Choosing to Stay
Some of you who have read my previous posts know that my wife and I were contemplating divorce. Well we've been to a few marriage counseling sessions and we've decided to try and work things out. Thanks to those of you who gave good advice and encouragement. Hopefully now that we finally don't have any SKIDs living with us and have the house to ourselves, we can focus on loving each other and reconnecting.
- frustratedstepdad's blog
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It was no easy task, and it
It was no easy task, and it took about 3 years for us to reach this point. Luckily all of the SKIDS are in their 20's so that makes it easier. It was 3 years of hell and caused a lot of damage to our marriage. We both realize now how stress-free our house is when we don't have to deal with constant SKID drama.