of it and on to something that sounds so much better! What a great story.
I think it's also worthwhile to say that it doesn't need to be anywhere near that bad and you don't need to get nearly that deep in order to see red flags and move on. I still lurk here because the stories are so compelling but truth is I dated a guy for one year who had one kid (who I never agreed to meet) and even that was enough exposure to see the warnings. Bottom line: don't expect better from someone once you get married. Require the treatment you want to see from a spouse while you're dating. I wanted to be a priority. He said yes, I would be. He had poor boundaries with the ex and I asked for better. He was financially unstable and I wanted improvement. He had already been married and I wanted the whole courtship experience because I have not. He was 39 but seemed 60 because of the way he had been run into the ground, I wanted someone with the energy to go out and live an active life. Bottom line, by the end of year one, he still really didn't have a handle on any of it and it was time to cut bait. No need to even meet the kid when the BF and you are not on the same page.
No matter what happens, I will always be grateful to be out of that situation and always wish I had ended it sooner. When you meet people, look at where their life is and realize that no one's life is a complete accident; we all have ownership in where we are. Don't expect for things to get much better. Look for someone who is already pretty much where you need him or her to be. And if the only option is some man or woman with a ton of baggage and you have none, opt to be on your own and make YOUR life about YOU, rather than settling for playing second fiddle in a story you were never a part of writing.
This is such good advice.
This is such good advice. What you said about no one's life being an accident and not having had a part in writing the story you now feature in, really rang true to me. Isn't it amaing how little respect for ourselves we sometimes seem to have?
I have to say though that identifying the issues and acting on them quickly is easier said than done because we tend to give others the benefit of the doubt, and before you know it you have invested quite a bit of time and you think; it MIGHT just get better..... But it never does.
Great advice - if they are not already the person you need them to be, walk away.
Updates 2 years later.
I know I wrote this post two years ago, but because others had asked me to come back and help others, I just suddenly remembered this form and decided to come back with a two-year update in case anybody else questioning the situation could benefit from this.
Former SD is now 19. Someone I've been friends with for years that knows her gave me the rundown on how she is now.
Just as I predicted, she did absolutely nothing after high school. I don't think four your college is for everyone, and I think there are plenty of great career options that can use other schooling such as a technical degree or one-year certificate or whatever. The thing is, she got absolutely no credentials or certifications or degrees or anything whatsoever after graduating. She just works part time at Walmart, and tells people that she can just live at home for free for as long as she wants, why move out? She has no plans to better herself careerwise then making minimum wage and mooching off of her dad and her nana. Even more interestingly? I discovered she has a Tiktok. It is full of all kinds of drama that has absolutely no basis in reality. Accusing me of being the evil former stepmother. She leaves out the fact that I have standards and boundaries for her when her father and Nana gave her absolutely none. I was certainly never abusive in any form. She plays the victim about everything in her life, when I am here to tell you she has had a pretty good life. A very cushy one. She's never wanted for anything, she's not dealt with any trauma, no deaths in her family, like literally anything. Ever. Now she's claiming she has autism and that I refused to ever acknowledge it (nope, she was tested twice and told she absolutely is not autistic). She has just jumped on the train of self diagnosing herself for the clout.
so two years after I wrote that post, and I am even more glad I got out of that situation, away from her dad, and away from her. She is amounting to absolutely nothing despite being handed everything in life she could ever want and need. Yeah I was seen as the bad guy then, and now I'm being blasted on Tiktok.
has somebody else that commented said, your situation certainly does not have to be as drastic as mine was for you to leave. I just hope what anyone takes from this is, if you do not see yourself wanting to be an active part of your step kids lives forever, it's OK to leave. It really is. It doesn't make you a bad person.
If anyone cares, marriage is still going strong. My baby girl is now a year and a half and thriving and happy. Life is so much better. I am glad to be raising my kid, with a husband that is truly my equal, who prioritizes our marriage, and raise is a healthy daughter with us they get lots of love and nurturing but also boundaries.
My Dear Girl,
My Dear Girl,
Reading your upbeat tale of success, after misery and adversity, has me smiling from the inside out! Thanks for reaching out to 'the old gang' and the needy newbies alike. May your good fortune and solid relationship continue!
Best of all, congratulations on your baby girl.
Wow your situation sounded
Wow your situation sounded awful and creepy. It is a very good thing that you got away. Buying flowers for his kid on valentine's day and asking you to share them and allowing them to sleep in his bed well past the appropriate age is where I would draw the line. This sounds a lot like my previous situation although it was less creepy but more of the allowing his kids to manipulate and act disrespectful towards me when I was super nice to them. I actually liked his kids too at first until they turned on me. lol. Him allowing his kids to act that way towards me not to mention me paying for nearly everything for the hundreth time whenever we went out was enough for me to walk away. I don't miss it and I am now in a much happier, healthier relationship. Everything you say about leaving is true. Sometimes it takes meeting a great person and being away from a not so great one to realize how badly you had it.
Big goofy grin on my face
Your amazing life after blended hell is an inspiration. Thank you so much for the update.
I find myself goofy grinning IRL and it just cracks my face even more. Life is not a thing to be suffered. It is a journey of adventure to be embraced. Sure, that includes overcoming challenges. Though those challenges are part of the foundation of an amazing life.
Thank you for embracing your life adventure and sharing it with us.
I was in a similar situation
I was in a similar situation as you with the Disney DH. It had gotten to the point where I threw him and SD out of the house and told him I wanted a divorce. That was his wake-up call; he decided that he really wanted to be a husband and father to our children and he manned up, backed me up and kept SD away so our marriage could mend. Fast forward about about 15 years later: we are still married and quite content; SD has matured and has a happy husband and family of her own and we get along very well now. I was lucky after years of crap to finally get the marriage, husband, and father I and my kids deserved.
Congratulations on getting the one that you deserve, too.!!