Long time my StepTalk Peps!
I don't know what possessed me to log on today, I think it's been about 6 months but here I am!
Just a little update on my world:
We think SS19 got married, but it's just based on a picture we were sent. He currently looks like he is trying to be the country rock singer Hardy. It's a God-awful look for him. They have either recently had to baby or she should be due any minute but we have no idea.
DH deployed/ moving to Japan. We aren't able to move with him because of SS24. He isn't allowed to move with us and he can't live on his own (autistic for those who don't know), so I'm trapped.
I'm fairly positive my marriage is falling apart and I honestly don't even care anymore. You know that feeling of total exhaustion and having to hold everything together for so long that when you see the end of the road, you welcome it? That's where I'm at. It's no one thing, it's everything. DH is a good man, but we just aren't working anymore. I have yet to even shed a tear over him leaving- I think that speaks volumes!
BS18 got into his college choice, but his dad has talked him into moving into their house an hour from the university instead of living on campus- which for BS is a HUGE mistake. He needs the college experience. He needs friends and a life outside of family. This is chance and his dad is F**king it up. All of his expenses are paid for, he wouldn't come out of pocket a dime- he just wouldn't be banking money. I get that for his 2-3-4th years but his freshman year, he needs to live on campus :( It sucks not being able to do anything about this choice.
DD16 is doing great. She and I are closer than ever. She is doing well in school, working, driving, has a good group of friends. She is still with the boyfriend that I wasn't crazy about but he is doing better. I don't hate him, I honestly feel sorry for him. His home life is shit.
Work is good, busy. I'm tackling remodeling projects around the house. My bathroom starts next week- so I'm excited for that. I figured I need to get the house to the best selling possibility possible if DH and I do split.
So- yeah. That's what's been going on in JMTB land!
I have missed you guys!
- justmakingthebest's blog
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I wondered where you'd been.
I wondered where you'd been. I'm so glad you popped in.
You know.. this has to be
You know.. this has to be very frustrating for you. I know you are probably just in a "get it all done zone"... and with him gone without much contact.. you just have to "suck it up".. whether you want to or not..and that sucks.
I know you had told your SO you did not want to be a MIL spouse.. yet here you still are.. and I get that on the one hand.. he is probably unsure of what he might do in civilian world.. and how he would earn a living.. maybe that is making him a bit more stuck.
If you do ultimately decide to stay together.. a few things need to be addressed.
First.. his ADULT son with autism needs to be put into some sort of group home situation... this is for his own good.. if you and your SO are not there.. what happens to him.. it's unfair to you that you are limited by this arrangement. It's unfair to his son who is not living the most enriching life that he could.
Second, you need to come to a decision on his military service. Does he need to bring some skills up to speed? Does he need help figuring out a career plan? He needs a plan to transition.
I might also suggest you try to get some support services for yourself.. some therapy/counseling.. to help you be the healthiest you can be.
It's funny that you said
It's funny that you said counseling for myself. I have been doing that for a few months now and honestly it's been the worst thing for my marriage because I am realizing how much of a bait and switch my entire marriage has been.
One example of the current fuckery of this week: BS had to have his FAFSA done and because he lives with DH and I, we had to do it. DH had log in and just select approve-that's it because I filled everything out on my end and he is just the co-spouse. He literally calls yelling at me because he couldn't figure it out. I told him to just send me his log in and I would do it for him. Then he sends me an email "apologizing" for not taking care of it before he left but he was "dealing with real world stuff".
I could only reply with the fact that I didn't realize MY son's college education wasn't "real world" enough for him.
After everything I do for SS24. After all I did for SS19 and the sacrifices I have made for his son's, lord knows logging in and clicking "I accept" on the FAFSA site was just TOO MUCH! Okey dokey buddy. Got it.
In the past I have made excuses about how stressed he is and how hard it is for him to do his job so this is our balance in our home but our balance isn't balance. It's dump on me and cop out of doing anything for our family. That's my job.
Thanks for logging in
And the update.
Sorry you are going through this, but glad your bios are doing well.
You sound a bit numb as to the marriage situation..burnt out...
Numb and burnt out is
Numb and burnt out is probably the best way to descibe how I have been feeling.
Good to see you. However, I
Good to see you. However, I am sorry you found it necessary to come back.
I assume you have POA on your special needs SKidult. Can you initiate an assessment by the State to get SS into oversight by the applicable state agency and work on getting him moving toward a spot in a group home? He may not be able to live independently but there are options for him to be part of a community, in an active home where he can access friendships, activities, training, jobs, etc... as his capability will allow.
In my first career I employed several special needs adults from a couple of group homes. Great people, dependable employees. They lived happy lives.
Dad needs to make that happen for his SNKidult.
IMHO of course.
Take care of you.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Welcome back! I often miss
Welcome back! I often miss seeing certain posters on here and you are one of them. Sorry to hear about you and your DH, my marriage imploded about a year ago, we are still together but mostly roommates at this point. Your son is missing out on the prime time to forge friendships that could last him a lifetime at college. All that bonding that’s going to happen freshman year he’s going to miss out on and end up lonely being on the fringe. Glad your daughter is doing so much better.
I'm sorry to hear that you
I'm sorry to hear that you are having that disconnect in your marriage too.
I'm so mad that BS's dad and SM are so stuck on him moving in there. This kid has 54 tadry's this year and we live 1 mile from his high school, but SURE he is going to do great with an over an hour each way commute! I just want to smack them all upside the head!
An hour commute, oh hell not
An hour commute, oh hell no that's ridiculous!
I did an hour commute. It was
I did an hour commute. It was not fun and the college was so big I was in school for some pretty long days.
Damn. I'm so sorry you are
Damn. I'm so sorry you are going through this. There is no way you should be stuck with a special needs adult skid for however long your DH is deployed. Has DH made ANY plans except dumping it on you? Group home? Family? I think i remember from your previous blogs that BM1 is either an addict or mentally ill? This is NOT on you. I agree with the poster who said don't make any life-changing decisions in the heat of the moment. But, to me, THAT one is an exception. No fking way.
No, I am the only plan. We
No, I am the only plan. We can't push him on any family, and honestly he is thriving here. He just can't live on his own, He doesn't have basic concepts down yet. Food shopping, cooking, sleeping schedules, money management, hygiene. Those are all things I have to work on daily with him. We are getting there in some respects. He has a full time job and can drive now. That's HUGE! He is a 14 yr old in a 24 yr olds body.
I care less about caring for SS24 than the I care about how DH acts towards me at this point.
A while back when DH and I were in an argument SS24 walked over and said if we get divorced he is going to live with me LOL - and honestly that would be fine. He drives me crazy daily but I do love that kid.
What will happen when you and
What will happen when you and your SO are no longer alive. That is a possibility.. do you want to see this kid a decade or two down the road.. and a ward of the state?
It would be in his best interest to start transitioning to more independent living.. I get that he can't handle all his businss.. but I'm fairly certain that's the whole point of the group home situations.. they have support to help them navigate that stuff.. and you and your SO could certainly backfill and be active in his life..
Now, while your So is over seas is probably not the best time to try to do that.. but it should probably happen in the near future when he returns.
I get that. SS is the least
I get that. SS is the least of your concerns. But he IS a concern. It sounds like you are the one doing everything for him. And this crap about your DH doing "real world" things. Even if you don't work outside the home (idk if you do or not), taking care of the disabled adult that your DH and an unfit mother created is a lot of responsibility. It's as "real world" as it gets. DH is treating you like crap. He is not looking like a good husband or father. I'm not saying leave him. I'm still here, too, despite a less than perfect situation. But please, while you are busy taking care of SS, take care of yourself. Physically, emotionally, and financially. Get your ducks in a row in case your DH continues devolving until he's such a sh!tbag that you HAVE to leave. If he decides to start trying again and things get better, taking care of yourself will still have been a good choice. Take care.
I do work outside the home in
I do work outside the home in a pretty stressful career. I also pay half of everything so his excuses are really bullcrap. I just allowed it for too long. My therapist has been big on the expression of "If he wanted to, he would". That is hard to take in and grasp that my own husband doesn't want to make things better for me even though that's all I have done for him.
I hate to say it, but maybe
I hate to say it, but maybe your DH's problems are mostly his own fault. Sure, his BMs may be unfit dumpster fires of mothers and exes, but he made the decisions which led him to where he is. If he "takes it out" on anyone, it should be himself.
It's so sweet how close you
It's so sweet how close you are with SS24 and you've done so much for your family. I'm sorry your DH doesn't appreciate you more. I do f- all for my step kid but you have really stepped up and been there for SS24 and even the other one, trying everything to get him to have a relationship with his dad. You deserve happiness after everything you've been through.
Hello there, you! Glad you
Hello there, you! Glad you stopped in.
You sound ... different. Stronger, in command, not taking any b.s. anymore. Like you're in the middle of a midlife growth spurt. Therapy must be working well for you!
Please keep checking in with us. You're a core member and we love you!
Therapy has been good! She
Therapy has been good! She has really reminded me of my worth. I am a damn good wife and if he doesn't appriecate me, that's a him problem and I don't have to live like that.
Good to hear an update from
Good to hear an update from you! You sound like you are in a good place, even with everything going on.
I can say that a friend and I were talking about how our husbands are BIG BABIES about just life stuff, especially now since we are planning for retirement in the next 10-15 years, want to get finance in order, etc. But both of our H's are either just dragging their feet or outright refusing to participate in these plans. Why? Becuase they don't want to, don't have time, don't think it's important, blah blah blah. Meanwhile her H is still unemployed after several years and mine keeps complaining about his job (which could be resolved but no, he doesn't want to deal with that either) and basic stuff I hear again and again (I too, recently told my DH I just didn't care any more and that he was fixating on that past and what he cannot change rather than on OUR life).
I'm not planning on leaving DH (so far, HA!), but I have been somewhat disengaging from him since he's left me alone on financial planning and other needed things. He keeps saying "I will do better..." but the last time he told me that, just a week ago, I flat out told him "That's meaningless to me because you keep saying that, I just need you to actually DO it." So I consider myself married, we can talk very well, but he refuses to change - ok then, I will keep moving on and doing my own thing, which I'm quite happy with at this point.
I consulted an estate attorney on my own a few weeks back to tighten up my will and put the rentals in a trust. IMHO Chef was bait and switch with his nightmare situation from his first failed family and has not treated me well/has taken me for granted, often barking orders and yelling at me like child our giving the impression that he thinks I just sit on my ass all day.
He will not be getting any financial benefit from the rentals or anything I own; all of that will be going to my adult bios and DGD.
I hope to outlive him however if that's not the case he will only get life use of the house as he came to me with nothing more than the shirt on his back. All the work he has done is basically for his room and board as I have always paid all the bills and financially backed his massive voluntarily overpaid child support ( which Glory Be has mercifully ended).
I had to deal with a lot of
I had to deal with a lot of long distance with my DH when he worked off shore. It wasn't for a full 18 month stretch.. he was home intermittantly for a couple weeks every month or two.. BUT.. I can tell you that it can be tough.
You are dealing with a huge time difference. so one or both of you might be tired or short on time when the calls happen. It's also a little harder to sort through someone's conversations.. are they mad at you.. are they mad at something that is going on over there.. are they overwhelmed and busy.?
And.. I can say that my husband might get frustrated when I tell him about a problem.. and perhaps how I solved it.. or I'm frustrated he isn't there to solve it for me..(changing lawn mower blades on the riding mower for example).. and then he would tell me my solution wasn't a good one.. and I'm all.. "well I"M the one here dealing with it.. you aren't.. so keep that opinion to yourself"..
And.. I can also say that he said lots of his shipmates would deal with issues with their partners cheating.. or not feeling like they are in control because they can't be there.
It also sets up a dynamic where you become super independent and capable.. and just deal with it all.. and when you have them come back.. they are almost in the way.. lol.
I would probably advise you to remind yourself and your SO that you both are dealing with a lot and you both need to be mindful of that.. and be kind to one another... don't overwhelmingly focus on the stresses.. try to share that you miss them.. hope they are doing well.. and can you send or do anything for each other etc..
Awesome Son
Just returned from almost a 7 month deployment in Saudi Arabia and is "reconnecting" by spending lots of time with Awesome DIL and DGD3. I admire military families! Needless to say, it wouldn't hurt my feelings in the least if Chef was on an 18 months non-stop deployment.. sadly he is no longer in the military. It would be nice to feel single again.
I know I personally could not possibly look after an adult special needs child of Chef... that would be the last straw. I don't know how Just does it!!!
I'm so glad you checked in!
I'm so glad you checked in! You were such a regular poster for so long that I really missed you when you left. Please continue to check in now and again. It is good to hear things are going well with your daughter, I know she had a rough go of it for awhile. Sorry to hear your son is going to have to learn a hard lesson on his own.
Experience is the best teacher unfortunately. And you can't put an old head on young shoulders sadly. These old fashioned time tested cliches still are true.
Completely unfair and stuip
DS. Is DH responsible, He chooses to be in the service. He figures out his DS needs. Without you. If he can't he just can't go. Then he will figure out child =care when he's in jail. You go to Japan.