Email war between DH & BM.... Just HAD to share!
This is for all of you that have nasty, manipulative, lying, stealing, abismal, horrible BM's....
BM sent a horrible email to DH & I guess he couldn't help but respond! This made me laugh & laugh & laugh!!
DH's reply to BM:
I can honestly say I hope you get hit by a bus or train, your legs are left hanging by a couple of tendons and then you get hit by a car. You are nothing more than a piece of shit stain on the side of a public toilet. I bet your parents wish you were a cum stain and nothing more. Must be so proud of what you've become. Spend the $ from me working overseas for 7 months on whatever, fuck your trainer and whoever else etc and then leave me with debt from the marriage. If you don't get hit by a train or bus then a plane crash burning you beyond recognition would be nice. Although that would be too good for such a piece of shit as yourself.I hope you rot
I love it!!
- Not_Having_Fun's blog
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Holy hell, she tried to set
Holy hell, she tried to set it so she would get to see him every MONTH?! Jeeeez.
You are so lucky. My DH acts
You are so lucky. My DH acts as if BM is just perfect. When she can't be bothered with SS it's because she deserves some happiness and fun with her DH.
That's ok by me but why the fuck is SS then supposed to be dumped on me. I didn't produce him. fyi - I haven't seen him but once this year so I am not letting his problems be dumped on me.
BM was a total bitch to me a few years ago. DH told me I should be more understanding and maybe see where she was coming from.
The only reason I don't kill DH is because he only talks to her maybe once every couple of years.
Ok the shit stain line
Ok the shit stain line cracked me up. All I could thing of was the line from Full Metal Jacket where R.Lee Ermy tells the recruit "looks like the best part of you ran down the crack of your mamas ass and ended up as a brown stain on the mattress"
This is too funny.
This is too funny.
Oh what we would do to be
Oh what we would do to be able to write that to BM!! He's in the middle of a nasty custody litigation so we have to refrain for now.
Lets just say BM didn't take
Lets just say BM didn't take it very well (as you can imagine) & has already started up about documenting it so she can sue him. Good luck! Her emails in the past have been just as bad. I was very surprised my DH let go like that, he speaks of her like that (just around me & others that know 'the real her') but usually just ignores her crap. Not this time though! I'm so glad DH doesn't act like BM is all good - if she were then ok but being the witch she is, I'd go insane if he was thinking she's great!
I'm sooooo keeping that & I'm going to re-read for the laugh it gives me! I'm pretty proud :-).
Love the colonoscopy comment too
The line from Full Metal Jacket is pretty darn good - might keep that one for next time!
For the record BM completely deserves that. I would honestly much prefer to actually all get along but that just isn't going to happen. Ever. She is a crazy nutcase who goes out of her way to cause problems endlessly for us & that's just a small part of her awfulness!
Sorry about the swearing too - I forgot to edit before I posted it!
Lmfao !!!!
Lmfao !!!!
I also have an illiterate BM
I also have an illiterate BM who misspells even the most basic of words!! She also loves the words "I'm documenting this" & "mark my words". Soooooo scary!!!
LMFAO about the hula hoop frenzy! That's funny as!
sistersgrimm your BM sounds
sistersgrimm your BM sounds like an utter nutcase too! Thankfully my BM gave up on being 'devastated' & using any excuse to see him but has switched from playing the violins to pure nasty. Not sure what's worse! She still throws in stuff like 'our dear daughter we have together' & crap like that but my DH just laughs in her face. She's a loser & has boyfriends for no longer than about 2 months as they soon realise what a freak she is!
Mind you SHE cheated on him, SHE left him (yes my DH was stupid enough to ask for counselling to try & save the marriage even after she cheated on him 3 times that he knows of & more that he suspects plus a lot of other stuff), SHE canceled the counselling & told him she hadn't loved him for years & never even wanted SD (oh if only!!), SHE moved out on him.... You get the picture
Holey moley,
Holey moley, hahahhahahahha!!!!!:)
Years after we had the NO
Years after we had the NO CONTACT clause added to the CO (which was the ONE item that she completely lost her shit over at the courthouse!), BM was attempting to meet with my DH "face-to-face" to discuss some concerns she had with one of the skids.
Ummmm, hello, bitch you ALREADY broke the no contact order by calling. Why not just bring up whatever concerns you have then? WHY do you think it is so important to actually be physically in the same place??
Of course, she also would never have the skids ready at pick-up time and would attempt to get DH to come into her house to wait for them. Luckily, he was smart enough to NOT do that!
OMG I read that to my DH and
OMG I read that to my DH and he cracked up and said "Maybe that's what I should do to BM the next time she threatens to take me back to court for more CS?" DO IT!!!!!!!!
I wish my DH would send
I wish my DH would send horsefaced BM that email.
BM did the same thing as yours. My DH was working in the middle east for good money and sending the money back home so she could live the easy life and the whore moved another MAN into their home!
Worthless whores.
LMAO!! your DH is the best. I
LMAO!! your DH is the best. I would love it if my DH said soemthing even remotly like this. The lines a classic....I cant stop laughing she must have been in shock reading that!!! HA HA HA!!