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Interacting with teen stepdaughter

RedhawkStepDad's picture

My stepdaughter is a high school freshman and when she is with my wife and I she spends the majority of the time in her room on her phone, watching tv or will ask if she can be with her friends.  Now I respect the fact she wants time to herself and wants to see the friends she has but I still want to have a decent relationship with her.  The last time her and her brother were with us, my wife was taking her dress shopping and asked her about me, telling her that I'm trying to form a relationship with her, to which she (the stepdaughter) replied that she knows I am.  How do I go about balancing being respectful of her growing independance and need for space with forming a relationship with her?

ESMOD's picture

I would perhaps start with doing things like having family dinners... etc...  do you do things as a family.. I mean.. I would get that she may not be interested in you doing dress shopping. but do you ever do stuff as a family per se.. road trips.. campimg or any other kind of activity that would put you all together?

RedhawkStepDad's picture

My wife and I do try to get my step daughter and her brother to do things with us but she is so quick to say no and when asked her reply is somehting along the lines of "I don't want to" and she goes right back to focusing on her phone.

ESMOD's picture

In my parent's home.. these things weren't optional.  Dinner is at 6.. "i don't want to".. wasn't a question honey.. see you at 6 at the table.. no phones during dinner. (mom delivers this message).

We are going to X park to go hiking and have a picnic saturday.. "I don't want to". well.. we are all going, including you.. wasn't a question.  (again said by her mom).


In the end... if she is generally polite and well enough behaved in your home.. not causing active conflicts.. it may not be in the cards for you to have a close parental relationship with her.. it's ok if that's what happens... but she should be taught to be pleasant and ciivil in your home.. by mom

Rags's picture

They get called out with a "No!  Really?  Get TF up and get your asses in the car. You pout or whine and we will hike your asses into a sniveling pile of blisters and dehydration."

What they want does not matter. Doing what they are told when they are told to do it matters.

There is no try. There is do.  As Yoda said.  Give them no choice.  Start taking electronics, they engage  willingly, or they suffer while they are given no choice but to engage.

Keep it stupid simple.

IMHO of course.

Winterglow's picture

How old is she?

How long have you been in her life?

How do you visualise your ideal relationship with her?

RedhawkStepDad's picture

She's 15, I've been in her life for about four and half for the ideal relationship with her: I would love for it to be where she is comfortable around me and knows I'm someone that she can talk to.

advice.only2's picture

Is there anything you might have a common interest in that you could talk to her about?   Sports, Video Games, movies, tv shows, music groups?   Teenagers are hard to bond with to begin with, but being a stepkid can make it even harder.    If it’s any consolation I was in my SD’s life from the time she was 5 and she lived with us full time once she turned 10 and I was never able to bond with her no matter how hard I tried.  She just wanted nothing to do with me because I wasn’t her mom or dad. 

RedhawkStepDad's picture

The one thing her and I really have in common is that we both have an introverted personality.  Along the same lines I'm not really the best at starting conversations with people and when it comes to music, tv and movies I'm certain that her and I won't have much in common in that reguard.

Harry's picture

A one person relationship.  SD doesn't want a relationship with you. She has a bio father,  she may feel one father is enough. 
'Yes, you can force her to have dinner with you as a family at 6 pm every night . Will that do anything ?    I feel the family should eat together. It's becoming as the kids get older the only family time together. 
'If you want to bribe her  There's always vacation to amusement parks, ect 

RedhawkStepDad's picture

I'm not trying to force anything on her or replace her biological father.  That said she knows I'm trying and I respect the fact that she's becoming a woman with her own identiy.