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Thanks to Lynn123, I'm thinking of...

RedWingsFan's picture

Going to bartending school! There's one here in Denver that only charges $170 for 2 full weekend sets of classes (2 Saturdays and Sundays from 10-6) and you're certified at the end.

With BM going after more CS, court fees, mediation fees, both of us having older trucks that may need repairs, saving up to move out of Colorado and other expenses that creep up - I think that it would be best that I had a backup plan.

DH isn't happy about it because it obviously means less time for us and he really can't fathom the idea of me working two jobs. I did it when I was married to my first ex while he went to college, I can do it again. DH says, "well, when you worked 2 jobs back then, you were much younger and your knees weren't bad". Ok, I get that but sometimes you just have to suck it up and deal with it right? Isn't that what vicodin and wine is for?

So, I plan to talk to him tonight. I know he's going to balk but I can always say that I just want to take the course and become certified, even if I never end up taking a 2nd job. PLUS, when we DO decide to make the move to Virginia, I'll also have that skill to fall back on for extra income to get us settled in a new place. He's pretty determined to move so I know the more money we have to get us there quicker will be a good advantage for me.

Anyhow, I want to thank Lynn123 for giving me the inspiration to go after something I've always wanted to do. And when (if) I ever take a bartending job - you're the person I'm dedicating my very first drink to!



not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Woah! I didn't know it only took two classes! Dang. And only for $170. Talk about a return on investment. You know what, maybe I'll go look for one here too. I'm always up for an extra skill that can make quick cash on the side. Besides, I really shouldn't waste my 20's not using my physical attributes to my advantage aka higher tips.

I'm currently going to acupuncture school but that's another two years... after I pop out the peanut, maybe I'll try the bar tending gig to make some quick cash on the weekends while I finish up school.

Thanks for the inspiration gals!

And who cares what DH thinks--independence is always good.

RedWingsFan's picture

It's actually 4 classes (or you can take a week or a 2 week, just the hours are broken up differntly). Since I work full time, M-F, I will choose the 2 weekend classes. Long classes, 10-6 on 2 Saturdays and 2 Sundays but hell, if I can become certified, it's worth it!

I'm deathly afraid of needles so I couldn't imagine acupuncture school. I used to be a veterinary assistant and had to use a lot of needles on animals, which didn't bother me, but people? Yeah, no way! LOL

I think DH is mostly worried because when *I* drink, I get all flirty and lovey. I wouldn't be drinking behind the bar and I know a lot of bartenders get fired for drinking on the job. I wouldn't WANT to drink anyway. If someone buys me a shot, I'd have to just decline...

RedWingsFan's picture

Well, I'm 40 but still look in my early 30's (thank GOD) with a huge rack (yeah, had to put that out there) and blonde hair so I might as well do it while I still have my looks right? I figure if I start now, I'll have a good 3-4 yrs to make the most of it. Smile

Lalena75's picture

Huh well I do have two coworkers who part time waitress at a local big time strip club maybe bartending there would be cool for me I know so many people who do or have worked there and I wouldn't mind the owner as an investor on a club I'd want to own/run, but it's so off from my norm.

anabihibik's picture

I'd take the classes with you if I'm not giving birth when you're taking them. I wonder if I'd make more bartending or moonlighting at a surgery center after hours on call.

RedWingsFan's picture

That would be awesome! I guess it depends on a couple things - which bar you work at and what you do at a surgery center????

anabihibik's picture

I'm a critical care nurse. We aren't cheap. I like to try random jobs to see what its like. I'm not really a big drinker and I bet two sips of something could get me tipsy after this long being dry, but nursing has made me pretty good at talking to crazy people in person.

RedWingsFan's picture

Got ya. Well, the good thing about bartending is YOU'RE not the one drinking! LOL

Critical care nurse - wow. What a selfless and dedicated profession. Congratulations on that. Smile

whatwasithinkin's picture

Cool soon Ill be able to drink for free in any state I travel too. And since I only travel with my DH each one of you can give him your two cents

boogeymom's picture

Wait......You're "RedWingsFan" and you live in DENVER? Booooooooo!!!!!!!!

RedWingsFan's picture

Yes, yes - I'm a transplant. I grew up in Detroit and have lived in 11 states. I'm currently in Denver and yes, I get the snarky comments, the nasty stares and the occasional HIGH FIVE for wearing my Red Wings gear to the Avs games. I LOVE IT! Smile }:)

GO RED WINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

boogeymom's picture


RedWingsFan's picture

I wish I was still young but I figure I have decent looks, so might as well do it now and get it out of my system! Smile

RedWingsFan's picture

I'm thinking of the bartending school on Evans Ave. And since I get paid next Friday (my DD's 15th birthday!) I may sign up for the 2 weekend classes and start the 23rd of this month.

I'm totally serious about it. I'm gonna do it! Would love to have a buddy to go with me!