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No boundary child

Toooldtodealwithdrama's picture

Currently in a 3 year relationship. GF has a 12 yo girl. Been living together for 2 years. As soon as they moved in her daughter immediately started disrespecting me with no consequences. She is very insecure and huge attention seeker. I'm constantly having to defend myself against accusations that are false and she lies and get away with so much. Has accused neighbors off calling her names and starring at her. Doesn't clean after herself. Has 2 cats that are hers yet doesn't clean litter boxes or feed them. Doesn't have any chores. Doesn't have any boundaries. If you don't agree with her and her way of thinking she immediately doesn't like you. I cannot coparent at all or I get yelled at if I mention anything about any of this. Now for the kicker. She now says she is transgender and forces everyone to comply with calling her "he,him,son". Mom and dad have started her on counseling for gender transitioning. At 12 years old. There is so much more to this mess. Now Dad has requested thru the courts to force daughter and I to seek counseling or she can no longer live in my home. And court approved. GF is taking it out on me saying this is my problem. My solution was to agree to counseling while we live separately. This child is such an attention seeker that my fear is,since she accuses me of anything to make me look bad, she will accuse me of inappropriate things. I own a business and if anything like that were to happen I would be ruined. So im forcing them to move out of my home that I own. I feel horrible but don't see any solution to this and at 12 years old will only get worse since she is not even a teenager yet. Like I said. There is so much more to the attention seeking part and she is also extremely insecure. Thoughts??

Toooldtodealwithdrama's picture

Guess I should add that mom(GF) does absolutely nothing to support me or defend me. It's always me having a problem with daughter. Dad naturally doesn't like me because of whatever daughter tells dad. I feel backed into a corner when I don't feel it should be that way. Their reaction or inaction only empowers her to do and say more stuff hence my fear. 

SteppedOut's picture

Is she the only woman that will date you? If that is the case, I think I would prefer to be single! 

Being in a relationship should not be this much work....are you ever actually at peace and happy?

It is time to move on. 

CastleJJ's picture

Clearly, this child's lack of parenting via BM and BD has made her this way (assuming there aren't any other mental health issues). Are you sure you want to remain in this relationship? Your GF is not supporting you and making this your problem, when in reality it is their failure to parent that has caused this. 

I would be concerned to do counseling with this child, because if she is attention seeking and manipulative, she may make accusations that could greatly impact you (i.e. abuse, sexual misconduct, etc.) Is this relationship worth it to you?

Harry's picture

To evict GF from your home AASAP.  Like Monday.  It will take a few months but faster you get started the faster she's out.  You don't need this drama in your life.  Looks like BM and BF also likes drama, maybe this is where SD gets it from.

I have nothing against someone being transgender, but don't get upset at me to not getting what to call them all the time it takes time to reprogram my brain.  

Toooldtodealwithdrama's picture

Trying to get used to the abreviations. I do get along great with BM. She is a wonderful loving generous thoughtful person. When the daughter isn't around. Then I'm the outsider and literally can't say anything to daughter. I feel like the daughter runs the house. She is the one that is narrating the story. BD is nothing but trouble. Doesn't help financially at all and pretends to be dad of the year. I agree that this is lack of parenting. 100%. I also think they both parent by guilt. Daughter has an ipad,iPhone and a computer that is not monitored while at my home. I have stressed many many times that is extremely dangerous for a child to have that kind of unfettered access to pretty much anything and everything. I've had conversations with BMs friends and also her mom and dad and they all agree but when they talk to BM they all give her different opinions according to BM. I'm in a lose lose situation. I should also mention that mom also has some mental issues and previous alcoholism problems as well. BM was in a bad accident almost a year ago from drinking and driving. Damn near killed herself. Very similar injuries to what tiger woods had but probably closer to death. I always have that in the back of my mind that BM will sink back into that. Also BM and BD have had drug use in the past which also makes me worry that daughter will have those same issues since BM and BD have had them. 

Losingit321's picture

My SD has unlimited access to things too and she started doing odd things when she was 9 with no consequences.  I cannot say anything either about the child or I am in the wrong.  Personally, I am at the end of my rope.  I would prob try and be apart for a while and see if you miss her - I cannot imagine all of this is even worth it. 

Toooldtodealwithdrama's picture

I have no issues with transgender either. I honestly am neutral. I really don't care. But at 12 yo you are barely walking and have no idea which way is up. But BM and BD are allowing her to force it in everyone. I should also mention that BM was allowing daughter to stay the night at a male friends house and the parents of that boy didn't even know that daughter was really a girl. Nor did the boy know. They stopped hanging out and the daughter said it was because boys mom and dad were getting a divorce. I guarantee there is more to the story but BM never reached out to the boys mom and dad to confirm anything. BM just believed what daughter was saying. My children are 23 and 21 so I know how kids lie and deceive. I've been thru this mess but BM won't listen to anything I say. 

Rags's picture

"You two may tolerate your failed family progeny being a rude toxic nasty kid but I will not.  Fix her or I will and none of you will find that to be a pleasant experience."

Lather..... rinse..... repeat and FOLLOW THROUGH!

hereiam's picture

Personally, I don't think a relationship with this woman is worth what you could lose, especially since she doesn't support or defend you, at all.

simifan's picture

You were court ordered into therapy?! You are not a party to this case? These "parents" sound atrocious. What are you getting out of this relationship? This child could cost you more then your business. She could send you to jail or ruin you entirely if she lies about you constantly. Protect yourself. It's time to find a new partner. 

Toooldtodealwithdrama's picture

Here's another example of the disrespect I've had to deal with. A few months ago in the morning before I left to work I watched as my GF was about to put a comforter in the washer. I prefer comforters to be taken to the dry cleaner because the washer isn't big enough to handle the rather large comforter. It won't wash it correctly. I proceeded to tell BM and daughter was within earshot. Daughter came over and said "don't talk to my mom like that". It was honestly a calm,adult conversation. I looked at daughter and said please don't involve yourself in an adult conversation. I left to head to work. 5 minutes later I receive a nasty text from daughter that read "don't talk to me or my mom like that ever again and don't try to shut me up". I showed BM and I was the bad guy for saying something to daughter. Daughter was never reprimanded for speaking to an adult the way she did. Another time I was changing batteries in the Arlo cameras around the house. Brought one in and got a phone call from a client and had to leave right away so I set the camera down and left. Daughter proceeded to call BM and BD to say I was spying on her. Again, I got in trouble. Don't know how you spy on someone with a camera that doesn't have a battery in it. Needless to say, I had to navigate out of that one too. 

CastleJJ's picture

This is not worth it. Her daughter is accusing you of spying and yelling at her. How long before she will be accusing you of watching her undress or abuse? You are not safe in this relationship, especially because her parents will not hold her accountable. If this continues, it could be very dangerous for you.

superlado's picture

They will bring you down further.  In ways that may not be repairable. Save your sanity and your future.  There's no hope when the parents won't parent and see you as the issue. 

Evict them.  You'll thank your future self.  

Rags's picture

What the hell keeps you in this shit show of crappy parenting and shallow and polluted gene pool lippy bullshit?



Harry's picture

Do you really want to live this way ?  It's not going to get ubetter,  why would it. ?   Is the sex that great  to live this way.
or spending a few years in jail.  
there a lot of great woman out there with out SK 

Toooldtodealwithdrama's picture

Thanks for all the comments. I'm pretty sure I know the direction I want this to go. I just needed some clarification for some reason. Love is blind sometimes and makes you do some incredibly stupid stuff but I've held on for far too long. The accusations keep getting more and more serious and that is what is driving me at this point to end this relationship.  

Toooldtodealwithdrama's picture

And the drama continues. Child has now turned on BM. She told BM she wanted to live with BD. BM got extremely upset and had her daughters phone disconnected. BD went out and got her a new phone and now wont provide phone number to reach her. BM is having a mental breakdown as I type this. BM wanted to check herself into the hospital but because of Covid they aren't taking anything other than serious patients. What a mess! My house is a complete mess because BM packs by pulling everything out and throwing it in boxes

CLove's picture

Now as to execution. Watch her like a hawk. Shes unhinged and might do something scary, not just to herself but to you.

Rekey the locks when she is gone. Install security cameras. Go completely no contact. I know its really really hard because you have a kind heart and have been in this dysfunctuion a  time. BUT do not go back on what you decided, it really and truly is for the best.

After everything is settled, I would recomend some kind of therapy. Something so that you can learn the red flags as well as find out how and why you settled for this kind of treatment (until you didnt...yay you!).

You know this was all kinds of wrong, you came here and wrote it out, received the validation that you needed to atttain the answeres that you needed, so - Good luck! And keep us posted.

And stick around if appropriate - there are SO VERY many like yourself that you can help.

Toooldtodealwithdrama's picture

Another twist to this crazy story. My biggest fears came true but not for me. BMs daughter actually turned on her and started accusing BM of abusing her. That is the furthest thing from the truth sinceBM would never discipline and would get mad at you if you crossed any line with her daughter. So now BD is doing the right thing by having an emergency custody order put in place because of the accusations. It's actually the wrong thing because he isn't acknowledging that their daughter has some serious mental Health issues that are completely being ignored. I'm glad she didn't accuse me of anything but sad that it's what I thought would happen to me is actually happening to BM. That child needs some serious help. 

Loxy's picture

I've been a step-parent for 14 years and the number one complaint I've seen on all step-parenting forums is your situation ie the bio parent not respecting their partner or forming a team with them and instead allowing the skid to control the situation. There is only two ways this will go, either you will split up (now or down the track) or you will stay and grow more and more unhappy and resentful. 

You will hear lots of bio parents say their child comes first - stay away from these people. The job of a bio parent is to balance the needs of their kids and their partner so that everyone gets what they want/need at times and other times has to compromise. And I say this as both a step and a bio parent. 

The reason I have a successful blended family is beccause my DH has never priortised the skids over me and always backs me - we are a team. He has never allowed the skids to be rude to me or disrecept me. If we disagree on parenting we discuss privately but always present a united front to the skids. You need to be a team who respects each other and communicates well for it to work - you have none of these vital traits.

My advice is to pull the plug as I don't think your partner will change. However, if you want to give her a chance then I suggest counselling (and not a few sesions) but for at least 6 months to work through the issues. Either way, asking her to move out is the first step in the right direct.

Best of luck!

Rags's picture

Gotta love the Karma bus.  BM has been willfully avoidant in getting this kid help, now.... she will have no choice or she will have CPS hip deep in her life.

It is sad that this kid is so full of shit, however, time for 24/7 monitoring,web cams, recorders, etc... so that when she does lie there will be comprehensive ass baring evidence to beat the snot out of her with and to share with the courts and therapist.