What are some of the stupidest things your SO/DH have done while with BM???
I am just dumbfounded by some of the things SO believed or did while married to BM. Some of her lies and BS that he just bought no questions asked. My SO is a very strong type he is a supervisor of 30 people who literally fear him. He gets the job done and they all respect him. But it was like he turned into this weak ass punk once he got home.
He isn't like that with me too much. I can get my way sometimes but he really stands his ground on what he believes in. He said that he felt like a fog lifted out of his brain once BM left and he could see and think straight. But man oh man that dumb bitch made the biggest mistake of her life leaving him. She had him trained!!!
So anyways I was talking with sis-in-law (married to SO's brother) this past weekend. She was telling me the story of BM and SO when they first got together. BM was pregnant with another married man's baby. She got together with SO and he talked her out of having an abortion. He was also there when the baby was born and he allowed BM to put his name on the birth certificate!! :jawdrop: :jawdrop:
I just can't believe it. They broke up and got back together after a few years meanwhile she continued her affair with married man who demanded his name be on the birth certificate. Then they got back together and got married and he raised the child like his own :? :? So much craziness I can't even wrap my head around it!!!
I just can't even imagine that he is the same person because he is so different now. It is mind boggling :O
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Uberskanks' SF and two older
Uberskanks' SF and two older brothers flat out told DH not to marry her, that he was making a mistake.
Gee.....think he should have listened to them?
Stupidest thing he did with
Stupidest thing he did with the BMS? He fucked them
Again, I wish there was a
Again, I wish there was a "like" button for comments on this blog.
Love it, Peanut!
Evil Stink Wagon divorced dh,
Evil Stink Wagon divorced dh, whored around for a year, and then decided it "was in the best interest of the child" that they reconcile. And he actually took her back. They lived together again for another year, and then she left him again. How many times do you need to get kicked in the balls before you draw the line? It just baffles me how effing stupid he is sometimes.
Dropped out of college to
Dropped out of college to marry her.
Procreated not once but twice, both times "accidentally."
Yeah, he kicks himself in the ass every day.
Poor thing! She apparently
Poor thing! She apparently tripped and fell on his dick.
Accident. Ppppppffffffhhhhhhtttttt.
Stuck his wiener in it.
Stuck his wiener in it.
^^^This and then married it
^^^This and then married it
^^YUP^^ for a whopping 6
^^YUP^^ for a whopping 6 months. Biggest mistake ever.
My DH was married to BM for
My DH was married to BM for more than 14 yrs. Only because she got pregnant and his parents basically pushed him to "do the right thing". Hell, he stayed FAR too long after catching her cheating about 6-7 yrs in...I'm just thanking GOD he got snipped after stepdevil was born.
DH "did the right thing" as
DH "did the right thing" as well. And I can't tell you how many times he has said to me "so much for doing the right thing it's like a life sentence". Luckily, he wised up quickly when she decided she didn't have to be an active part of Adult Society once she popped out a kid. If there is one thing DH WILL NOT stand for... it's laziness.
Funny, BM is the same way.
Funny, BM is the same way. Very anti social. DH was FLOORED when she showed up at stepdevil's awards thing because she's so anti social. Of course, she didn't say a word to ANYONE at all.
He said she never wanted to go out to dinner, movies, nothing. She'd rather laze around the house. And since she didn't work for their entire marriage, you'd think he'd have clean clothes, a clean house and dinner waiting for him after work? Nada. Crazy that he stayed as long as he did. Oh and she was lousy in bed and never wanted to have sex anyway. Again, crazy he stayed so long! Oh, because it was "the right thing".
I asked FIL if he truly believed now that it was the "right thing" for DH to marry BM and raise the child from Hades? NO, was the answer.
I can clearly remember, about
I can clearly remember, about 3 months after DH and BM married. We had a "Christmas Party" For the managers in our department. We just went to a restaurant and everyone brought their spouses. Well, DH showed up alone. I asked him where his wife was and his response was "at home, on the couch... where she ALWAYS is". Yeah... he was not happy for even one DAY in that marriage. The "right thing". Nah... the "guilty" thing is more like it.
His grandfather used to tell him "you did the right thing, you had to marry her she has your baby". When DH left her his Grandfather told him to go back, that he has to stay for SS. DH refused. After DH and I dated a while, I went to meet the grandparents, he met and fell in love with me
(WELL after the split up of course) and his grandfather TOTALLY changed his tune. "I never did like her, she was lazy and trashy, she was no good for you". I asked him why he changed his attitude about it. (we were very vlose, grandpa and I) and he told me that he had so many issues with MIL's mom after he divorced her, that he didn't want to see DH go through the same thing. He changed his mind when he got to know me, because I am a "strong smart and caring woman, that will make sure DH doesn't get screwed over like he did". I loved that man. 
at home, on the couch...
at home, on the couch... where she ALWAYS is"
DH said he said those words a LOT while married to BM.
And bonus, his entire family ADORE me! Especially his dad, who told DH he HAD to marry BM because she was carrying his child. He calls her the "mega bitch" and me the "best thing that could've ever happened to my son".
Sounds just like DH's
Sounds just like DH's grandfather talking about me. He passed away in August. DH's StepGramma and I are still very close, she called me the other day just to tell me how much Grandpa adored me. I guess she came across a picture of Grandpa and I. My heart breaks, I miss him so.
Awwww, I'm sorry honey. I
Awwww, I'm sorry honey. I know when grandpa goes, I'm gonna feel the same. He's the only grandfather I've ever had. Both of my bio grandpas were deceased before I was born. He's been married to grandma for over 65 yrs. They're the cutest little couple ever.
Red BM was the same way too.
Red BM was the same way too. Never worked and never did anything around the house. Except obsessively clean when she was on an OCD kick. She never wanted to go out or do anything either. She ALWAYS wanted to have sex though he said he hated it because he knew she had cheated and it turned his stomach to have sex with her. Her reasons for cheating was that she wanted to prove to him that she was desirable and sexy :? :?
OH, yeah... BM here always
OH, yeah... BM here always wanted to have sex too but DH just wouldn't. He suspected she had been cheating (and he was right) and she was just not attractive to him anymore. I actually HEARD them talk about this after they split. They were fighting on the phone and BM says "I actually GET to have SEX now". He responded with "Ew, you got someone to sleep with THAT?" Followed up with an "an please, like you weren't sleeping with the whole town anyways, you whore".
Opposite of DH's ex - she
Opposite of DH's ex - she never cleaned and he said she's a borderline hoarder. And she never wanted sex but oh did she love cheating on him with a 21 yr old!
Now that just sounds like my
Now that just sounds like my MIL :sick: :sick: :sick:
Didn't stick someone else's
Didn't stick someone else's wiener in her.
^^After seeing BM at the
^^After seeing BM at the stepdevil's awards thing last month, I asked DH "Did she ALWAYS look that hideous or has time just been cruel to her?" And he said, "Time has not been her friend, but neither has the drinking, smoking and whoring around either". LMFAO
LOL apparently drinking
LOL apparently drinking wasn't so kind to our DH's also. I mean how long do beer goggles last for? Because their hangover's an eternity.
Beer goggles, lmao. Yep,
Beer goggles, lmao. Yep, beer goggles are dangerous things.
DH says BM was cute back in
DH says BM was cute back in the day. And now she "looks like she's been pulled through a knothole backwards". Seriously, one of the most Unattractive people that I know. Not to be completely superficial, but she just doesn't take care of herself. All of the years of smoking and drugs are catching up to her. She is NASTY.
SO said the same thing about
SO said the same thing about BM. She was decent looking and really tiny short and thin. Now she is old and haggard looking and super skinny when you are all wrinkly is not a good look!! I have always taken good care of my skin and BM and I are the same age. I can't get over how wrinkly her face is she looks a good 10-15 years older than me!!
I am actually almost 2 years
I am actually almost 2 years older than BM, but look about 10 years younger. She also was short and tiny, she is still short. LOL. And she isn't overweight ANYMORE, but with all of her lose skin, nothing is where it is supposed to be
GAG Lol whenever SO has to
GAG :sick: Lol whenever SO has to see her he comes back saying how gross she looks. I always tease him that he used to share a bed with that every night!! He gets mad at me }:) He has no comeback either. As much as I hate to say it but my ex-husband is hot. He has really aged well men usually do though.
My ExH is good looking. I
My ExH is good looking. I wouldn't say HOT. He was much better looking as a younger man. He is balding and getting fat. My DH however, is getting better looking every day
I told DH that he used to share a bed with BM once, he told me "we shared a mattress... we slept under separate blankets and sheets. Strange... right?
Didn't pay his taxes one
Didn't pay his taxes one year. Bought BM an SUV instead. Fast forward 7 years and his tax debt is still not paid, about quadruple what it originally was with penalties and interest. IDIOT
Darkstar, go buy yourself a
Darkstar, go buy yourself a little something nice, every month until he pays it off. I believe the IRS call it Stupid Tax & gifts are tax deductible so think of it as you helping him out
MY DH gave BM every check
MY DH gave BM every check every pay day and never bothered to open any mail to find out that for a year she had not been paying the mortage, and in addition to that she was cheating on him the whole time.
But I still think the stupiest thing DH did was never refiled for court with a decent Holiday schedule. So because his schedule was Wed 6pm to Saturday 6pm he ended up only having holidays that fell on his days.
Oh yeah and dumbo agreed to pay all child care, and benefits to the tune of about 1000.00 a month so he had 46% of the schedule and paid out a grand a month for 4 years because are you ready: someday the girls will know it was me that did all that for them.
Yep, because I am sure that paying for daycare will be one of the things they are most grateful for when their 35 years old.
Oh dear lord really??? Poor
Oh dear lord really??? Poor guy SO was the same way did all this extra stuff because it was for SD yeah right!!! The more he did the more they wanted and it was never appreciated.
oh my god I forgot let me go
oh my god I forgot let me go backwards. I have always wanted to do a post about this but if anyone finds it they will know it is me so Ill hide it in your notes.
This is how DH met BM
BM was 15 lived with her dad and brother mother had passed years prior. Her Dad was a drunk an abusive drunk.
DH older brother around 23 at the time lived with his wife in the house nextdoor to BM. Of course they feel bad for poor abused BM and took her in at 15. Bought her clothes, opened their home to her, fed and provided for her. She soon turned 16.
As a huge thank you to DH's brother and his wife she decided she would sleep with DH's brother (yes you read that he was a legal adult she was 16) and not only that but she would get knocked up as well.
Dh's Mommy and DH brother took care of that little "problem" and it was never to be spoken of again and hasnt.
Two years later she went after DH and as much as I cant stand his family and believe me you have no clue as to how much I cant stand this brother but anyway DH's brother came to DH and had a talk with him about the mistake he was making marrying her, it even went as far as a fist fight where DH ended up having a black eye.
So what does he do with all these red flags, yep you guessed it Married her and BREED with her...
Do I win a prize or something for this?
Yes. That's pretty effing
Yes. That's pretty effing stupid.
Yes, you win! So BM was a
Yes, you win!
So BM was a little Lolita. Now I bet she's a Rollita.
Sounds like some serious back
Sounds like some serious back woods shit right there!!
Believed this age old
Believed this age old line..
"It's totally cool, babe, I can't GET pregnant!"
And then after the first immaculate conception believed
"It's totally cool, babe, I'm on birth control."
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
Whatever BM wanted - BM got. It was true of his life until I came into it and said 'Oh HELL no is this going to happen.' Now he's standing up for himself, etc.
DH joined the multitude of
DH joined the multitude of men who made deposits into the Swamp Hole, lucky him , he came out the lottery winner of having to make CS payments and put up with her unending bullshit.
I am just still so proud I
I am just still so proud I think I won the dumbest DH award, although who ever had the blowjob/shaved head offer is a close runner....
How are they all so dumb?
DH told me once during my
DH told me once during my first pregnancy that he recognized my vitamins (prenatal) because they're the same kind that BM was taking when they first started having sex.
In her defense, he's a pretty sexy man, could totally see why someone would want to have his children.
On the other hand... if you're going to try to concieve without talking to your partner about it, and then act surprised when it doesn't work out for you in the end, you're an idiot.
Is the kid really his?
Is the kid really his?
Oh, here we go!! My DH needed
Oh, here we go!! My DH needed to be slapped sideways back in the day! Here's why he was so damned fucking stupid.
1) He married BM.
2) She only married him to have children - she told him this after SD was born.
3) After SS was born, she ran amuck - partying the night away, getting blind rotten drunk and bringing strange men home.
4) Told DH she was a lesbian and moved in with her lover - and he continued to support her.
5) She left DH with over 100,000 in debt - which took him working like a demon, 4 years to pay off.. and he still supported her..
6) Got her act together after 8 years.. moved in with her lesbian lover, arranged to get 50/50 shared custody - then demanded DH pay her child support..
7) After 12 years, now has full custody of the kids - is freaking out after 6 weeks and abusing DH - and he has FINALLY STOPPED looking out for her!
After 6 years, he has me - and it's a whole different ball game bitch - because now, you ain't gonna control him any more!
He's a sexy, sexy man - seriously - my knees go weak soon as I see him - and she's now spewing BIG TIME that she can't have him be there for her any more - and is turning into Lucifer's wife - but I'm a psycho bitch and I can out do her any time in any manipulative games she tries to play.. fucking bring it on ya skank!
BM, you've met your match!
BM, you've met your match! Bring it
Let's see.... 1. Stayed with
Let's see....
1. Stayed with her even after finding a calendar with other guys' initials in it. She was keeping track of who she slept with on which days. Sometimes more than one a day. She was 15/16 at the time. :sick:
2. Stayed with her even after she stole her BFF's checkbook and wrote fraudulent checks - and was caught for it.
3. Let her manipulate him into not getting DNA tests done on either skid, even though he knew she was a hosebag.
4. Stayed with her even after she got him to sign something stating that she was renting his place and he was not living there....and she had child support papers served on him while he was already solely supporting her and skids!
5. Kept getting back together with her, even after numerous breakups and each of them kicking the other one out repeatedly.
6. Believed her lies long after she was proven to be a liar. When I met him, he was convinced that he had no rights to his own kids because they were never married. :jawdrop: