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Freaking Kidding Me!

justmakingthebest's picture

UPDATE:  We found out that the process server actually got his butt in gear. He attempted to serve the office where BM works, but they denied service. I didn't know you could even do that! Then he attempted to serve BM but she ran away. don't know what to do with that information!


 Tomorrow they are going to serve her employer's headquarters and the doctor who owns all 3 of the practice locations. Based on state law you only have to have 7 days, so I suppose everything could potentially still be okay? Our attorney is also going to serve her attorney with her subpoena for tax records. I don't know what that will do but supposedly it suffices instead of serving her since she ran away

Original post:

Called our dumbass Lawyers office to see if the 3 subpoenas we have were delivered (One to her employer, one to her 1st husband and one to her for tax records). Keep in mind our hearing is in 11 days. NO. No they haven't. Secretary is going to follow up with the private process server. -- Fan-freaking-tastic. Last time I talked to Mr. Lawyer he swears we only need 7 days and he "has a plan". I have no faith in his plan. 

Our entire case is wrapped up in getting this documentation. We have 0 case without these. Nothing. Nada. We have to have direct proof BM has been working the last 5 years and been lying in court this whole time. We KNOW she has been, but when we presented proof in the past she said that she only volunteers and has no income. We HAVE to have these records. 32K is on the line here. That is a lot of freaking money. 

I swear to dog. If he fails us I am going to need to post a go fund me link to help with my bail. 

I just want to cry. 


Winterglow's picture

So you call your lawyer back and tell him to deliver TODAY, dammit! Time to be clear that you do not want this to fall through AND use the word "malpractice". Remind him that he works for you and you want RESULTS!

NotYourAverageStepMama's picture

real hot headed about it and tell him if we lose and owe all this money to BM because you did not do YOUR job in an appropriate amount of time, that is less money for you ... LOL. I know you shouldn't say that, but that would be how I would be feeling. That the lawyer bill wasn't top priority. 

justmakingthebest's picture

I told DH he needs to call them. He took 2 weeks of leave to burn some up, so he needs to handle it!

Winterglow's picture

So you call your lawyer back and tell him to deliver TODAY, dammit! Time to be clear that you do not want this to fall through AND use the word "malpractice". Remind him that he works for you and you want RESULTS!

Harry's picture

Association for not doing his/ her job.  People need time to show up in court , ie employer, need coverage for work, needs to get documentation ask for ect.  First husband May try to get out of it losing a day pay for information you want.  that Doesn't concern him ,  still they need a minimum amount of time. ? 
First husban maybe on vacation on the day of court. He not going to cancel his vacation to go to court. He may lose 10 of thousands of $. 

Rags's picture

We fired our SpermLand attorney due to her focus on preserving relationships with her local community rather than representing us.  I get why she made her choice.  Her career was local. Once we got our TX shark attorney who gave zero shits about SpermLand courts, things got a whole lot better for us. Particularly in getting things done.  The original Judge refused to preside over future court hearings for us, our first attorney tried to not provide information, that did not last long, and ultimately turned everything over to our TX attorney.  

For some reason far too many people lose connection with the fact that Lawyers, Doctors, Therapists work for us. They have one job. To provide the service we engage them to provide. If they refuse or are incapable of doing that, we can fire them and engage another.  Lawyers, Doctors, and therapists are not rare. There are many of them and some are outstandanding capapble of delivering what we engage them to deliver.

Don't play games with this hack lawyer. Grab him by the short and curlies and give the clear message that if he screws this up it will be game on and he will be dealing with the BAR and never overcome the eternal wave of negative reviews, with details on his failings, that he will face for the remainder of his career.

barbKarin's picture

Even if your BM gets served, can't she theoretically asked for a continuance because its only 10 days?

What if she she says she needs to wait for the IRS?

SteppedOut's picture

Seriously. Trash. 

I hope the dr that owns the clinics is made aware that his employees refused service. I can only imagine he is going to be less than thrilled about being served because of one of his employees.

simifan's picture

Your Attorney is ridiculous. Your looking for documentation she hasn't produced & in fact has hidden for years, but serving her with little notice is going to work? I'm thinking we need to start the gofundme now.