Small victories over kid w/adult status
After having multiple convos with FDH about SS5 and how he has been allowed to rule the roost in the home, this interaction happened last night...
SS: "DAAAD come here NOW! I NEEEEED to tell you something." (Screaming from his room as we're downstairs after he was just put to bed)
FDH: "Did you just command me to do something? You will NOT bark orders at me!" (As he marches upstairs and tells SS to go to sleep)
I sat on the couch watching this whole thing go down like *yahoo* ...finally he lays down the law!!!
FDH has been blessed with a great career, where he manages a large team at work. SS5 knows this about his dad and wants to be like his dad - except he's FIVE, so it's a nightmare!
SS has told us multiple times that he is in charge, he will bark orders at people, constantly back talks, and if he doesn't get his way then there is a meltdown. I told FDH that while I love how SS has the ability to stand up for himself and articulate what he needs, other adults (like teachers or his future managers at a job) will never be tolerant of this type of behavior. That seemed to get through to FDH.
If anyone has suggestions related to this type of thing, PLEASE- I would welcome your thoughts. I would have been grounded for my entire life if I spoke to my parents the way SS does!! It's wild. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only sane person in the house. Lol! If he's this way as a 5 year old I can't even IMAGINE what he would be like as a teen. It also worries me that his BM is extremely manipulative and likely has some kind of mental disorder, and her and all of her siblings have all been arrested at some point in their lives...Some winning genes there. I know, I sound awful.
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I would probably side eye him
I would probably side eye him, say "who exactly do you think you are talking to?", then order him to exit the room and return when he can ask politely.
If he won't he can sit in time out. If he still won't I would pick his little butt up and escort him to his room myself.
Lol yes!! I think some side
Lol yes!! I think some side eye could do this little guy some good :) His dad has said something similar to what you mentioned on another occasion when this happened....I'd rather SS gets this type of reaction from us vs. from another adult. He needs to learn his place before he ends up getting detention, suspended at school, or fired from a job out there in the real world where other adults won't bow down to him.
Exactly this
Works on dd5, along with ' have you got something else to say now? (sorry) talk to me like that again and favourite toy gets binned
DH might have said the right
DH might have said the right things. But SS still ordered his father to come to his room, and his father did just that.
He's still got work to do on his reaction to the little dictator.
You're 100% right. Hopefully
You're 100% right. Hopefully this is a baby step towards doing the right thing...*hopefully*
Even my sd’s now aged 24.5 and 14.5 thought they could order
Me and that i answer to them.
i told hubby he'd lost his effin mind if he thought there would be a day i answered to his kids or they felt they could order me around.
hubby finally found his balls late last yr and told eldest sd that she and her sister would never talk to me or treat me that way ever again that they were his kids(kidults) and i was his wife and they did not control me, lecture me or dictate what happens to me or my kids...
its been 9 months of them being quiet because dad day told them they weren't basically his miniwives and the miniwives title was redundant
"Hubby finally found his balls last year" ....I love it, too funny lol!! That is so great!!! I'm so glad to hear that they've stopped. Good for you for putting your foot down. That sounds like a very frustrating situation but I'm glad your husband backed you up and told his daughters that. It's exactly what I worry about with little SS once he's older.
Its taken 1.5 yrs for him to find it
I refuse to be around skids because of this reason.
but guilty disney dad with selective memory loss claims sd's have apologand changed. Really? What has changed because from where i stand nothing about their crap behaviour has changed and certainly no one has apologized to me.. dead silence from hubby followed by why not give them a chance because they apologized... hmmmm maybe because its empty words...
Just wow
Just wow
I know. My thoughts exactly!! *help*
On the occasions when my
On the occasions when my skids (5 and 7) bark orders, they are met with total inaction. We respond to "please could you do this," and we totally ignore rude commands. (That doesn't mean all requests are granted, just that we respond). They've been told this enough that they figure it out quickly when they're ignored. If they do it to another adult, we do not ignore, and they are told to use their manners. This is something kids figure out pretty quickly, in our experience.
FDH: "Did you just command me
FDH: "Did you just command me to do something? You will NOT bark orders at me!" (As he marches upstairs and tells SS to go to sleep)
Seems to me that your BF did exactly what SS wanted, no??
Your FDH needs to take charge
Your FDH needs to take charge here, his words don't match his actions, and SS5 knows it. No way a 5-year-old should have that much power in the home.
*Completely* agree. It's so
*Completely* agree. It's so important to show you mean business not just through words, but actions. If this happens again, which it inevitably will knowing this little guy and his antics, I'll see how FDH responds and will gently make a suggestion that he needs to act in a way that supports what he's saying verbally.
When he came downstairs.. I
When he came downstairs.. I would kind of poke fun at him "sucker.. .hahahah" when he said "what".. I would say.. well.. he ordered you up there.. and that's where you
And be mindful - this might
And be mindful - this might not seem like a huge deal to you right now, but if it continues, it will make your life miserable. So you might want to approach it with that in mind.
My two skids tried that with me....
never to DH because he would have taken their heads where they stood. However, Beaver lets the kids order her around.
The skids used to come back from Beaver's all high and mighty and try ordering me around.
"Get Me Lunch"....NO, and who exactly do you think your ordering around...certainly not me.
"Get me a toy". Nope..and do not order me to do ANYTHING.
It took a day or two for skids to fall back into line that you do not order me to do anything.
I remember when GWR and DD were about 14 years old and GWR ordered me to get him coffee.
1. Kids were not allowed to drink coffee at our house.
2. Don't order me to do anything.
DD turned to him and said.
"Good luck with that coffee GWR. Mom is NEVER going to give you coffee and she will never do anything that have ordered her to do. Wrong house"
I had to chuckle over that one.
Ugh, that's the same situation here!! SS completely rules the roost at BM's. He sleeps in her bed every night and she thinks it's cute that he thinks he's in charge. If my son talked to me that way, oh my goodness I'd be on him like white on rice. I do recognize though it's probably easier for me as someone who's not his parent to see things the way I do. But I notice the same thing, he has to adjust and is always in "prince" mode when he comes over from her house.
You totally have done the right thing in setting limits with your skids for what you will/won't accept. I love that your DD chimed in on this too.
this is a GOOD thing for kids! I can't even imagine wanting to be in charge of my house. It's just not natural. I knew my parents ran the show and that made me feel good about life, knowing I could count on them.
Time for the boss
Time for the boss to sit down his insubordinate employee and ream his little bossy butt out! My girls went thru this. We played the "who's the boss/kid" game. Every time they got bossy with me. I say give the kid a sit down with dad and dad gives a life lesson to the kid just like he'd get in the real world. Age appropriate of course but if he wants to be like dear old dad then dad needs to teach him about his job and make it clear that you work you way up to that position, it's not handed over to a 5 yo. Once that's cleared up in his sweet little head, I'd channel that energy into chores and encourage independence into launching skills so he leaves at 18.
Love this!
"Time for the boss to sit down his insubordinate employee and ream his little bossy butt out!"
^^LOL you couldn't have said this better!
I wholeheartedly agree that this energy could be channeled in a more productive way for sure. Part of being a leader means treating others with dignity and respect...not controlling people and dictating what they will do! And as you said, you work hard and earn this type of role, it's not handed to you! Let alone when you're 5! Haha :)
Does he hear his dad on work
Does he hear his dad on work phone calls, bossing people around? Or is it just his perception of how his dad must be as a manager?
Dad may need to correct his son's perception of what it means to manage subordinates. That's it's not a dictatorship.