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Non step related irritation-again...

hismineandours's picture

Ok-I've blogged about this before I just dont know what to freaking do about it.

My dh and his pals. The excessive amounts of time he spends with these people. The fact that, they, well mostly one is over here nearly every freaking day. It seemed like it had gotten better for awhile. They were coming over more while I was at work-which I dont mind too much as long as dh still gets things accomplished, but here in the last couple of weeks it's kicked into high gear again. But then he always makes me feel like I'm overreacting.

So instance #1-I am off every other Monday-all the kids are at school-it a whole day he and I could spend alone. Awesome, right? not so much. Last Monday when I was off-both our dd and I had dental appts first thing in the morning-which we'd be back by 10 or so so we'd still have the whole day to spend. He makes a point of telling me days prior that he doesnt wish to go along with us for our dental appts. Well, ok. I guess if he doesnt feel like sitting there, I get that, it's nice to have company for me, and he complains of being bored all the time at home, but Ok-I guess its not a big deal. Well, instead when that day arrives he goes with his two friends to THEIR dr's appts that are over an hour away. He leaves before I get back and is gone all day. He tells me they asked him to go to help show them where the office was. WTF? Cant they use Mapquest? Call the office and get directions? These are two grown men that had appts-between the two of them surely they could figure it the eff out. But ok.

Instace #2 I took a sick day yesterday. Not really sick, but had been very fatigued, not sleeping well, and just feeling like I had alot to do at home, so I took one of my sick days. Slept in, got my stuff done, by noon. Dh was working on a project and quit about 2:00-so then we were talking about watching a movie together-renting one of pay per view. So I rent it. Then his friend shows up. After he told me his friend wasnt coming over. They go outside to smoke and then dh comes rushing in and tells me he is going to ride with his pal to the dentist as he has a toothache and they need to pull his tooth immediately. (Friend already had a dentist appt scheduled the next am). The same dentist he did not feel like going with me and dd to. I told him the office was closed and then he said we'll go to the er-I said, well I guess I'll see you around 10pm tonight. He knew I was pissy and ended up not going (although I'm pretty sure the friend deferred and said let's not go). I feel like he completely ditched our plans and alone time to ride along with his friend to the dentist for a toothache. Or he was going to anyway.

Instance #3-I get to have lunch at home on Wednesdays. The only day I can do so. The first time in my career I have been able to do so-I like it. Alot. It's a luxury for me. I've had this issue before with him having guests in the house at this time. One time he had another woman he barely knew cooking up a meal in my kitchen. I went to my office and sat alone for an hour instead. Today, he once again has his pals over there. They are helping him with a project. Great, Im glad he has some help. But really-they have to help on the one day, during the 45 minute span I'm home? Couldnt they come later? Couldnt they come tomorrow? couldnt you have just done it yourself? So once again I am sitting alone in my office as I dont feel like hanging out with dh's pals during my lunch. He's ok with me sitting by myself here while he hangs out with his pals.

So far this week (starting with Monday)-he has had guests over every single day. Each time when I was home or supposed to be at home-not during the many hours I'm at work-but no, when I am home. Despite the fact that none of them work and can arrange their visits during teh otehr 40 hours a week I'm not present-which I've already said I'm fine with. The one friend likes to come over at 9pm or so when all my kids are trying to get ready for bed and go to sleep. I dont know if they will be over tomorrow-but I do know we will also be seeing friend on Friday as we already made plans with him to go out. Every freaking day, people. Dh will do the most mundane things with these guys-ride along to go to the bank, dr., help them clean our their garage, whatever-but when I want him to go somewhere he doesnt feel like going. This weekend, main friend was out of town-we had my dd's christmas program to go to and my other dd's basketball game. Dh complained about attending both events. Didnt want to go. (although he always ends up enjoying himself)-however i have NEVER heard him complain about being asked to go to the dr., dentist, take the trash off, go the store, etc with these guys. Last night i actually asked him if he was gay. I feel like he is getting all of his social, emotional, companionship needs met by these guys and he really just needs nor wants anything else at this point from me except sex.

am I overreacting? And how can i get him to respect my boundaries? I've given up on him getting some of his own-but I feel like he needs to at least respect mine.


hismineandours's picture

Exactly my thoughts. Although this is nondrinking fraternity. All these guys are clean and sober-they are not partying and all that. It's part of the reason I feel bad sometimes-it's not like they are doing anything bad, in fact, they do work on the house sometimes (although there are other times they distract dh from doing stuff at the house). I jsut kinda feel like he is having an emotional affair with these guys. Ick.

ecgirl's picture

If my FDH did that I would lose my shit!! :jawdrop: It sounds like he considers you a roommate that he has sex with somtimes. I don't think you are overreacting at all. That being said, I unfortunately have no advice for you. Sad I've never been in a situation like that.

Gabriels Mom's picture

It sounds like he is putting a lot of distance between the two of you...maybe you should see a marriage counselor....

StickAFork's picture


HMO, it sounds like he's deliberately distancing himself/avoiding time with you. Sad

I think it might be time for a heart to heart.

hismineandours's picture

I dont think he is TRYING to avoid me. Actually what I think the issue is-is that he, like my nasty MIL, has a SAVIOR complex. They've got to save someone, be a hero, blah, blah. My dh, as most of you are aware has emotional/brain/physical issues. I tend to take care of him as much as I can-so it's not often that he can be a savior or hero to me(although he is for all that hes gone through for his country-I just mean on an everyday type basis). This main buddy of his-is in worse shape than he is. My dh HELPS him-which in turn, I believe, makes my dh feel good about himself. Like helping to show where his dr's appt is, telling his buddy he needs to get to the dentist right now, cooking for them, giving him advice on finances (which is laughable-but again this guy is in worse shape than dh). I think it makes dh feel really good about himself. And I just dont need that much help. I'm a pretty competent individual, got my shit together so to speak.

LOL-about outing them to others. We actually have plans to double on Friday with one of my coworkers and his main friend. She is quite the caretaker herself and I am hoping that she will just swoop in and take care of him and keep him occupied.

I think-my dh needs therapy more than we need marital therapy. Not trying to say I'm perfect by any means, but I think most of our issues come from his issues that he needs to work out in his head. Like why he feels the need to have someone to save, why he has to go to such lengths to try and have people feel indebted or greatful to him.

Gabriels Mom's picture

My DH has PTSD as well. We deal with nightmares and sometimes it's an emotional roller coaster, but he doesn't do the kinds of things you describe. So I'm not sure what to make of that...

hismineandours's picture

I dont think his savior complex is related to his ptsd, but rather is a family trait. His bm is the same way-but again it's not really the selfless act of helping someone, it's rather to make oneself feel like a savior or martyr so everyone will feel ever so grateful and bow at their feet. My mil is much worse, but I've noticed that dh likes to "collect" those less fortunate than he is. And he will knock himself out doing things for them. IDK maybe I'm just a horrible person as I dont want to spend all my time helping random others, but put my focus more on my actual family who equally return my assistance.

He told me last night, he feels he just really "needs" his pals right now as we've went through the whole process this year of him discovering his family is shit. He no longer has any contact with any of his family of origin. So, in essence, he is trying to replace some of those ties with these pals.

amber3902's picture

"One time he had another woman he barely knew cooking up a meal in my kitchen."

WHOA - I don't want to jump to conclusions, but is it possible he's cheating on you? I know my BF would never have another woman he "barely knew" cooking in MY kitchen.

"Dh will do the most mundane things with these guys-ride along to go to the bank, dr., help them clean our their garage, whatever-but when I want him to go somewhere he doesnt feel like going."

Could it be he says he's helping his friends but in reality seeing another woman? Before you jump to defend him, think it through. Awfully weird how he didn't want to take you to the dentist but then after a quick conversation with his friend outside of your hearing, all of a sudden his friend has a toothache and he has to take him to the dentist. Seems fishy to me.

hismineandours's picture

the "other woman" was the girlfriend of one of the main friends' "adopted" sons. They were staying with the friend and dh paid them to work on our landscaping. They were hungry and brought food iwht them to cook in my kitchen. I was not comfortable with it-but I would not have been comfortable had her boyfriend been the one cooking either.

The time he was going to ride along with his friend to the dentist was different than the time he was going to come with me and dd. And he ended up not going. I have no reason to believe he's cheating on me. He never leaves the house alone-only with his friends and for the most part they are only gone a few minutes. There have been only a few occassions when they were gone more than 30 minutes or so. Typically they stay here and hang out outside all the time.

amber3902's picture

"the "other woman" was the girlfriend of one of the main friends' "adopted" sons." Okay, thanks for clearing that up.

But keep in mind - you say that he never leaves the house alone, only with his friends - that doesn't mean anything, his friends could be covering for him.

You say he's only gone for 30 minutes or so but you said in instance #1 that he took his two friends to their Dr's appts and was "gone all day".

Maybe he's not doing anything wrong, but please just keep an eye out.

StarStuff's picture

Does your DH work? Seems like he has a lot of free time on his hands and could at least use it to do chores around the house - I'm sure there are plenty of those. I would be pissed if my FDH spend free time running errands with friends, but when I was available he didn't want to hang with me or run errands with me. I think you are totally justified. This deserves a talk.

hismineandours's picture

No he's disabled. He has a mental illness and a brain injury! He's 100 per cent disabled per the military so he draws an income. His friends are other disabled vets! With brain injuries and PTSD.

He does do chores around the house. Most everyday- today he regrouted the tile floor in the bathroom, installed a new faucet in the other bathroom, fixed the toilet, made supper, and cleaned the kitchen. His pal helped him with the bathrooms. It's not really the issue of him not doing what he needs to do- its just that he seems to ditch me at times.

I really don't think he's cheating. Do you all think your dh is cheating? I imagine I know where my dh is far more than the average woman as he is typically at home. He doesn't drive due to tbi. He has been gone for the bulk of the day only a handful of times in the last yeAr. I'm talking literally 3 times maybe- the rest of the time it's 30 min here or there to the store and such. It's the fact that his pas are Here that is the problem for me.