I dont want to lose my wife, but my stepkids...
Hello, this will be a rather long post, but please bear with me.
I decided to come here because I simply don't really have anybody else to talk to anymore. Moreover, lately is like whenever my wife and I try to talk about this she automatically goes in self-defense mode against me and to defend herself, her choices, and her kids, which I understand, but it is why I feel talking is just counter-productive at this point. I met my wife a few years back, I instantly fell in love, she was honestly everything I ever wanted in a person, she still is. We connected right away, everything felt just right, like it was just supposed to happen. She had been married before and had two kids, which are now 14 and 15. I knew this was going to be anything but a smooth ride, but I never had a doubt because she was worth it, and still is. After her divorce, she pretty much lived her life for those two kids, that was the only thing she lived for pretty much, though she had her own hobbies and whatnot. However, they did run her life and house. She says she used to do everything for them because she simply did not mind and did not have anything else to do. These kids had ZERO sense of boundaries and or respect, to the point that I will never forget the first night I stayed over, the next morning the older one just opened the door and walked in the room like she owned the house, to say the least, I was beyond uncomfortable. She and the ex-husband used to meet up Friday nights for him to take the kids, and then again Sunday afternoon for her to take them back. Anyhow, we started dating and after a while, we decided I would move in with them. We also got married quickly after that. I would say after a month or so of me living with them, the problems began. My wife also got pregnant and that just exacerbated the problems. One night out of nowhere, the ex-husband called my wife on the phone yelling at her, demanding to know why was she allowing a man to stay in her own house with his kids, that I could be a pedophile, and that I was with my wife for the money (right). He also demanded to know why was she making her kids sit properly at the table and teaching them to eat properly with a fork and knife, this imbecile literally asked my wife, what was so wrong about her kids eating a steak with their hands (this truly happened). And from there he kept threatening her to stop paying child support, which he was underpaying, as he happened to be. These kids would constantly make weird, disrespectful, and rather concerning remarks about me and our baby. For example, one time on the way from school, the older one suggested we should get a cake in the form of a baby and just cut and eat the head, because it would be funny. They complained to their dad about how it was so hard to live with their mom know because she would make them eat properly and clean up after them, they complained about how she made them wait 3 mins to start eating their food while we prepared our own plates, they complained about how we sometimes would close the door of out bedroom, they complained about their mom would make a sandwich sometimes but not them. I honestly feel bad for them, they are not horrible kids, they just have a bunch of issues. They are lazy in a sorry way, always looking to cut corners and getting out of work and shores, always and constantly doing the bare minimum. They lie and manipulate all the time. They trash talk me and their mom to their dad and his girlfriend. My wife once saw on the older one's phone a conversation with a group of friends, where she was telling them how good it felt to give their dad trash about their mom, how much they hated living with her and in her house. She gets very sad and hurt for this, she's always excusing them and giving a million reasons as to why they do the things they say. She tells them all the time they don't have to lie or manipulate or create problems for anybody, that if they want to live with their dad to just let her know. Their father tells them how their mom doesn't care about them anymore, she only cares about her new babies, he told them not to expect me to buy them stuff if I happened to but my own kids some stuff because I don't care about them either, and even though that's not truth, at the end of the day, I'm not their father. He told them how he would stop seeing them if they did not agree to live with him half the time, he calls them stupid, retarded, and so on any time he gets, or so they say. We also found out he was tracking us and where we were all the time through their phones, after that we told him to keep it at his house because she wasn't allowed to use it at our house anymore, to which he said, she will keep it and use it at your house too... lol anyway, we've kindly put him on his place a couple of times, but he seems to keep forgetting his place from time to time. We went to court and they now live half the time with their dad, and though we expected all these problems to stop, they did not. He constantly asks them about our house, tells them my relationship with me and my wife won't last, to stay strong and hang in there. He constantly asks them about my job, tells them I don't work, that I am a bum, and that he's paying for my bills through chill support (he pays less than 50 bucks a month now I believe). We moved recently to a new house, and I had to spent about $1700 fixing things they had broken unnecessarily, such as closet’s doors, their bathroom toilet, walls, stairs, kitchen cabinets, etc. When they aren’t here at our house, the house stays clean all week and organized, we handle our two new babies with no issues really, we go to bed early, everything happens smoothly, however when they’re here, everything is a mess, the house is dirty constantly, stuff everywhere, dirt everywhere, their room is simply disgusting, they sometimes go days without showering, they sometimes don’t even brush their teeth. They have horrible table manners; they burp out loud like and if I get pissed or bothered and say something then I am the bad person. They have mental breakdowns and cry if they have to sweep or mop, they get pissed off and curse their mom out when she tells them to put their phone away. Like I said, they’re lazy, they have no common sense. I feel like a bad person all the time, I am starting to hate who I am becoming because I am always bothered, I am always angry. My wife and I were not even able to enjoy our kid’s pregnancies because of all the issues we had with them and their dad. We are stressed constantly, we fight all the time, and we only have a source of problems, and it is them and their dad getting in our lives. They keep slamming doors and cabinets and toilet seats, they keep leaving the front door unlocked, they keep leaving things that our toddler can easily get and put in his mouth. I hate living in a house that looks like a trailer trash home, my wife says it is not that bad, and that we have kids and she like a home that’s “lived-in”. She says she feels bad that all she does is to tell them to clean and that they don’t have fun anymore, and I understand that, however if they would not make the messes to begin with, or clean one time well done fast that would not happen. I hate this situation because they then leave at the end of the week and it is me or my wife the ones who have to come and clean the house and every single stuff they leave behind. My wife tells me how I always stress her out, that I only see the bad things they do, that I’m always focusing on the things that need to be done, that I over exaggerate everything. I feel like I can’t talk to her anymore, I don’t know if I am too much to live with, or if that I’m a bit too OCD when it comes to cleanliness and organization. I hate a messy home, it drives me crazy, I feel I can’t go to sleep when outside looks like 20 dogs ran around all day. I don’t want to lose my wife, my kids, my relationship because of this situation, but every time I try to talk to her she automatically puts up this wall and instantly gets on defense mode. They cannot do anything bad, and the things she happens to agree with that are not ok, are always forgotten with a simple sorry from their part, and then right back at it. Whenever I bring up something to her that they did or are in the process of doing she gets upset like, here we go again, today for example, they went out and came back, I went to the car later and they left trash in the car seats. When talking about this with my wife she says, they do one thing you don’t like and you put a bad face one, which is just manipulative to say the least, because she just dismisses the other 150 things they’ve done through the week that I have had to be on top of. I’m sorry for all the rambling, I really am. I feel like I’m alone on a corner of the ring, and it is my wife and them on the other end. She says she does everything I say, but I feel she doesn’t really support me when it comes to things like this. Those are her kids, not mine, and I understand why she’d be defensive, but I wish sometimes she would get on my side too and handle the situations and cared more about them than a little “sorry” that has never fixed or changed anything. Am I wrong about this?
- stepcube's blog
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Marriage counseling?
I have to agree with pretty much what you are saying but I'm not there to convince your wife. Have you guys ever considered marriage counseling? I think you are good candidates with the teenagers and the oppositional Ex. Do you think she would go? It sounds like you love her and you two have those small kids. If she wont go, I'd go myself. My counseling saved my marriage and affected 7 lives ( we had 5 kids). Good luck, you sound like a good, thoughtful person
I think this comes down to
I think this comes down to incompatibility.
You want order and a spotless home. You don't seem like you like surprises or changes to routine. That's fine, and with kids you have responsibility over, it's both reasonable and actionable.
However, you married someone who had very, very lax rules. To her credit, when you two moved into together and got married, she made changes to better accommodate you. The problem is, even with her stiffening up her boundaries and expectations, there was never going to be a point where she was going to get to your level, and it doesn't seem like you were willing to bend on what you expected.
If parental alienation weren't involved, I'd say the solution to this would be couples therapy where you and your DW would come up with a set of rules that you can BOTH live with that would mean you allow for a little less structure (since she is trying to provide structure).
But, now you have an ex in the mix who is trying to alienate the kids from their mother, and he's succeeding. That is going to send your wife into a tailspin as she fears losing her kids. That is going to make her put on blinders to their behavior, because they're at ages where they may tell her to eff off and never speak to her again. Facing that reality is hard for parents, and they do stupid things in response.
Gimlet is right. The kids need to go live with their dad full-time and your wife needs to have limited visitation. It's not that she isn't a loving mother, but she is currently not in the right headspace to handle this effectively. She won't fight back and she won't take the risk of losing her kids, so she needs to take them out of this sick game and let her XH "win" two bratty teenagers of his own making. AND she needs personal therapy. AND you both need couples therapy.
If you don't want to deal with all of that, there is the option of ending your marriage. However, with kids of your own in this mess, you won't really be totally away from it all. But, it might be worth the peace for you and your children.
Please format this
Please format this differently, I can't even begin to read it like it is, it's a giant wall of words.
Wow! You are not in the wrong
Wow! You are not in the wrong here. Personally I think your putting up with way WAY more that you should ever be asked to put up with. Good for you to hang in there. I could never tolerate what your going through.
Honestly though, either get some external help or this relationship will never last and it won't be because of you.
There are so many issues here
From skids demanding that parents room be open and never closed, the lack of respect and manners/table manners.
i can tell you right now if skids chucked a hissy fit to daddy about our bedroom door being locked at times their dad would tell them to stick it!! That is our private time and we are entitled to it!!
excusing their behaviour is just your wife absolving herself of any guilt or responsibility in their crappy behaviour
I don't tolerate excuses from hubby anymore hence why i disengaged 2 yrs ago... if he wants engagement, hubby can ensure thise basic standards of behaviour and respect of our bounda Are met.
I feel your frustration..
I think you are entitled to feel the way you do and are not wrong for feeling the way you do. I am in a similar situation w/o the jealous ex partner. My husband's ex used to be a jealous nightmare, until recently. My stepchild is 14. She never let my husband see his child until the last few years. She began letting the child come visit once or twice a year, for the summer. Might I add, she began having behavioral issues with the child, around that time. Since the beginning of our relationship, I always pushed him to never give up on making an effort to be there for his child. Now, I honestly wish I'd not encouraged him to be so proactive, even though I know it was the right thing to do.
Hubby's Ex began having behavioral and educational issues with this child and NOW wants my husband to take over and be more involved. I'm so annoyed by this. Only because if she had allowed him to be more involved before now, we would not be in this situation. Anywho, the child recently moved in w/ us in July 2020 and since then it has all been a really bad dream.
My 14 year old stepchild is very immature, nasty and disrespectful. I, like you, am feeling like a third party in my home. I feel guilty and angry all the time. It's like my world got turned upside down. I hate living with my stepchild. The sight of this child makes my skin crawl.
This child lies about everything and to make matters worst my husband makes excuses for this child. I understand his position, but I refuse to be disrespected by a child in my home. I am the adult and this is my house. Hubby always says we have to give it time and makes some excuse for this child. I am at my wits end and have even considered moving out of my house. I don't wanna separate or end my marriage, but I really don't want to live with my stepchild anymore.
You have every right to feel the way you do. It sounds like you need to make your presence as the man or head of house a little more prominent. It feels like you don't want to make waves in your home, but letting things continue as they have, will not produce change.
I am at the point where I don't even care about having a relationship with my stepchild anymore. I am seriously considering going to counseling before I make any rash decisions. I think you should too. I have gone to marriage counseling with my husband, in the past, and it saved my relationship. It opened our eyes to different ways of thinking and communicating. It taught us how to communicate differently and effectively.
Like you, every time my spouse and I sit down and try to have a conversation, he gets defensive and our arguments have gotten pretty bad. So bad that it is now affecting the three children that we share together. I can't help but think that my stepchild is relishing in the fact that they are causing all this raucous, which only infuriates me even more.
Go to counseling. Seriously. It REALLY DOES work! Don't let things ride. It sounds like you love your wife and you have really tried to make things work. You are not the problem. The kids need firm parenting and it sounds like your wife needs to hear how all this is affecting you. Speak up and make your voice heard. You are the man of the house and you have a lot of power and influence in your home. There needs to be rules and boundaries that are clearly set and understood by the children and consequences if those rules aren't followed. Your wife needs to be on the same page when it comes to this. Good luck!