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The Christmas suprise

AlmostGone834's picture

Christmas is coming up and of course that means the annual gift-grabbing pilgrimage of Little Idiot (SD24.5). Unfortunately, this year she is in for a bit of surprise. We are not going to my parents house this year for the holiday. 

Instead, we are going to have them over on for a quiet dinner on Christmas Eve. Now, normally Christmas would be filled with games and big $$$ gift cards doled out as prizes, prime rib and lobster, a $100 gift exchange (Little Idiot’s gift purchased FOR her by DH and I of course)… all paid for by my retirement-aged parents. You could always count on Little Idiot to be right there in the thick of it, with her dragon claws tearing apart the Saran Wrap ball to greedily snatch up the prizes and to plot and connive her way to the best gift in the exchange. 

Last year DH and I stopped taking part and we tried to explain to Little Idiot on the ride there about the true meaning of Christmas and that while my parents are very generous, it seems like they are being taken advantage of. Of course all that went in one ear and out the other and as soon as the games were called she went running right in there and plopped herself down in the center of it all. She ended up breaking off two claws in her eagerness to win the games. 

(All this is on top of the plane tickets and generous gifts that DH and I supply her with every year btw. And which will still happen unfortunately.) 

The question is, should we tell her beforehand (that would be my preference as she might decide the trip isn’t worth the payout). Still… given the prospect of getting a few hundred dollars from us might make it worthwhile for her. On the other hand, we could just spring it on her when she gets here and make her suffer through having to spend time with us without the big Christmas cash haul.

DH said the other day that he doesn’t even know if she will be coming up and he doesn’t even care that much about seeing her. He says they hardly ever communicate anyway. I’m not sure if he was just in a “poor me” mood or if he really meant it. He never did reach out re. Her safety during the hurricane. 


AgedOut's picture

oh that's a toughie. Tell her ahead of time and potentially have a lidiot free holiday? orrrrrr wait and spring it on her after she's there and watch the dollar signs fade in her greedy lidiot eyes. I can see the appeal of both. 


Keep us updated!

Yesterdays's picture

Im not sure if I would tell her in advance moreso because I don't think I want want to deal with the drama and whining that would ensue in the next months ahead until Christmas .. And I don't think your husband has the guts to tell her firmly that's how it's going to be.

Although you may be right... She may change her mind about wanting to come which would be indicative that she's coming only if money and presents is involved. 

AlmostGone834's picture

I'm sort of thinking not tell her. I am imagining it backfiring on me if she does decide to come up anyway for the vacation and substantial gifts she gets from DH and I... then DH will go on and on about how she doesn't care about all that greedy stuff (ignoring the fact that she still will be making out getting plane tickets and $$$ from us).

ESMOD's picture

I would tell her... no sense in suffering through a visit if she doesn't deem it worth it... too much risk your DH will feel obligated to slay his own fatted cow for his daughter to make up for your parent's not having their annual fete.

I might do a "checkin" for her travel plans.. hey... LI, when were you planning on coming for the holidays.. It's going to be pretty low key this year, my parents aren't having their get together, so we are planning a low key dinner on Christmas Eve.. so you are free to plan to do other things

AlmostGone834's picture

I'm betting DH will be against it. The more I think about it... I'm sure he will figure if we tell her, there's a chance she won't want to come... and he would rather stick his head in the sand and not risk having to face that much inconvenient truth. AND if she DOES still come (don't forget she still is going to get pretty nice payout from DH and I... and any excuse to take time off of work is a huge win for her... then I'll have to hear all about how "See???? she doesn't care about the gifts! " blah blah blah praise praise

JRI's picture

The worst that could happen is she will still come.  The best would be her deciding it wasn't worth it and not coming.

AlmostGone834's picture

It would be the first year in 10 years that I wouldn't have to deal with her... but I'm not that lucky. She will still come.

Yesterdays's picture

Just have this phrase in your back pocket, "the holidays are not about money or gifts, it's all about spending time together with the people that mean most to you in the world"

Bonus points for watching holiday movies about the meaning of Christmas 

AlmostGone834's picture

We tried telling her that last year. Her eyes glazed over and she stared off into the distance with a mm-hmmm. She's good about pretending but her actions say different. Still... I'll probably end up saying something to that effect again this year... and it will yet again fall on deaf ears. 

la_dulce_vida's picture

I say let her come and learn firsthand so that you can be a witness. Let your DH see how she acts when she can't cash in.

You're assured that the chances of her coming next year will dwindle if she's only in it for a cash grab.

AlmostGone834's picture

I agree. She will probably say something like "oh but I love seeing all your family!" (Barf) No you don't. You don't have a thing to do with them. You don't ever ask how they are. You just want the big gift grab. (And why can't DH see that??? He will buy that line.) 

Kes's picture

If DH doesn't care that much about seeing LI - and I'm sure you could do without it - I'd tell her beforehand in the hope that she won't come.  

AlmostGone834's picture

DH said that... but I am skeptical about how he really feels tbh. I am thinking he's going to push back against telling her beforehand. 

Harry's picture

And tickets for BF.   Come on are saying. ....Money fest time.   If you bought me a plane ticket, I would be over grabbing money ....First no plane ticket....  And definitely no plane ticket for BF...  if they make it to you by funding it themselves..   Then put a money limits on gifts,

  [ say, money is tight this year.. GP are on fix income and ther heating thing broke abd spend like $15,o00 to fix it ...almost.. maybe ]. 
So all gifts are $25 or $50. In value.  
But you know DH will not go for this.  I personally would never pay for a plane ticket for a  BF of 3 months...6 to come over my house and stay.  That is crazy.  

But nobody likes me ...anyway with my thoughts.   Your DH feeds into this whole thing with SD .. and you complain. [ I can understand ].  But it's  DH fault and problem.  You main problem is DH doesn't care about your feelings.  It's ok to vent.  You need to vent.  

Winterglow's picture

'Hey DH, she's nearly 25. She must have finished her degree by now. Do you happen to know if she's working yet? Just think, she'll soon be able to buy her own tickets here! Bet she's got a great job lined up!"

Felicity0224's picture

This is actually genius. You could even include, "maybe she won't be able to stay as long as usual since she's probably working her first 'grown up' job now and doesn't have any vacation time accumulated."

grannyd's picture

Harry, you've written:

But nobody likes me ...anyway with my thoughts. 

Are you referring to yourself, as in nobody likes you? If so, where did that come from? Not only do I like you but so do many others on the site or your posts would not receive so many 'thumbs up'. What nonsense! Your masculine views and insights are important; we have far too few men on StepTalk as it is and certainly can't afford to lose one as 'clued in' as our Harry.


Felicity0224's picture

I see your point about how telling her ahead of time could backfire. But I might not be able to resist taking the chance that she might not come. She sounds like such a drain, it would be nice to have a holiday without her hanging around seeing how much she can weasel out of y'all. 

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Tell her ahead of time. AND give her a list of suggested gifts for your DH, your parents and yourself.

thinkthrice's picture

She'll just ignore the list as she is selfish, broke and as thick as a whale omelet.

Little Type Amy's picture

I can see why this would be a hard call to make. Honestly, if in the same position and if it were my SD too, I would most likely say the Hell with I and  lean towards giving her a heads up if it meant having the slightest chance  of discouraging LI from coming up. Sounds like you are long over due for a LI free Christmas and its much deserved! Not to mention a much more pleasant surprise not to mention a huge relief.  A Skid free holiday or ( LI free anything) would be a gift in and of itself if you ask me.  This is coming from someone who is so over coddling my almost 30 year old baby of an SD that Id risk any potential  backlash if it meant giving me my peace 

It would actually be the gift that keeps on giving the whole year 

However, if it seems like you are going to get stuck with her one way or another ( eww. barf is right) , my vote agrees with the others who suggested at least ( finally) puttng some of the responsibilty on her. Also would try to put a bug in DH's ear mentioning that she should be in a position at her age ( and about how she should be done with college. haha or have some kind of job) that gives her the ability to at least contribute something for a change.

While I also would ponder the idea of catching her in the element of surprise to lure out her true colors, who knows if DH will still fully understand with the rose colored glasses anyway if he is like mine. So I cant say that would make a world of difference.  It sounds like her greedy entitled attitude did come to light at past holidays that he might have noticed or did but just pretended not to in classic DH fashion. 

thinkthrice's picture

Other than something extremely vague like "we are scaling back this year"  no details.  I guarantee she won't be back next year and hopefully never again.

Rags's picture

I'm on team don't tell her.  Let her come and then enjoy her grimaces and near tears anger over not getting to rip off your parents. Go with a card with note that the plane tickets are her gift.

Nearly 25yos are not the focus of Christmas and dirt bags like LI have no business being tolerated in their family extortion careers.  End her disappointment by making her clean up after the gathering.

Enjoy the show!!!


As for trying to talk about the meaning of Christmas aga again as her eyes glaze over, I would go with the scrub her nose in her own greedy stench model and keep that message crammed up her nose for the duration of her miscalculated Christmas visit.

Welcome to adulthood LI.  Idiots don't do well here.  Though it takes a little longer for these life lessons to sink in if the parents of the idiot are not interested in their spawn becoming viable adults.