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SD got caught cheating in school today

Unhappy's picture

DH just told me that SD was caught cheating on her spelling test today. Apparently she had written all of the words out on a pad of paper which she had laying on her lap while she took the test. When DH talked to her about it she told him she didn't know that she was cheating.

Ok...... So if she didn't know if it was cheating why hide the pad of paper on your lap? Wouldn't you just have it out there for the whole world to see? DH thankfully didn't believe her and grounded her for the evening. My problem with this is that cheating is a big deal and who knows if she hasn't done this prior to today? Plus she lied about it when questioned.

What do you ladies think? Does the punishment fit the crime or is it to lax? I know if it were my BD she would be done for the next week of time plus much much more. Let's just say she would only do it once.


RedWingsFan's picture

One evening of grounding for CHEATING? Ummm, yeah, a bit too lax in my opinion. There would be stiff consequences if I caught my DD14 doing this. No phone, no electronics, grounded for at least a couple of weeks.

She LIED and she CHEATED. How much more serious can you get? Grounding for a few hours? Does that make sense to you?

Ask your DH this - what would've happened to HIM had he been caught cheating and lying to his parents???? Would he have simply gotten grounded for a few hours or?

Unhappy's picture

The sad thing is that yes he would have probably gotten grounded for a few hours if he even was punished for it. But regardless of that it has been proven time and time again with SD that if the punishment is to lax she just does it again and again and it usually gets more extreme each time until DH finally lays the law down with her. I'll chat with him when I get home. I'm still at work at the moment.

newbiemommy's picture

HA HA. My SD got caught stealing in school today. Awesome! Right!? Cheating, stealing. Great... So this is NOT even close to the first time my SD did this, and every time she gets in trouble she says, "Blah blah told me to do this, or take that, ect ect." SO falls for it every time. So when he told me what she did and why, I said "Wow that excuse is getting pretty worn out." This is the 3rd school she has used the SAME excuse for the same behaviors.