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The other side

breakingthroughtheinstincts's picture

Well, it's been a while ( and that's an understatement!).

I suddenly remembered this forum this morning, as Christmas approaches and I thought of you all.. blended and not-so-blended families, all trying to do the right thing.

I wanted to let you all know that there is a light on the other side. SS is now 27 and married, SD is 25 and living in her first home she bought last year. I am actually very proud of them, they work hard and look after themselves, they have good jobs and have done very well for themselves.

I now have two children, 6 and 4, and life is pretty good. We barely see the skids and I don't think my children are very aware they are so closely related! When we do get together it's fun, happy, family time.

I have come to terms with the fact I don't really like my skids as people. This, and the distance we have means I can now concentrate on the good I see - SS is very funny, can be very thoughtful and is a very diligent worker. SD also keeps a difficult job, she is very strong and capable and also can be kind.

There is a light. The time we have to spend under one roof is hell, your mental health may teeter in the edge of destruction, but it doesn't last forever. Keep faith my glorious step mums/dads. You are doing the best you can, it is unlikely to ever be appreciated but don't beat yourself up over anything. It's not worth it. I still remember my mantra from the time;

"Live for today,

Learn from yesterday,

Hope for tomorrow."

Peace and love xx


Elea's picture

I feel the same. Things drastically improved in our household when SDiablas went off to college. Such a relief to never go back to the horrid teenage years when they were here purposefully causing drama most of the time. As long as they stay self sufficienct or mooch exclusively off BM, all is fine. 

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

I teeter - I am not convinced I like the human beings my SKIDs have become but I try to find the silver lining. Then when I do, they do something awful. I go into this year with LOW expectations and I not caring whether they like me or not. I also watch carefully for the traps and lose-lose situations. I prioritize myself, DH and my family. <3 

TrueNorth77's picture

I need hope! lol. Curious, how far away do they live? This is my worry for skids as they move out and we become empty-nesters (3-1/2 years yet). DH once made a comment about not being able to move out of our current state because "we don't know where the kids will be". As if we will follow them? Which, no. The chances of them ending up in the same state are slim. Curious how it shook out for you.