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Question about BM letting SS turn feral

Sunlover92's picture

BM's BF moved in with her last spring. The BF is a huge "Gamer". SS14 has gotten Obsessed with first person video games and this is all he wants to do now. BM allows SS14 to do "all nighters" where some nights he plays video games for 20 hrs straight till he Collapses in front of the TV. Why do I care what goes on at BM's??? Because number 1 SS14 will come over wearing the SAME clothes he went to BM's house a WEEK ago including underwear and NO showering in the week either. His clothes will be covered in dog hair and food Dripped all over his clothes. My eyes Literally tear up when he walks into the room from the smell. Then add the fact BM lets him stay up all night and sleep all day he try's to do the same at our house. I refuse to tip toe around my  house because SS14 wants to sleep in till 3pm but still it's a royal pain in the ass having him sleep that late. Now DH is not happy either BUT lacks the balls to do/say anything directly but if this was reported(by me) to say CPS would anything come of this? What if DH got family court involved? Would they care or do anything? 

ImFreeAtLast's picture

I think you should call cps on both of these parents on your way out of there. Throw this one back. It won't get better.

nappisan's picture

ewww exSS14 is the same , its disgusting and just down right lazy!  the BM would allow the same as its easier for her in not having to deal with the kid.  your DH needs to put his foot down himself ,, you shouldnt have to be the one to do so.  As crap as it is ,, leave SS14 in his own filth

shamds's picture

Of laundry with a 1/3 cycle of water, the stench oh man, and his bedroom too.

1 day i put my foot down and told hubby we have a toddler and this mouldy feral smell of his is disgusting. I got hubby to sniff his laundry that stunk that he hung next to our clean clothes including our toddler. One sniff of that and hubby was screaming at his kidult to take everything and wash it. 

parents who allow their kids to stink and look feral don't deserve to be parents and have no shame!!

Even when we have family gatherings and ss comes out likehe just came out of bed, hubby rains hell on him!!

hereiam's picture

Why does your husband not have the balls to parent his kid?

Well, it's your home, too, and the minute SS walked in the door, I would tell him to hit the shower and put on clean clothes. I would also let him know that the rules are different than at BM's. No gaming all night, sleeping all day.

You shouldn't have to be the one to do this, but I would if I had to. I wouldn't "parent" him, per se, but I would certainly set some ground rules.

I doubt this would be a matter that CPS would get involved in.

advice.only2's picture

Well at least you know your DH lacks the balls to parent his kid, so reality is nothing is going to change when is comes to SS14.  Are you going to be okay with a stinky overgrown man living in your house well into his 20's while your ball less husband does nothing to ensure HIS child is capable of working a full time job and supporting himself?  

Rags's picture

Lol,  we never had the non showering or hygiene issues... at least not on purpose.  In his teens we noticed he was smelling pretty funky even though he showered daily.  For weeks it kept getting worse .  Finally he came downstairs after showering one evening and stunk to high heaven.

I told him to go put on his bathing suit and I would meet him in his bathroom and would watch him shower.  Just like he had been taught when he was a pre teen, he washed his hair, then scrubbed his body with body wash.

I was laughing so hard I eas in tears.  He had been washing his hair by turning the shampoo bottle upside down and squeezing it on his head.  Then scrubbing away.  The only problem was, the bottle had been empty for no one knows how long.  He kept asking his mom for body wash every several weeks but never asked for shampoo.  He could see the body wash when he put it in his hands or on the wash cloth. So he knew when the bottle was getting empty.

So, we revisited putting the shampoo in his hand before rubbing it into his hair.

I still give him shit about that.