Figured I would end the year with one last blog.
So I havent been on here for awhile because things have been going better and I thought I was going to end the year on a happy note but no such luck. Instead I've been sitting at my desk crying for over an hour looking at F'ing artifical Xmas trees.
Quick recap: I bust my ass every year making our home as beautiful as I can for the holidays. I decorate every room. Even SD19's room even though unti Xmas eve she hadnt slept over here since July 9th. (She comes for dinner and leaves)
She has (had) a tree in her room that was white. Not a pretty flocked white tree but an ugly skinny aluminum one. I noticed this year when we got it out of storage that it had yellow rings around parts of it. I wanted to throw it out immediatly but of course DH couldnt get rid of precious foo foos tree! Ok whatever I tried to hide the yelow areas with garland and it looked ok. (If you didn't walk up to it)
I went to move it today out of her room to the hall so DH could carry it down and put it away. I unplugged it from the wall and the top from the bottom no problem (plus I have moved this F'ing tree many times over the years) but supposedly I ripped the wiring and broke it. DH comes up after carrying it down yelling at me all pissed off and acting like I brokeit on purpose and says how he wanted to offer it to SD instead of getting rid of it (umm she has had a nice tree in her room at her mothers for years. Like she would want a piss ass yellow tree) and then says becuause I broke it I can buy a new tree and not just any tree but one he wants.
I am sure he yanked at it hard carrying it down and that is why the cord broke. And serioulsy does he think I wanted to ruin NYE by breaking the tree?
Just his typical over-reacting when ever it comes to anything even remotely involving his daughter. He could have just been normal and agreeded to throw the piece of shit away before Xmas!
On the plus side I just got insurance starting Janurary 1st. I can go to counseling now with only a co-pay and will be trying to get anti- depressants.
God what a waste of a year.....
- missgingersnap2021's blog
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What an over-reaction!
I would be tempted to tell him whete he could shove that tree.....
No, you didn't waste a year. We learn from every experience.
Correct answer
"What the F is WRONG with you??!"
And walk away. It isn't your fault that his daughter is growing up, having her own life and it's high time he realised that! How DARE he take his frustrations out on you!
Gawd, the kid is perfectly normal, why isn't he?
Ginger, I'm pretty sure you did your best and more. Ignore the big baby. Your EQ must be at least double what his is.
Despite his shitty behaviour, I wish you all the best for the New Year.
Or maybe
"How could a young woman as sweet as SD (yes, keep a straight face) have such a miserable father?"
Gawd, what is his problem?
Hey DH fornicate you and the
Hey DH fornicate you and the tree you rode down on
Flock it
Just say eff it and have your own good time doing whatever YOU want. Partner WANTS you to be as miserable as he is, dont be.
He's a miserable sack of dog
He's a miserable sack of dog turds. That is all.
He's just determined to wreck
He's just determined to wreck his relationship with you, isn't he. Maybe he should get some anger management therapy.
That would be the last time
I put anything in SD room. No tree. It's now up to the safe DH to do it all. Nobody goes into that room anyway
Why do you put up with this
Why do you put up with this asshole? Insurance ..... great. Give yourself a new life and boot his ass.
A year is only wasted if you don't learn from it. So... apply the lessons from 2023 and give yourself a new life adventure... NOW! Do not tolerate any risk that 2024 will be a waste.
Tell dipshit to enjoy his nasty broken yellow tree and his toxic failed family shit child and get on with living your best life with all of them fading into your past... starting today.
Take care of you.
Therapy is always good. I'd
Therapy is always good. I'd skip the antidepressants though and lose the jerk husband. You might find that you don't need the meds if you dump the jerk.