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I said a hip-hop, the hippie, the hippie. To the hip, hip-hop and you don't stop the rockin' To the bang-bang boogie

AgedOut's picture

it's probably an inappropriate in some way but so am I most days. 


Yes, I'm bored. Yes, I had my surgery and all is very well just hampered by the rules the surgeon gave me. I'm done with the walker, it's can all the way for me. Therapist comes by twice a week, post surgery appt. on Friday. So far, so good except that I'm b-o-r-e-d. I'm Hallmarked out until at least 2025. 


Sooooo, what are you doing today? Anthing fun? Anything boring? Any good gossip? Please amuse me. The Mr went off flea marketing which is good because I'm concerned about hurting myself while hurting him if we bond any more this morning. He's been amazing, really. But he's not good at this boring sitting around watching the dog's nails grow. 

Amuse me please!!!


Aniki-Moderator's picture

I have a couple of rustic tools that were my grandfather's. Rustic and rusty! I'll be cleaning them up, then coating with clear Rustoleum so I can put them in display.

AgedOut's picture

I like that. I've seen  some really great ideas for old tools and I think they look so cool. We expect pics when you're done. 


Trudie's picture

They our beautiful! We have both lime and strawberry. I like that the dried blooms are pretty in the winter too.

I'm doing household chores and then working on renovation plans. Today I'm tasked with narrowing down choices for the master bath...freestanding tub, shower, fixtures, toilet, bidet, etc. Cabinetry and flooring already chosen. Will tackle lighting later. Going for a 'modernized vintage' vibe.

Happy Sunday to all! 

JRI's picture

Your operation is over, that's the best news.  Yes, the healing days are boring and its hard to see progress but its happening.

Thanks for asking about us all.  I'm fine, just a little overwhelmed with my high maintenance DH86 and Mom101.   But a big help is that DH86 now has hearing aids so I dont have to yell all the time.  I was talking to OSS about the hearing issues and he mentioned the $100 hearing aids he'd bought from Amazon and offered to show them to DH86.  Long story short, we bought them from OSS!  Lol.  It's made a huge difference.

Life is good.

AgedOut's picture

too much Christmas in July. I found the Savannah Bananas film on hulu and I'm watching that. 

funny story, but really not funny, Last Fall I put in for a chance to buy Savannah Banans tickets for this summer. They were coming to Buffalo. I put in, my friend put in and the Mr put in. I made the first round. no one else did. I made the second round. My number made it and I was able to buy 5 tickets for July 6!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the next day I got my surgery date ... July 3. 

guess who had to be babysat by my son while others got to go. 

ah well.

CajunMom's picture

Well, the center. It's an In-the-Hoop Embroidered quilt. Blocks made on an embroidery machine and then assembled via a sewing machine. Baby quilt. I'm at 58.5 hours with another 40 hours to go. I love making these for special friends....heirlooms. And now I'm watching TV. 

Here's to your continued improvement and getting back to normal life asap!!

BethAnne's picture

Hi, I'm glad the surgery and recovery are going well, though I truely understand how boredem and frustration at new limitations can be the worst. 

My husband and I are in the process of buying a house for my mother in law to live in. The first house we put an offer on the seller got out of bed on the wrong side and refused to work with us and our attorney so we backed out of that one. Now we found another house last week that looks even better, it is nearer our house, a more appropriate size, in better condition, has ac and has a garage. And all for $500 less that the original house we were looking at!

Cover1W's picture

Going through my things, getting rid of/selling, doing initial packing, meeting with realtors and waiting for lawyer call backs.

Meanwhile, also working and taking care of my cat (who is having another health down-turn sadly - he's been a rock for me these last two weeks), going to the gym (essential).

My friends are all making sure I'm ok too and keeping me busy - I'll update everyone soon on what's going on.


grannyd's picture

Thinking of you every day, Cover, and sending all of the positive vibes that I can muster. Sad times, poor girl. HUGGGGS! ♥️

CLove's picture

Glad you are recovering and the surgery is in your rear-view mirror. Ill have to check out savannah bananas...?

After releasing our poochie July 2, looking at his empty bed, and empty bowls, seeing posts on facebook about the 104% overflow at the shelters, I debated with myself, then Friday went for a visit to the shelter closest to us that was at 104% capacity. Too many animals for too few kennels. I had been looking online and narrowed it down to 1 possibility. Informed husband of my intentions, with a photo of her and I together. He said he would go visit on Saturday. At 1. When they opened, we went through to see my "chosen" girl. He did not connect with her at all. He wanted another walk-through to see everyone. He found a girl he liked, and in the playroom, she kissed us, wagged her tail and calmly played fetch with us. 

Ill post on Facebook of course, but we spent the weekend bonding with her, just hanging out, getting into a feeding routine, and seeing how she is going to work with the cat. It will take some time, but Ive sectioned off parts of the house for her and the cat to be separated. I took her to Sunday Blues in the Park for a few hours. She did well, but pulls when she sees dogs, because she wants to play. The music was awesome, I met up with friends, new girl gave kisses to everyone and many strangers commented on how cute she is.

Her name is Emerald and shes black and cream, with one brown eye and one blue. Shes a husky/shepherd mix, black faced with cream "eyebrows". We call her Emmy for short and shes brought much happiness back into our household.

Oh, yeah, and we went to see Keith Urban Friday night! All the girls in their cowboy boots and daisy dukes. Saw some good ole boys too lol. When Keith got on stage, everyone just kind of went into a happy smiling trance. It was such a good vibe night! No one got into fights (this happens, its part of the rodeo scene in this area) The concert was the opening night "kick off" to our Big Week Rodeo. Im not a huge fan of roping helpless animals and throwing them to the ground, but I do love the music kickoffs. Thankfully no roping occurs at these!

grannyd's picture

Ah, Clove,

I just KNEW that Keith Urban would put on a great show. He is so down-to-earth, sweet, sexy Diablo that I can well imagine falling into a happy trance! You deserved the treat, Dahlink, here's hoping that there are more lovely surprises in store for you.

grannyd's picture

Do you crochet, AgedOut? I l'm pretty good at it and learned by on-line instruction about a decade ago. You would not believe how many youtube offerings teach a rank beginner how to crochet; it works up quickly (unlike knitting), is easy to learn and with endless patterns (also online, free) to create. Give it a try!

AgedOut's picture

No but I do do (heh heh I said do do) counted cross stitch. when i quit smoking I needed busy work for my hands. I do wedding pieces for every wedding we go to and I do baby pieces for the new kiddo in the family. 

I'd love to learn to crocet. 

grannyd's picture

All you need is a ball of yarn, a size 5 hook and you're ready to rock! Go for it!

Winterglow's picture

Just wondered if you knew about for thousands of free patterns.. 

grannyd's picture

No, Winterglow, I did NOT know about but I just checked out the website and am tickled pink! Many thanks for the heads-up. Apart from the slippers that I create for my sisters and nieces, I've barely touched my 200+ balls of yarn of late.

Rags's picture

I'm catching up on STalk.  We were out of town for just over a week and I never logged onto my computer.

Take care of yourself.