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Ok or Not Ok?

FrustratedandLost's picture

I just have a question. Does anybody else's SKs not give the same amount to you as they do to the biological parents? My 24 SD, who is the only bio kid that talks to my husband, always does less for me than she does for her dad. I feel jealous and left out and I'm wondering if I shouldn't be feeling this way and feel grateful that she even gets me anything for xmas or my birthday. For example, I received about $153 for christmas from her. I on the other hand spent over $250 on her from both her dad and I. She spent way more than $150 on her dad. Is it normal for SKs to do this? 

Also, my husband told me that he hopes that if he passes away, that the 24 YO SD and I could still be friends. I told him she could come visit me when I move out of state. Is this being mean or is this ok? Does anybody else feel that they should stay friends with their SK? I don't really feel that I will be friends with when he passes away because she doesn't ever contact me just out of the blue and for another thing, she doesn't seem to want to hang out with me that much when she comes. She asks her dad to do something with her and she always texts him to ask. Am I just being ridiculous or does anybody else experience the same thing?

Thank you in advance for your thoughts.


Rags's picture

For me, the joy is not in what I get or some comparison of value and appreciation from others. It is about what I give. I give the people that I care about things I want them to have. Things that mean something to me for that person.

I do not even give those who do not matter to me a thought. Much less immerse myself in giving them space in my head.

You are married to her dad. You contribute to her relationship with her father. Part of her gift to him is motivated by you.  Don't ruin your holiday over the inconsequential.

Choose to feel differently. Counter to what many believe, feelings are a choice. Make better choices.

Regarding maintaining contact with my SS-32 in the event of his mom's passing. His mom and I met when he was 15mos old.  We married the week before he turned 2yo.  We made that  happen. He is my son. His mom, him, and me are family.  Heaven forbid something happens to his mom, we would be there for each other and we would remain family.

Take care of you.

Give rose

FrustratedandLost's picture

put so much thought into my feelings when it comes to the SD? I find that I give because I am trying to be a good person and hopefully she will see that. I know this is a dumb question but what do you mean when you say part of her gift to him is motivated by me? I guess I'm just feeling hurt and a little jealous of how she treats him so much better than she does me.

Rags's picture

You clearly do the gifting to SD and put DH's name on it.

You also are his spouse and you and he make a life together that  SD benefits from.

Her gifting to her father is significantly influenced by what you bring to his life.  That is what I meant.  Stop buying her things from both of you and only put your name on it. See how she and daddy like that.

Make no mistake that tolerating toxic crap from them is not about you being a good person.  Their behaviors prove repeatedly that they are not good people.  So stop being the toxic victim that keeps sacrificing yourself to their crap. You are toxic to yourself by tolerating their crap.  Not an easy thing to hear. But grow a pair and end their reign of terror over you.  This is not about a balance sheet of what SD spent on you VS what she spent on her daddy. This is about them both violating your happiness.

As for how she treats you, you train her to do that and your DH tolerates it. So, focus on smacking that turd back into the turd bucket and make sure she and daddy know that her behavior and his tolerance of it is over.  Now!

What is your deep thought on your feelings giving you in return?  From your OP it is returning pain and hurt. So stop delving into the feels this shit spawn of your DH's is bringing to your life and start focusing on her behaviors and his.  Then you have a clear target to attack to solve the problem.  The problem is not your feelings, the problem is their proven repeated behaviors.   Feels do not solve problems.  Effective analysis and direct action solves problems.

Identify the problem, attack the problem, and the hurts will eventually go away because the perpetrating behaviors will end.

Wallowing in your feels over all of this is just giving SD and even your DH more control over you and your quality of life.  Feeling hurt by this situation is perfectly natural. Though continuing to wallow in that and not addressing it directly is no way to resolve it.

Stop that.

All IMHO of course.

Take care of you.

Give rose

FrustratedandLost's picture

My husband and I have a joint bank account. So wouldnt the stuff I buy be from both of us?

Rags's picture

Sadly, far too many toxic railed family progeny are not capable of recognizing reality much less actually living in it.

Don't try to understand or rationalize this toxic spawn. This includes trying to understand your SO and his tolerance for any of it. It is a waste of time and your bliss. Figuring out their why is not conducive to you living your best life.

Take care of  yourself.

Give rose

JRI's picture

We have 5 kids so we establish a gift amount and it's the same for all 5, regardless of what or if we get anything from them.  Actually, we've told them not to buy us anything cuz we need nothing and I know some struggle financially. Some do give us gifts, I guess the bio parent gets more but that seems natural (especially when I'm on the receiving end lol.). So, I don't give much thought to who gets what.

As far as keeping touch with SKs once DH87 passes, I know he'd like me to. What will probably happen is that OSS61 will continue to help me with the house or wherever I live.  YSS56 is out of town and we will probably have a "Merry Christmas" call and maybe one or two during the year.  I'm hoping I can gradually stop any contact with SD63 who has always been a pain.  Once she gets whatever there is to get when DH passes (sorry, no $ yet), she will hopefully fade.


CajunMom's picture

In fact, you are lucky you get anything. Most of us here, including myself, do not recieve gifts from SKs. Christmas was so lopsided here for a few years after DH and I married; $500 plus spent on SKs each, while they showed up empty handed. Each year, I'd pray they get it together and bring DH a gift. After 5 years, we quit gifting. Asked if they wanted to pull it all ended. Today, DH sends gifts to his grands.

As for continuing a relationship with any of DHs kids, I seriously doubt it. We are not close. In fact, I stayed away from their toxic selves for over 6 years. We are just beginning to re-connect and those are civil and superficial. So, personally, I do not foresee any contact with DHs kids if he passes first. And no, you were wrong to tell you DH what you did. Truth is truth.

Best to you.

Elea's picture

I am in the I recieve no gift club. I also stopped giving gifts to SD's.

I have no relationship with SD's now so why would that change after DH is gone? I expect I will never see them again.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

A gift is something given to someone without the expectation of payment or anything in return. 

Maybe you should take into account that it was a gift freely given. Not how much it cost, not how much was spent on anyone else. No one forced her to buy it. She took the time to seek out something just for you

MorningMia's picture

I have never received a gift from either of my skids in 20 years--the first 5 years involved me getting them birthday, graduation, and Christmas gifts, then I stopped. 
As for a relationship with your SD after DH would pass, that is completely up to matter what anyone else thinks. 

hereiam's picture

In the 28 years that I have been with my DH, neither of us have received a gift from his daughter. But, personally, I wouldn't worry about the cost of such a gift (if one were given) or if it was the same, less, or more than what she got for her dad. It just wouldn't matter to me.

I have a decent relationship with my SD33, but if my DH passed away, I probably would not go out of my way to keep in touch with her. Not because of hard feelings or anything, but we just don't have that kind of relationship. I don't feel bad about it, it's just the way it is.

Harry's picture

It's the thought that acccounts gift wise.  How much personal thought goes into getting you something you want but will not buy for your self.  Parents always give more money then they receive.  They are not friends but your kids 

Thumper's picture

You asked:

 Am I just being ridiculous or does anybody else experience the same thing?

Answer is: Yes, you are  ridiculous and NO, I have never experienced the 'same thing'. 

Giving a gift is an act of kindness, grace, and sometimes compassion.  It is NOT about receiving a gift in return of equal or higher value.






Rags's picture

A favorite line of one of my former bosses.

Lower your expectations so you won't be disappointed.  Not one my bride liked. In fact, it pissed her off because it was just an excuse regarding huge failures by my boss and the company to ever get her resident visa worked out. She had to fly out every 60 days in order to get a new visa on arrival. So, take a 30min flight, shop in Dubai or Abu Dhabi for the day, have lunch, then fly back.  It pissed her off to no end.

I had to go way up the food chain of company executives to shake anything loose.  Even then, they asked us to transfer to a neighboring country to start a new JV company.  It took them less than a week to her her residence permit there.   Which pissed her off even more considering the shit show runaround the company put us through regarding her RP in the prior assignment country.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

As others have said, i wouldn't look too much into this specific issue. When it comes to kids/young adults and gift giving, a lot has to do with how they were raised and how they are as a person. My SO's kids don't get me gifts but i don't think they give anyone gifts. They were never taught to. They were never encouraged to get me a gift.

With adult skids, i would focus on how they affect your day to day life. Are they respectful of you as their parent's spouse in speech and in actions? Meaning how badly do or don't they fk up your life. Are they a financial burden? A physical burden (like are they in your space a lot or living with you?) Do they cause drama?

I know when you've been burned you tend to see meaning in every little thing. She may, in fact, be out to get you. But this in and of itself isn't necessarily a sign. 

grannyd's picture

Hey, Thumper,

I’ve always assumed that it was standard practice for one’s children to spend more on a parental gift than that for a stepparent; after all, they are your biological mom/dad. They brought you up, fed and housed you, showered you (usually) with unconditional love and much more. To expect an equal expenditure from stepkids is unrealistic. 

It’s also natural for a parent to spend more on their children than vice-versa since, generally speaking, the parents have a larger disposable income. I’ve always received thoughtful gifts from both my SS (who has a talent for always buying things that I love!) and SD. I don’t give a toss how much the gifts cost; being remembered is what’s important. Sorry to say, FrustratedandLost, but you are being ridiculous.

Felicity0224's picture

Personally this isn't something I would even give any thought to and I do think it's a bit silly to get wound up about.

There are times I spend substantially more on one of my actual parents than I do the other, for a variety of reasons. It's never because I'm thinking, "oh I love dad more than mom" or "I want to make mom feel more special than dad." It's just the way things shake out sometimes. Futhermore, I'd never expect my SDs to spend as much on me as they do their parents. In recent years, they've spent more on each other and on DD than they have any of their parents or stepparents, and I think that's perfectly fine. 

Tireddmomm's picture

I think that it was nice that your SD got you nice gifts for Christmas. I cone from a place where it's not about how much someone spends on a gift, it's about the thought behind it. It's you and DHs choice to spend that much on SD for Christmas, but that doesn't necessarily mean SD needs to match that. As for continuing a relationship after DH passes, I would say do what feels natural for both of you. I wouldn't force something that isn't authentic, but remain friendly. If you're at a place to remain close then why not. 

ESMOD's picture

It's perfectly fine for her to do more for her dad for presents.. he is her bio father.. it's also ok to spend more on one person than another.. period.  I think you are probably pretty fortunate that you rank anywhere on her spend list tbh.. it's more common for skids to not even buy for their bio parents.. much less a step parent.

As far as what happens after he is gone? you ccan say the things that give him comfort then do what you feel in your heart if/when that time comes... 

Trudie's picture

...have read this thread with interest. Like some have mentioned, we have a limit of what we spend on people and it is fair and equitable. It works for us.

I realized something after Christmas, the gift YSD gifted me was actually meant for her father. It was of substantial value and I thanked her and said how much I liked it when I opened it. She gifted her father something far less in value. I was very surprised as she is very close to her father; I would dare say enmeshed, she is needy and does not have the independence of an adult in her 30's. I have encouraged him to allow her to figure things out on her own...sorry, getting sidetracked. Anyway, shortly after he opened his gift, I figured it out. Then I realized that much she had given me in previous years was also 'for her father'. I wasn't really sure what to think about that. I am just thankful that she does not bring ugly to my life, as OSD has. And, yes, I realize it was nice that she made the pretense of gifting me. Or was it?

As far as if something happened to DH, no way would I want any of them in my life. I could see DH having relationships with a few of my family though. Our families are vastly dfferent in how they 'show up' family has been welcoming and treat him with love and respect. I would say my DH is closer to my mother than I am.

Step life is interesting....

Trudie's picture

Just tonight DH asks where 'my gift' was, he was going to set it up. I honestly believe it flew right over his head that the gift was not for me all!

Rags's picture

My ILs are a list family.  We are not.  Neither is my source family.  

Early in our marriage my DW was very excited to get her mom and sister a very nice joint gift. A very nice high end coffee maker, a selection of gourmet coffees and custom mugs for her mom and for her sister.  MIL broke DW's heart when the talked on Christmas day.  "You know I drink Folger's instant, why would you get me all of this"?  After that, it has been from the list and only the list, with an occassional exception when DW finds something that she knows her mom likes but is not on the list, 

This year, she bought off of the list for her entire family.  MIL got half a dozen duplicates from the family.  Including my DW. When DW called MIL on Christmas day, she was obviously all bummed and hurt about her gifts. DW did get her a few distinct things that she wanted her mom to have that she thought her mom.  Of course DW is upset that MIL was disappointed.

We do not buy every year for all in my family.  We do buy for everyone when we are all together. Otherwise, we each focus on our own direct family. Though we do send mom and dad something every year. Usually things that we find throughout the year on random meanderings.

MIL is not the only one in the IL family who got several duplicates.  Though she is the only one who pouted about it. At least when DW was talking to them.  Ironically, this year she received a half a dozen or more pounds of coffee.  One of a few things on MIL's list.

People teach others how to treat them, then they pout when they are treated as they have demanded to be treated for countless years.

