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Update: Convo with FDH Regarding My Email

Anne Boleyn's picture

Well, I need a lot more time to process what just went down, I'm exhausted and I need to pack.So I can't give you the full story yet but since you lovely ladies have been SO kind to help me many times and were my full-on advisors and editors today, I thought you might want/deserve a little follow-up. Highlights as follows:
- FDH called on his way to pick up his kids.
- It went from pleasant to me screaming at him a few times due to his idiotic remarks that tell me he is just not getting it fully.
- I hung up on him twice (not mature, I know. But I lost it)
- He was calm the whole time
- He says he is trying hard to make sure I am recognized as the most important woman in his life and recognizes that he's failing.
- I told him that BM is not allowed in our home until he grows an 'effing spine and I see how this works when he has finally established boundaries.
- He thinks he needs to "point out to BM what she's doing wrong in our home because she probably doesn't realize her behavior is a problem".
- Um no. She's not coming over so that's that. YOU, FDH, need to realize what YOU are doing wrong.
- BM has been asking him for a month to "save his moving boxes" and he never told me this. He apparently just expected that I would hand them over because she needs them. He's struggling with not giving her something we have that she could use "for his kids"
- I told him that she was no where to be found when *I* was packing our house and the kids's rooms and never would even begin to do that "for the kids".
- I totally freaked out and said "WHY IS IT OK FOR HER TO BE HELPLESS, YET I CAN HANDLE THIS, EVEN AFTER SURGERY??? This woke him up a bit. He said "OMG. Good point."
- It turns out that she has also been hinting that she needs his help moving (taking apart beds etc). He said he told her to ask her boyfriend. She said her BF isn't handy and is "just like my dad". He says he told her to find another way because he's not it.
- I told him that I could give a crap how handy her boyfriend is and if I find out that he so much as lifts a pinky finger to help her move, he will also be moving to a different home and I absolutely will not tolerate it. He said he understands and that I am right.
- He found out today that BM is not moving in with her boyfriend now. She's moving to a low income apartment complex.(big topic here on many levels for further discussion when I have time.)
- "She's still moving, just not in with her BF", he says.
- I say, "Withouta single one of my moving boxes. I will BURN them in the effing yard in front of all our new neighbors before that lazy bitch gets one ounce of help from me. I can find boxes, so can she. She is not entitled to anything of mine, she treats me like crap and it's coming back her way."
- He says he will tell her that he doesn't have any to give her if she asks again.

I could go on. He soooo doesn't get this. And he really feels like he's trying hard. And he wants to keep trying. But fundamentally, he hasn't woken up adn just doesn't understand what boundaries are needed and why. But he DOES understand that I refuse to keep this shit up. I don't think it's ever been any louder or clearer than what was written and spoken today.


Thank you so very much for all the support. I needed you and you were there.

More to come.


PS. I almost called BM, "BM" on the phone with him. Had to catch the step-talk. LOL

PPS. I think I am going to let him come home to find me asleep with nothing new packed. I am helpless today. I am tired. He can rise to the occasion.


imjustthemaid's picture

This reminds me of years ago when DH and I first got married. BM was caught cheating on her bf so he kicked her out. DH owns a trucking company-NOT a moving company. BM calls crying that she needs him to help her move and to send a bunch of his guys over asap. Luckily he said no but the fact she asked makes me believe he has helped her with this in the past. Then BM's mother calls insisting that DH help her move and that she needs help and he has to do it. Why? DH had full custody of SD. It was not SD's house!! I told him if he sends any of his trucks or guys to her house then he can move in with her. Why are these men so freakin stupid!!

oneoffour's picture

Anne, sometimes too many words just confuse men into stupidity. They dig deeper and deeper holes for themselves as they try to work things out. I would put it like this for him ... She is your ex for a reason. Either you are with her or with me. If you are with her, I wish you well with your life and goodbye. If you are with me then your world will become better than your wettest dream. Using 'for the kids' is emotional blackmail. Women are very good at that. Lots of women do it.

I think he is trying to co-parent. The problem is he is trying to co-parent his ex wife as well. He has some weird notion that as she is the mother of his children he still is somewhat responsible for her. Personally I would not offer up ANY details for Birthday season. It will be 'business as usual". No details. if she asks "We already have plans." "What are they?" " Just plans...bye."

Anne Boleyn's picture

I explained that she gets no birthday details. He agreed to it.

You nailed the co parenting thing. Dead on.

Mrs. Why's picture

It's exhausting, the parenting the ex wife while the current wife is expected to be super woman!!! This went on for soooooo long, I actually asked DH if he was her daddy, or she just saw it that way. Lol.

HadEnoughx5's picture

((((HUGS)))) Anne Smile You've had a tough time and have done great.

I flipped out on DH over hangers once. This story might make you feel better and hopefully give you a giggle.

Swamp Hole emailed DH and asked him to send any extra wire hangers her way. First time I heard this, I was mad. DH would collect his wire hangers from the dry cleaners and pack them in the skids bags when they went back to Swamp Hole.

Then DH a few months later tells me Swamp Hole was looking for more hangers and she said "I swear the kids eat them, lol". I was pissed off. I told DH that Swamp Hole acts all sweet and lovey to you in an email, but will play PASing games and ream you a new asshole in court!"

I told DH he was to not pack one more hanger in their bags. Swamp Hole collects 83k, tax free each year. If she is so damn poor as she claims...GET A FUCKING JOB!!! Go to the dollar store or Walmart and get them real cheap.

I think if our situations were with civil people it wouldn't be a problem, but these assholes are ridiculous!

Anne Boleyn's picture

Wow. I'm sure it was for the kids. Smile

BM is at 48k tax free. And she can't drive around get free boxes like I can, apparently.

Did you have a "no wire hangers!!" moment like Faye Dunaway??

Mrs. Why's picture

LMAO at no wire hangers!!!! Anne.... You're doing the right thing by standing your ground. I think u should, grab a glass of wine, put on a movie, and fall asleep..... Get some rest. Let him deal with what's left. The same amount of energy he is placing elsewhere, should be placed in his own home. You don't have to compensate so he can help "others."

HadEnoughx5's picture

What movie is that? I would like to see it.

I don't like wire hangers, lol. But I did tell DH I would rather recycle back to the dry cleaners than give that Swamp Hole anything!

HadEnoughx5's picture


Cocoa's picture

i think he just needs to be very clear to bm that he is not part of her support system any longer. he just has not done this. telling her he doesn't have boxes to give her would be a good time for him to tell her to not ask him for anything anymore, that he is there to support his children on a personal level, but will no longer entertain favors for her. she'll be pissed if he's lead her to believe he's there for her, but will get over it and move on with a more business-like approach to him and on with her own life (hopefully) without all the special requests.

oldone's picture

My DH wants to be the savior of thw world. His favorite phrase is "What can I do to help".

He really is a nice, caring individual - BUT and there is a big but I do not want any of MY resources going to help BM or SS. Fuck them.

luchay's picture

Oh yeah, mine is the same. He will help ANYONE who needs it, is it just who he is, and I do love him for it.

When BM was moving last year he mentioned that he was going to offer to help her pack and dismantle/reassemble furniture etc.

Oh HELL no you are NOT my love.

But "it's for the kids"

NO. I asked if he thought it would be appropriate for MY ex to come and move our stuff and help us etc "for the kids" and he was like "NO WAY.... oh... ok. I won't help then..."

Anne Boleyn's picture

Wait,what??!! Did he actually bring her the pillow and blanket or did you smother him with them?

RedWingsFan's picture

Wow - just wow. I'd have a serious issue with this.

Time to cut the strings between him and BM...

Anne Boleyn's picture

I almost wrote on a moving box "SD11 Room" the other day. Cracked myself up.
