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OT - lost a good friend today pt 2

Jcksjj's picture

So thinking more about my friend's "feminist" views I just want to rant about some of what to me looks like hypocrisy.

Like for example how her goal was to be a stay at home wife, not mom, just wife. And now that she's achieved that during covid, she's upset that her husband wants her to go back to work when it's over. And then there's been tons of rants about normalizing men doing housework and how they don't pull their weight with being dads etc. Meanwhile she tells me that she basically sits at home scrolling tiktok most of the day and gets upset that she has to do more of the housework and taking care of the dogs. And that she has to make most of the meals or they don't get made. Which, imo, idk why they can't both feed themselves if necessary since there's no kids.

Shes mentioned a few times that she's currently on a feminist anti man streak and I didn't really take it seriously or think much about it, but I guess she was serious. 




tog redux's picture

Most definitely. She'd be the ex who wants the father to pay for everything because she doesn't want to work. Meanwhile she's blaming him for every issue in the marriage. 

Stepdrama2020's picture

A good friend is someone you can have a difference of opinion and it is ok.

Frankly she sounds annoyingly hypocritical.

I dont even think she even knows her platform, it changes in the wind or to fit her own truth or "MY TRUTH". Whatever the hell that is 

Jcksjj's picture

Yeah - one of the things she said is "can't you see how what happened to me would affect my worldview?" 

I can to an extent yes, but that doesn't mean I had the same experiences or worldview or have to agree with hers. 

advice.only2's picture

Honestly some people are just entitled and prone to be argumentative. It doesn't sound like you will be missing out on much.

Jcksjj's picture just sucks because I did enjoy some parts of the friendship and making new friends is difficult ATM. But I'll get over it.

lieutenant_dad's picture

Being a "kept woman" isn't anti-feminist. Being a feminist, in part, means getting to make the choice for your future.

Being a man-hater, however, is anti-feminist. Feminism is recognizing that the patriarchy (or white, Christian patriarchy more specifically) hurts everyone except for the people who perpetuate it. Hating men is not, nor has it ever been, a core component to feminism. It gives feminism a bad name when people hold views - and preach them - like your friend.

Jcksjj's picture

Part of the conversation that really annoyed me is that she wouldn't even hear out my personal experiences with how the anti man rhetoric affects boys growing up. Being told that they're inherently monsters and internalizing that isn't going to help anything. Like I said on my other post, ODS had already been treated like he was a potential rapist 3x that I'm aware of by the time he was 6. How is having that in his head going to help him be a better person? It seems to me if anything it would make it things worse.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

She sounds petulant, selfish, mean, and exhausting.

And that condescending "You need to educate yourself." comment is SOO annoying. Knowledge and understanding are two completely different things. 

 As I said on your other post, she's a twat.

Jcksjj's picture

That really annoyed me because I went through so much education at the local rape and abuse crisis center when I left my ODS dad and told her that. And her response was just "doesn't seem like it" and to look up internalized misogyny. Which I did and none of it resonated with me because I dont hate women either or automatically think they're lying. 

But again, only her experiences and her worldview matter. 

And yes, knowledge and quoting things is different than understanding and applying it to nuanced situations and using critical thinking.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Gads, Jcksjj, just reading about that woman makes my brain hurt. She sounds tiresome and toxic. Good riddance.

Winterglow's picture

She's not very bright, is she? Doesn't she know that many MEN are feminists? I'm married to one...