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Meth Mouth has a job?

advice.only2's picture

I came across Meth Mouths LinkedIn yesterday which hasn’t been updated since the early 2000’s.  Now it’s sporting a picture of Meth Mouth from maybe 7-8 years ago and lists her as being a respite care provider for the last couple of months.  Which is super interesting because she has a pending felony case coming up this month as well as she was arrested on a bench warrant earlier this month. I just don’t see how she is capable of doing this unless she is only caring for a person or people she knows?  Given her conviction history and driving record she should be exempt from being eligible for a job like that.  Adding to that she has a “break from employment” for 15 years to be a full time parent which is laughable seeing as in those 15 year she didn’t have custody of either of her children.    Hopefully with her upcoming trial she will get a few months or days in jail so that whomever she is scamming, stealing from can be free of her.   In other news Spawn is due around the same time her baby daddies ex is due…coincidence?  I think not. 


DPW's picture

Gawd, if she is doing this privately, I can see her getting away with it with some clients who do not know better, but if she is doing this through an agency, she would have to pass a criminal record check, no? Here, you need a second level check to get this type of work. 

I feel bad for her clients... 

advice.only2's picture

I went to the website and for employment you have to have a drivers license and proof of insurance...considering her upcoming court case is for driving on a suspended license I don't see how she is capable of being certified by this entity.

AlmostGone834's picture

Scary. Probably rifling though their valuables and stealing medicine off their bedside table. 

advice.only2's picture


TheAccidentalSM's picture

I hope that she isn't providing care.  What a nightmare for the people getting their services from her.

notarelative's picture

Pending felony case -- new linked in profile -- sounds as if, to me, that her lawyer told her to get a job. 
Whether she actually has a job is the question. She may have just updated her linked in profile.

advice.only2's picture

Very true, just because she lists something doesn't mean she is actually doing it.  ETA like being a full time mom for the past 15 years.

Shieldmaiden's picture

Have you considered making an anonymous tip to the regulating goverment agency for home care? I recently made an anonymous tip to the DEA on the employer of my OSD, whose managers supply her with cocaine so she can work long hours. I figure its my good deed for the week. LOL. Hopefully she doesn't get caught in the sting,

advice.only2's picture

I could it's a site, so pretty sure I can just contact them with my concerns.

CLove's picture

Spawn gets her just dessert served with nuts. Meth mouth - well from what Ive heard people are desperately looking for any kind of labor. Funny how skids cannot find jobs though.

advice.only2's picture

Lol right, yeah so I did a deeper dive into the website and it appears it's more like a temp agency. You register with them and they contact you to let you know if people in your area are in need of help.  The position she has would be more a relief person for an actual in home care giver.  Still I would not want her in my home or anybody’s home.  As for Spawn I hope she finds the happiness she so desperately craved while in our care that we were never able to provide for her.  As for the guy who was dumb enough to procreate with her, I hope he understands she’s got him by the balls for 18 years.

MissK03's picture

Maybe spawn can hire meth mouth to be her daycare provider... seems like baby daddy is an interesting situation with two babies on the way.. 

Sounds like a disaster. Hopefully spawn doesn't try any tricks on your DH once the baby arrives. 

advice.only2's picture

Sorry, allow me to clarify, the baby daddy's ex is remarried so it's her and the spouses baby.  DH has no relationship with Spawn and I don't think she want's one with him either. 

thinkthrice's picture

Employers are not allowed to screen by criminal background; landlords are not allowed to screen by eviction records.  Its already here in NYS.  Coming to a town near you.