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Omg I just made a huge boo, boo.

purpledaisies's picture

Yuck text to have dh call her. I text dh or so I thought that yuck wants him to call her. But it was to yuck. :jawdrop:
Crap. She text and said excuse me. I text back saying I thought I was talking to my mom about my bro ex. I the one that tried to burn her kids in a house fire for life insurance. She bought as she knew about what happened. Omg I need to be more careful.


Unhappy's picture

I wouldn't care if I texted DH's ex and called her double e. If she wanted to know what that meant I would tell her it stands for the evil ex. She'd get pissed but I really don't care. There's nothing she can do about it and it's not like it affects Her and DH's co-parenting seeing as how that doesn't exist.

purpledaisies's picture

No I think she does as the person I referenced to she knows her history and knows she is nuts. I have to admit my bro ex is nuttier than she is. Or should I say lacking any kind of feeling as she tried to kill her own kids for money. Yuck would never do that she is really a good mom.

RedWingsFan's picture

Just another reason I'm glad BM and I have ZERO relationship and she refuses to meet me or talk to me! LOVE IT!

Shaman29's picture

Me too. I sincerely hope nothing ever happens to DH's phone if he gets hurt. That is the only way I'd be able to contact his kid.

I don't have his kid's or Uberskank's cell info.

twopines's picture
