Step Grandmother Gifting
I saw this article online about Reddit AITA, which caused a huge debate.
What do you think?
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I saw this article online about Reddit AITA, which caused a huge debate.
What do you think?
NTA. My parents buy nice
NTA. My parents buy nice gifts for my two stepdaughters, but they can easily afford it. If they had a limited budget, neither I nor my husband would have a problem with them giving gifts to only my bio daughter. In our case, the skids have two other grandparents (DH's mom and BM's mom) who can buy them gifts. Anything my parents get them is a bonus.
Parity is my SM religion. Equal gifts for all.
A good perspective to execute
A good perspective to execute. It eleminates the risk of hurt fee fees. At least to a significant percent. Though I am more of an equity guy than a parity guy. Both fair, but not the same thing. Parity is a pure balance sheet thing. The number on both sides is... the same. Equity is a general perspective thing.
I can deliver equity without struggling with parity. Since... equity is as I define it. This works with my historic perspective that I get people what I want them to have. That has different characteristics depending on who I am buying for.
My mom is a gift quantity parity person. Everyone gets the same number of gifts. She does not purposely balance the spend. Dad, is like me, or more accurately I am like him. He gets what he wants a specific individual to have. It is about the what, not the how much.
This is not really any different than a half sib or step sib that has an entirely separate set of GPs and a third branch of their extended family getting a ton of holiday gifts from that branch that is unrelated to a half sib or step sib.
Shit happens. Life isn't fair. The GM in this Reddit AITA discussion is NTA. This is her son's SD. You can bet that the SM's parents give their own GD gifts that they do not give to the Reddit OP's GD.
The quality parent message would be, IMHO, it is great that the Reddit OP's GD had those things.
As for the Macbook cost, it is irrelevant whether GM bought her GD a Macbook or a PC laptop clone. Completely irrelevant. GM may not have a ton of discretionary spend resources but how she spends those resources are entirely her choice.
Though with a huge caveat, my SS has always had a priveledged life because his mom and I have earned that life for ourselves and our family. SS's three younger Spermidiot spawned half sibs have not had that same experience. Though SpermGrandHag and SpermGrandPa spent orders of magnitude more on the three younger spawn than on my SS. Of course they do not recognize that they did that. They see only that they paid CS on my SS. No congnition that they paid the other two baby mamas CS as well and raised the three younger spawn in their home with zero financial help from their idiot son or the other two baby mamas. They paid their idiot son's prostitution payment plan bills and only considered my DW and my SS to be a problem. DW raised SS well. The other two baby mamas did not do crap to raise their Spermidiot spawn. They abandoned their kids to the same shit show that created the Spermidiot while collecting a monthly check for their children' entire lives from birth to 18.
My SS... is my parent's eldest grandchild. Not their first. But their eldest. They met my SS about 8mos before DW and I married. and 3mos before my niece was born. SS was about 17mos old when my parents met him. Once DW and I married, SS was their GK. No labels beyond that. No differentiation. My brother and my SIL met SS on they day of our first date. They clicked immediately. SS was abour 4mos pregnant with my niece at that time. A couple of weeks after our first date my brother and my SIL watched SS while his mom and I had our first just the two of us date. SS is extremely close with his Rags clan uncle, aunt, and cousins. It was not forced. It just is what it always has been.
No doubt facilitated in large party by how young SS-31 was when his mom and I married and my mom and dad became his GPs and my brother and my SIL became his uncle and aunt.
We are blessed to not have this kind of thing to deal with.
It really depends.
It really depends.
Ideally step grands and bio grands can get equal gifting BUT the average elderly person on a fixed income might not have the money to provide for all the grandkids like that.
If they have the money good . Spread it around
If they're on fixed income then bio grand gets the present but I wouldn't rub it in. Just quietly accept the gifts and keep it pushing. At the end of the day - Life isn't always going to be fair.
Different Factors
NTA and I agree with Rags, equal isn't always equitable. It really comes down to bonding. It depends on the age of the children, how long they have been around and how often they are around. It is easier to be kind to a young stepchild that is frequently at your house like a biochild. It is different when a stepchild is introduced as a teenager and the grandparent probably only sees them a few times a year.
The parents were upset because grandma's generosity highlighted their financial shortcomings. If they want SD to have the same items then they should buy them for her. Or maybe if she is old enough she can work part-time and save up money to buy those things herself.
My SD, 50, is childless by
My SD, 50, is childless by choice whereas my SS, 52, has 2 sons; 15 and 12 resp. I give the boys and my 4 bio grandchildren (3 are adults, 1 is 16) each $200.00 for Christmas. However, 1) I love my well-behaved, charming step-grands and their dad 2) I can afford to be generous and 3)The step-grands express sincere gratitude for everything they receive.
Like JRI (we are the same age, maybe that's a factor?), ~ Parity is my SM religion. Equal gifts for all. ~
"I asked her about school
I think Grandma got played. Kid wanted phone and computer and got grandparents to pay for it.
Phone -- they bought it for her because the kids are making fun of her for not having one. Whether that is true or not, a child having a phone is a parental decision. Plus phones require service. Who is paying for that?
Computer- needed for homework. Really? Public schools here cannot require the use of a computer unless they provide one. Since the pandemic most middle/high schools (at least here) are one to one computer (usually Chromebooks).And since they didn't have a home computer, it's doubtful they have internet. I hope the phone service the grandparents phovide allows the phone to be used as a hotspot.
It sounds, to me, that the child pulled on the grandparents heartstrings with a story designed to achieve her phone and computer desires.
Yeah, it depends
My parents met SS13 when he was nearly 6. They're good to him. They put his school picture on the fridge, they drive up for some of his Little League games, they spend the same for him for Christmas and birthdays as they do their six bio grandkids.
But, they don't have the same relationship with him. He's never gone to stay with them for a weekend while his parents go out of town. My parents have taken my nephew and nieces on solo or two-kid trips when they reach age 8 or 10. They didn't with SS. For one thing, he has other grandparents who constantly buy him stuff and take him places. He's far from deprived. The bio grands don't have another set of grandparents who can or will do that sort of thing. Also, they haven't spent a lot of time with SS and it's highly doubtful BM would be ok with people she met once at a baseball game taking her child out of state for a long weekend.
Like I said, they treat him well. I'd he always treated the same as the bios? No. But there's not much to complain about.
Does SD GP
buy your kids gifts ? SK have two sets of GP also. And how many gifts should you really give. We always bought clothes [would have to anyway]. Better hair products [would have to do anyway but better because it's a gift] to make the gift count bigger
Yes she was ta
Another step grandmother weighing in. Parity is my religion as well. We have a tiered gift giving budget (parents, kids, grandkids). We can afford it, it builds builds family harmony. The older I get the more I believe that kindest is always the best option.
We do the tiered budget, too
The tiered budget works for us, too.
As far as equal gifting, that
As far as equal gifting, that's hard for me (kids not grandkids.) I've been divorced and not remarried for 13 years and even though i do better as far as salary than most single mothers, I never got CS, paid for everything, and money was tight. Christmas and birthdays have always been for "big" things. Think shoes, phone, bicycles, a computer needed for school, etc. Both me and my parents have always done that. Phone is broken? Wait for Christmas or birthday.
My SO buys those things for his kids throughout the year and Christmas and birthdays are just "a little something extra" for his kids. Last night at dinner SO asked SS13 what he needs or wants for Christmas. SS couldn't list a single thing he didn't already have. Since we are not married, my Christmas plan is that i continue to do what i have done for mine and gifts for skids are similar to what i get my niece and nephew. My dad gets skids similar, a present worth about $50. I just couldn't justify, at this stage (my kids are 18 and 22), totally revamping the way i do things.
My dad passed away before I
My dad passed away before I became a SP
My mother was the kindest, sweetest, generious woman that I have ever know. She never had a problem giving something to the step kids but more to her biological grand children.
I would do the same now IF i were in that position. Very discretly as to not hurt my mom did.