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SD20 in the hospital again

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

She was last in Christmas for a week. So we are not even at three months and she is back in. So Sd22 texts Friday asking if I know how much an ambulance ride is. SD20 apparently had been at North K.'s house for two days with North K. Attempting to get her out of diabetic ketoaciidosis and is usually pretty good at doing so but couldn't this time. Sd had a high fever also so away she went in the ambulance to my town. So she calls at six o clock in the morning on a Saturday and I am awake. I usually am. She wants me to bring her contact solution to the hospital. I did it and it was pretty heart breaking. It really made me just want to bawl my eyes out. She said the DKA was triggered by a kidney infection. Apparently today I was told she was in sepsis and they finally got the right antibiotic. But she looked very, very small and frail and young without the makeup curled up in the hospital. She has had even more plastic surgery. Her nose looks almost non existent and her lips are absolutely huge. Sd22 says she doesn't bother checking her blood sugar levels anymore and just guesses at her insulin. She was in the very worst pain and the hospital pain meds weren't even touching it. I just don't even know when she is going to hit rock bottom and drop the stripper life and quit partying. It's literally killing her. She is going to die and soon if she doesn't make changes. You would think being in this state literally every two to three months would make someone say ,"something isn't working here."


ESMOD's picture

That is heartbreaking to see someone throw their life away.  

It's probably pretty likely that she has some addiction issues that make it hard for her to step away from that life.. even when it is literally killing her.

I don't know a whole lot about diabetes.. but aren't there pumps that will regulate you without you having to do it manually?  I guess with her lifestyle.. she probably wouldn't go for that though.. would not fit her aesthetic.

Is there any way to see if the hospital can get her some counseling while she is "hostage" so to speak.  I know it's not your job.. but maybe her dad could talk to a DR?

And.. ambulance rides are spendy.. so is the ER!  My YSD has learned this from having to pay some of her own med bills when she went to the ER for a somewhat minor issue.. she had to make a pmt plan to pay it all off because her insurance deemed it unnecessary. I think that sobered her up to the cost and she is reluctant to go to the ER now.. even when it might actually be justified at times.

justmakingthebest's picture

It is so hard to watch young "adults" make these terrible decisions and be powerless to help them. Any help right now is just enabling. I am so sorry that you guys are dealing with this.

CLove's picture

Im so sorry this is happening.

I hope and pray she will eventually get on track.

TheAccidentalSM's picture

I hope she finds her way out of this. It is such a difficult age to have a cronic illness.  You want to be able to party like your peers but you physically can't.